Burke’s population strategy needs nod
LATER this year the federal Minister for Sustainable Population, Tony Burke, will release his report on a sustainable population strategy.
LATER this year the federal Minister for Sustainable Population, Tony Burke, will release his report on a sustainable population strategy.
SOMETHING odd is happening inside the Australian home. The furniture is on the move.
I HAVE a brilliant idea for water management in Australia. What this dry continent needs is a way of storing and reticulating water to vast numbers of people in cities.
I HAVE had it up to here with Sydney. Sydney is the biggest. Sydney is the richest. Sydney is the prettiest. Sydney thinks it’s oh so la-de-dah.
AUSTRALIA has profoundly changed as a consequence of 60 years of Mediterranean migration.
I HAVE always been fascinated by a concept known to palaeontologists as the Cambrian explosion.
I HAVE a theory about modern-day politicians. I suspect they regularly run polls on sensitive issues.
YOU know you are middle-aged when you start to think about the ills of modern society which, to my way of thinking, are getting worse.
WHEN the first wave of baby boomers was born they had a life expectancy of 69, which wasn’t too bad considering their parents’ life expectancy was 62.
I AM puzzled by the behaviour of women. Not all, just those in the partnering phase of the life cycle. I am puzzled as to why modern women marry older men.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/bernard-salt/page/134