
Brendan O'Neill

Even offensive speech must trump feelings

Brendan O'Neill
A police officer stands next to a city bus burning in Malmo on April 16 after rioting in response to a demonstration by Rasmus Paludan, leader of the Danish right-wing extremist party Tight Course. Picture: AFP
A police officer stands next to a city bus burning in Malmo on April 16 after rioting in response to a demonstration by Rasmus Paludan, leader of the Danish right-wing extremist party Tight Course. Picture: AFP

Right now, in Europe, mobs of people are rioting. They’re hurling rocks at police officers and setting fire to cars. Several cities have been shaken to their core by this riotous fury. A police chief says they are the most violent street disturbances he has known.

Worse, this is an entirely regressive riot. It is not an angry uprising for democracy or liberty but its polar opposite – it’s a screech of religious rage against the expression of certain “blasphemous” ideas; it’s a fiery effort to suppress “offensive” speech. Some of the worst riots in a country’s living memory, all to the end of defending archaic religious beliefs from challenge or criticism – why aren’t we talking about this?

This is happening in Sweden. It has been happening for four days now. Last Friday there were riots in the city of Orebro. The violence spread to the city of Norrkoping, which is about 160km southwest of Stockholm, and to Linkoping. Then there was street violence in a Stockholm suburb, Rinkeby. On Saturday violence rocked the southern city of Malmo. In some cities the violence continued on Sunday and Monday. Scores of police officers have been injured and dozens of rioters arrested.

According to the BBC, Sweden’s national police chief, Anders Thornberg, says he has “never seen such violent riots”. He says the rioters “tried to kill police officers”.

Police vans on fire in rioting in Orebro on April 15. Picture: AFP
Police vans on fire in rioting in Orebro on April 15. Picture: AFP

The spark for all this? Blasphemy. Specifically, blasphemy carried out by a far-right Danish-Swedish politician by the name of Rasmus Paludan. Paludan leads an anti-immigration, anti-Islam outfit called Stram Kurs (Hard Line). He has a penchant for burning copies of the Koran. And he has been doing it in Sweden in recent days, travelling from city to city to take part in anti-Islam rallies that involve desecrating copies of Islam’s holy book.

The rioting has tended to follow this weird Koran-burning tour by an undoubtedly bigoted politician. For example, Paludan burnt a Koran in Malmo on Saturday and violence erupted soon after. There was vast destruction, including the burning of a school. You burn our holy book, we burn your schools – is that it?

Even where there has been mainstream media coverage of the riots – apparently some of the worst riots Sweden has witnessed, remember – it has tended to obscure rather than enlighten. Euphemism abounds. The BBC refers to it as “unrest”. It labels the rioters as “counter-demonstrators”, imbuing them, whether intentionally or not, with a political legitimacy they surely do not deserve. Much of the coverage gives the impression that the true cause of the violence is Paludan, which is incredibly infantilising of the rioters. Paludan may well hold repugnant beliefs, but he has not thrown missiles at the police or set fire to cars or smashed shop and school windows. That has been done by the people who take umbrage at his speech, who feel alarmed by his blather.

These people – mostly Muslims – are not children, however much the paternalism and pity that motor identity politics might try to convince us otherwise. No, they made a decision to use physical force in response to speech. They are not “counter-demonstrators”; they’re rioters, and they are using fire and fury to try to force out of the public sphere speech they find offensive.

Rasmus Paludan in Copenhagen in 2019. Picture: Reuters
Rasmus Paludan in Copenhagen in 2019. Picture: Reuters

To be clear, Paludan’s public expressions are offensive. He wants to outlaw Islam in Denmark. That’s an idea I find deeply offensive, given it would represent a grotesque assault on freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. He wants to deport all Muslims from Denmark, which is flat-out racist. And I understand why Muslims feel rattled by his ridiculing of the Koran. At rallies in recent years he has thrown it in the air, stomped it into the ground, burnt it. Is this necessary? Can’t one criticise Islam without making a big show of destroying its texts and symbols? I have criticisms of the Catholic faith I was raised in, but I’m not about to go into a public square and behead a statuette of the Blessed Virgin.

Yet there is a point of principle that soars above all of this. Above Paludan’s vulgarity and the question of whether he should say the things he says; above the fact some people view the Koran, as the BBC sympathetically says in its report on the Swedish riots, as “the sacred word of God” and thus consider “any intentional damage or show of disrespect towards it” as “deeply offensive”; above, fundamentally, people’s feelings and sensitivities. And that is freedom of speech. The right of every individual to say what they believe to be true, even if it upsets, outrages, disturbs. Let’s lay it on the line: Paludan’s right to desecrate the Koran must take precedence, legally and morally, over a Swedish Muslim’s right never to feel offended. This is the enlightened way. This is the path of liberty.

To their credit, the Swedish police seem to have some understanding of this point of principle. Police chiefs have said all people in Sweden must be free to “use their constitutionally protected rights” both “to express their opinion” and “to demonstrate”.

This is exactly right: Paludan and his weird minions must have the right to express their opinion that Islam is evil and those who feel offended must have the right to protest against them. And yes, burning objects counts as an expression of opinion. For decades, American warriors for freedom of speech have insisted on the right of people to burn the Stars and Stripes because, in the words of US civil libertarian Nadine Strossen, even “deeply unpopular (and) offensive” speech should be free speech. So Paludan should have the right to burn the Koran and others should have the right to say: “Don’t do this, please.”

But rioting? That’s something else entirely. This is violence deployed to the end of shushing blasphemous commentary. This is an unstable, incoherent species of Inquisition, in which a menacing message is being sent: offend my religious sensibilities, offend me, and we will visit destruction upon you. No nation that believes in liberty should cave in to such threats.

The true problem here is an unwillingness among the European intelligentsia and political class to stand up for freedom and to make it clear to all social groups that their feelings carry less moral weight than the principles of freedom. In fact, too often the elites do the opposite – they send the message that some forms of speech are so hurtful, so “erasing”, that they may be legitimately sidelined or squashed, whether it’s “transphobic” feminism, un-PC humour or mockery of Mohammed. This gives a green light to violent fury against allegedly “violent” speech.

Those riots in Sweden can be seen as a physical manifestation of woke sensibilities, of the regressive belief that certain people’s self-esteem should trump other people’s liberty to utter their ideas – a belief held as firmly by the cultural elites as by regressive religionists.

Brendan O’Neill is Spiked’s chief political writer and host of the Spiked podcast The Brendan O’Neill Show.

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