GPT says office tower comeback underway as investors back vision
The once staid landlord is making bigger moves in its funds arm and has reset its retail holdings with offices to follow.
The once staid landlord is making bigger moves in its funds arm and has reset its retail holdings with offices to follow.
The developer is making headway on simplifying its business and is turning to luxury units to spark returns. Investors are backing its new strategy.
The future of Australia’s tallest mixed-use skyscraper hangs in the balance as its failed project manager owes more than $100m with payments outstanding to top designers and consultants. | SEE FULL LIST OF CREDITORS
The listed property developer is upbeat on the prospects for housing markets this year, despite having projects hit hard by rising costs.
The pub group is making a push into the Sunshine State as its hospitality properties perform well.
The developer behind plans for the nation’s tallest building is trying to find a backer, despite the project management company of the $2bn Southbank skyscraper falling into administration.
Living and office heavyweight Investa is betting that big institutions will support its push into the new field.
A first joint venture by Proprium and PGIM Real Estate aims to transform the landmark building at Exchange Square as Australia’s sharemarket operator moves out.
The developer is moving to capture the expected surge in demand for housing in the Moreton Bay area.
While names like Atlassian, Canva and Afterpay are well-appreciated tech stars, the dramatic transformation of this local company has been relatively overlooked.
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