‘Grave concerns’ about how property developer spent millions
A Melbourne property developer allegedly spent $6.8m of investor money on personal expenses including appearances by celebrity sport stars, the corporate watchdog has claimed.
A Melbourne property developer allegedly spent $6.8m of investor money on personal expenses including appearances by celebrity sport stars, the corporate watchdog has claimed.
The steel manufacturer is trying to have a multimillion-dollar fine handed down for cartel conduct thrown out on appeal.
Prominent ex rugby league player Peter Tunks is suing Australian broadcaster Radio 2SM for two decades worth of lost wages.
More details have been revealed in the Federal Court about the extraordinary surveillance efforts undertaken by Fortescue to spy on its former executives.
Former Monash IVF patients who may have destroyed otherwise healthy embryos due to a faulty genetic test have secured a record settlement, as the group’s bottom line was hit by the legal fight.
Visy magnate Richard Pratt’s children Anthony, Fiona and Heloise say their half siblings’ legal claim for a slice of the family fortune should not go ahead in their latest court filings.
Ex-Fortescue executives have heard that spying on their families and their ‘green iron’ start-up was part of a regular court requirement to grant raids.
Andrew Forrest’s Fortescue tried to paint former executives who started a rival business as shady actors in order to persuade a judge to allow the company to raid their homes.
Workers brought in to fix a power station battery have described inheriting a total cluster as the company gambled with using ‘the cheapest sh..’, a court has heard.
Himalee Arunatilaka must pay Priyanka Danaratna $374,000 in unpaid wages plus $169,000 in interest after failing to pay the domestic worker any regular wages between 2015 and 2018, the Federal Court has ruled.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/angelica-snowden/page/12