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Angela Shanahan

Angela Shanahan is a Canberra-based freelance journalist and mother of nine children. She has written regularly for The Australian for over 20 years, The Spectator (British and Australian editions) for over 10 years, and formerly for the Sunday Telegraph, the Sydney Morning Herald and the Canberra Times. For 15 years she was a teacher in the NSW state high school system and at the University of NSW. Her areas of interest are family policy, social affairs and religion. She was an original convener of the Thomas More Forum on faith and public life in Canberra.In 2020 she published her first book, Paul Ramsay: A Man for Others, a biography of the late hospital magnate and benefactor, who instigated the Paul Ramsay Foundation and the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation.


Easter Rudd resurrects social vision

Easter Rudd resurrects social vision

RENEWAL and hope are the great themes of Easter. For Catholics the truths of the greatest feast of the year are brought home dramatically in the Tridium, the three days of re-enactment and celebration from the Last Supper on Holy Thursday to the death of Jesus on Good Friday and finally, his resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Doomsayers on kids need to lighten up

Doomsayers on kids need to lighten up

THIS week I was returning from my post-Christmas sale shopping with my stalwart amanuensis, the youngest son, chatting about whether global warming meant it would stop raining long enough for him to use his new boogie board these holidays when the precocious infant brow suddenly furrowed.

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