

This was published 8 years ago

RNC: Donald Trump, with no Republican clothes, is emperor of all he surveys

By Paul McGeough

Cleveland: If there's the touch of a noir fairy tale in Donald Trump capturing the 2016 GOP presidential nomination, then an extraordinary challenge to Republicans by Ted Cruz on Wednesday evening cast the Texas senator as the child who cries out in Hans Christian Andersen's The Emperor's New Clothes: "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"

For a convention that has lurched from crisis to crisis it would have been difficult to pick a moment that was head-and-shoulders above all others for cringeworthiness, but Cruz is a loner who has never seen a mountain that he didn't want to climb so, pun unintended, it was Cruz who trumped all others.

Obviously there's a bit of history here: Cruz, himself an aspiring presidential nominee, was chewed up by the Trump machine during the slugfest of the primaries; amidst the most appalling insults and name-calling, which were best encapsulated in Trump repeatedly deriding Cruz as "Lyin' Ted".

When Cruz emerged on stage at the Quicken Loans Arena in downtown Cleveland on Wednesday evening, he was speaking in code, more than he might have been lying; and in that, his message was more important than the words that he actually uttered.

Massachusetts delegate Jimmy Davidson poses dressed as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Massachusetts delegate Jimmy Davidson poses dressed as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.Credit: AP

Here's a translation: "The Republican Party has been conned hugely; Trump is a fraud who is not really a Republican and does not represent core GOP beliefs. He'll lose this election - and I want you to remember that it was me who told you that, because when he does go down in a screaming heap, you will have to purge the party of all the idiots who backed Trump, especially those who want to run for president in the future – oh, and by the way, I will be a candidate in 2020."

For Trump, it was humiliation. For Cruz, take your pick – daredevil or suicidal – but whichever of these it was, it was in gob-smacking proportions.

The convention, which Trump insisted would be under his control because all past conventions had been so dismal, was already coming apart at the seams – not that you would know it from Trump's commentary.


And here we need to insert a caveat that hangs over this entire campaign – because we live in strange and stressed times, this is not your father's election and reporters and analysts are confronted constantly by a sense that old verities have become meaningless.

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, air kisses his running mate  Mike Pence after Pence's acceptance speech on Wednesday.

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump, air kisses his running mate Mike Pence after Pence's acceptance speech on Wednesday.Credit: AP

Here's what I mean. Hours before the Cruz meltdown on Wednesday, Trump did an interview with The New York Times, in which he was asked a straight up-and-down question that any reporter would ask any nominee at that point in any convention.

NYT: "What do you think people will take away from this convention? What are you hoping [for]?"

Senator Ted Cruz addresses the delegates at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Wednesday.

Senator Ted Cruz addresses the delegates at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Wednesday.Credit: AP

TRUMP: "From the convention, the fact that I'm very well liked. Look, I got more votes than anybody in the history of the Republican Party … almost 14 million votes. I got 37 states. [Ohio Governor John] Kasich has one. As an example, Ted [Cruz] had, you know, not many … And when you are in that hall and you see those people, like yesterday, my daughter called up, she said, 'Dad, I've never seen it - it's total love'."

Me, me, me … The question was a no-brainer, but Trump couldn't even get to hoping that voters might hear that indeed he could make America great again.

A delegate wears a hat with a campaign sticker for Donald Trump.

A delegate wears a hat with a campaign sticker for Donald Trump.Credit: Bloomberg

That's authoritarian, and it's really, really scary.

Charles Murray, Conservative scholar, American Enterprise Institute

Seemingly lost on the candidate was that in just a few days, the Democratic Party would be cranking up its convention machine; that he might have expressed views on the strength or weakness, and/or the acceptance or rejection of policies; ditto party unity; or, which was utterly missing in his answer to the Times, an acknowledgement that the primaries, an intra-party beauty contest, were over and that he now faced a gruelling, three-month-long campaign that might require more than a dozen tweets a day. (Note to readers: See caveat above.)

Casting Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as Lucifer, obsessive chants of "Lock her up!"; that she should be "left hanging from a tree"; or, as suggested by one of Trump's advisers, that Clinton be put before a firing squad, might appeal to the party base, which already is onside. But it will be a few days before the first post-convention polls shed any light on the reaction of undecided voters.

A delegate wears a Trump cape on the third day of the convention.

A delegate wears a Trump cape on the third day of the convention.Credit: Bloomberg

On average, GOP candidates get a post-convention polls bounce of about five per cent – in 2012, the much-maligned Mitt Romney got nothing.

Conservative commentator Philip Klein tweeted his frustration as the convention unfolded: "If the point of a convention is to unify the party and reach out to broader electorate, [this convention has] been an unmitigated disaster so far."

