‘Ridiculous’ spat over confidential docs in Optus class action
Lawyers in the Slater & Gordon class action against Optus have been told to not over complicate terms around the exchange of confidential documents.
Lawyers in the Slater & Gordon class action against Optus have been told to not over complicate terms around the exchange of confidential documents.
Victorian Liberal Party members have gone to extraordinary lengths to unmask the anonymous authors of a salacious blog more than two years after it surfaced.
Ongoing court action involving vanished conwoman Melissa Caddick has seen luxury items handed over to duped investors in a bid to claw back lost money.
Houses worth millions have been put up as surety as three people in Melbourne allegedly involved in Australia’s biggest money laundering syndicate have been granted bail.
Brokers Christopher Wollermann and Stephen Lyle won’t be allowed to access years old valuations of the company they walked out on, or correspondence with clients they allegedly poached.
The consumer watchdog has accused Qantas of leaving out key details in its defence of allegations it sold tickets on already cancelled flights.
Hostile mum and dad investors seized the opportunity to deliver a scathing criticism of Alan Joyce at the airline’s annual meeting.
Military build-up and aggressive behaviour in the South China Sea is making it difficult to strike the right balance with the superpower, former Labor foreign minister Gareth Evans says.
The consulting firm says it voluntarily applied to have its company named in legal proceedings for transparency reasons.
A looming Federal Court ruling threatens the timetable of Santos’ $5.3bn Barossa development, a project hampered by a spate of legal challenges.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/angelica-snowden/page/30