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Angela Shanahan

Angela Shanahan is a Canberra-based freelance journalist and mother of nine children. She has written regularly for The Australian for over 20 years, The Spectator (British and Australian editions) for over 10 years, and formerly for the Sunday Telegraph, the Sydney Morning Herald and the Canberra Times. For 15 years she was a teacher in the NSW state high school system and at the University of NSW. Her areas of interest are family policy, social affairs and religion. She was an original convener of the Thomas More Forum on faith and public life in Canberra.In 2020 she published her first book, Paul Ramsay: A Man for Others, a biography of the late hospital magnate and benefactor, who instigated the Paul Ramsay Foundation and the Ramsay Centre for Western Civilisation.


Angela ShanahanOpinion
Parents: look to the good old days

Parents: look to the good old days

I HOPE my regular readers will not be disappointed to know that although I have managed to have nine children, and am now the hands-on grandmother of three, I have never read a baby book. In fact, I used to wonder why my American friends with grumpy babies kept mentioning Spock. Perhaps they were propping themselves up late at night in front of old episodes of Star Trek? Personally, I went for the gripe water; for the baby, that is.

Angela ShanahanOpinion
It’s wise to be wary of the pill

It’s wise to be wary of the pill

THIS week news of an important report was published in L’Osservatore Romano which, if you will excuse the painful pun, should have been a godsend to eager environmentalists. After all these people are great doomsayers and the contents of the report was the stuff of science fiction horror stories.

Angela ShanahanOpinion
Let’s focus on responsibilities

Let’s focus on responsibilities

THE other night a friend who works in a rather grim part of the world called around; at least it is grim in the sense that not everyone has enough to eat or can read or write, and the women still carry water on their heads after being sold into marriage at age 12 or thereabouts. But the scenery is great.

Angela ShanahanOpinion
Race not a factor when core melts

Race not a factor when core melts

THE night before the US election last week, I rang my American cousins in Buffalo and Niagara Falls. I combined my annual Christmas call with a bit of research about their voting intentions. I had a pretty good idea who they were likely to vote for. They are all registered Democrats and they grew up in houses with photographs of the Kennedy brothers next to the obligatory one of John XXIII, John Paul II never quite having cut it in Italian kitchen religious art. I was right.

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