Mirvac flags virus concern
Major developer Mirvac has warned the spreading coronavirus will impact the local property market.
Major developer Mirvac has warned the spreading coronavirus will impact the local property market.
Landlords providing tenants with more flexible leasing options may be the remedy to softening demand for office space.
Lawyers are circling Dexus’s new office tower in the heart of Melbourne’s central business district.
The pick up in momentum in the retail property sector in the latter half of 2019 points to a strong year ahead, JLL says.
Melbourne and Sydney house price growth slowed in January as affordability re-emerges as a concern.
Building approvals rose for the first time in 18 months in the year to December and fell less than expected in December.
After 25 years, Tamarama couple Fred Balboni, 60, and Geoff Collins, 56, have decided to leave wonderland.
Affordability and urban sprawl are making a big house with a big yard more elusive than ever.
More homes were auctioned in the final three months of last year than in any of the previous four quarters.
Super-sized apartments with three or more bedrooms are making a comeback.
Original URL: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/author/Mackenzie-Scott/page/150