Rising construction costs hit property market
Real estate funds giant Charter Hall says the property market upswing has begun, but fewer new buildings are being built as costs soar.
Real estate funds giant Charter Hall says the property market upswing has begun, but fewer new buildings are being built as costs soar.
Property group Irongate is again making its mark with a series of lucrative industrial real estate plays.
Local firm KM Property Funds and international giant PGIM Real Estate have snapped up a prime industrial and logistics estate in the Queensland centre of Yatala.
The private company Revelop is adding to its shopping centre empire as large institutions sell down into the rising market.
Property giant Stockland is closing in on a deal in which US private equity house KKR and British funds giant M&G Real Estate will join it as partners in growing its logistics operations.
Positive fundamentals in the housing market will see volumes come back in Sydney and beaten down Victoria will stage a recovery, according to the nation’s largest residential developer.
The industrial landlord turned digital infrastructure giant’s hefty capital raising will help drive its plan to get 500 megawatts of capacity under construction by next year as earnings soar.
Tycoon Nick Andrianakos has struck another property bargain, snapping up a half interest in Melbourne’s sprawling Northland Shopping Centre, in a bet on the area’s long term prospects.
David Di Pilla’s funds empire is making a big expansion push, and a troubled hospital company is on the agenda.
Dexus has come through the worst of the downturn and says that the market for large towers is stabilising, and it can stay on track for Waterfront Brisbane.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/ben-wilmot/page/3