As the convention got under way on Thursday, there was much head scratching among pundits because:

  • Cruz has shredded all that remained of a sense of party unity, particularly given that many of the GOP's establishment grandees had decided to pass, as a protest against Trump as nominee;
  • The messaging was messy;
  • A Keystone Cops response by campaign officials to the disclosure that sections of first lady Michelle Obama's speech to the 2008 Democratic convention had been included in the speech given in Cleveland by Trump's wife Melania, revealed an inability to shut down a crisis. First the plagiarism was denied and then defended before it was admitted. Instead of being shut down in a single news cycle, it was allowed to play out for three cycles. (Again see caveat above.)

In talking to the Times, Trump surely was across what his vice-presidential running mate, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, would say in his acceptance speech to the convention later in the evening – a good speech that was robbed of media oxygen by Cruz's antics.

But Trump cut the ground from under him.

Doing the shepherding required of a veep, Pence sold Trump's commitment to foreign policy: "We cannot have four more years of apologising to our enemies and abandoning our friends. America needs to be strong for the world to be safe. On the world stage, Donald Trump will lead from strength. Donald Trump will rebuild our military and stand with our allies."

Ahem, not so fast.

In talking to the Times, Trump seemed ready to throw long-standing allies under the bus. Washington's security guarantees to NATO allies might not be renewed automatically, he said. Throwing much of Europe into a spin, Trump added that if Russia did attack any of the Baltic states, as president he would consider if those nations "have fulfilled their obligations to us", before deciding whether to defend them.

Memories are short. Lost on a good many Americans is the fact that they have been here before and in the end the protagonists have made little headway.

Publisher Randolph Hearst, general Douglas McArthur and businessman Ross Perot paved the way for Trump – playing with or stirring up voter insecurity on identity and sovereignty; and to varying degrees, offering themselves as hard-talking, truth-telling patriots who would teach foreign countries a lesson about American power and teach Americans how to respect law and order.

Perhaps because he's old enough to remember, 88-year-old former Democratic vice-president Walter Mondale sees Trump as today's iteration of a tradition of isolationism and cultural paranoia that he says has been a "recurrent theme" in American politics, calling for the US to "withdraw from the world, that we have only threats coming from abroad".

Trump is an amalgam of southern segregationist (think George Wallace), protectionist businessman (think Ross Perot) and more. Princeton historian Kevin Kruse is surprised only in part: "We've seen everything in Trump before, but we've never seen it all together at once."

Kruse might have added too, that we've never seen it all so turbo-charged by social media.

Trump might have run just as easily as a Democratic candidate. He demolished GOP orthodoxy and at times he comes at Clinton from the left, not the right; and in a speech in May, he observed of himself: "I'm a conservative, but at this point, who cares?"

Speaking of Trump's seeming admiration for autocrats and dictators, Charles Murray, a conservative scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, argues that Trump's autocratic tendencies place him well outside the conservative intellectual mainstream.

"The word fascist is simply thrown around too easily, and so I don't want to use that word. But part of Trumpism is the man on the white horse," Murray told the Times. "That's neither left nor right. That's authoritarian, and it's really, really scary."

Trump's own Republican colleagues diverge – for former House speaker Newt Gingrich, the candidate is Thatcher reborn; Meg Whitman, of Hewlett Packard Enterprise, is reminded of Mussolini and Hitler.

This is a context in which a Trump relationship that has garnered little attention becomes intriguing – the biggest business name to speak at the convention was multibillionaire venture capitalist and Silicon Valley dynamo Peter Thiel, allocated a prime spot on Thursday night.

An analysis in The Guardian turns to a 2009 essay called The Education of a Libertarian, in which Thiel declares that capitalism and democracy had become incompatible, arguing that since 1920, the creation of the welfare state and "the extension of the franchise to women" had made the American political system more responsive to more people – and therefore more hostile to capitalism.

In Trump, the analysis argues, Thiel has found a politician who is a disruptor-in-chief, capable of destroying the existing system to build what he believes would be a better system – one that would get beyond the sheet-anchor force of democracy and its voice for the masses.

As the GOP convention got under way on Monday, two of Washington's more respected scholars, Norman Ornstein and Thomas Mann, couldn't resist a we-told-you-so lecture for the establishment: Trumpism might have its parallels in populist, nativist movements abroad; but for them, it was also the culmination of a proud political party's steady descent into a "deeply destructive and dysfunctional state", they wrote at Vox.

"It gives us little pleasure to say we foresaw that the Republican Party was on a destructive course that could lead to such a situation.

"In April 2012, we created a major stir in the political world with a long piece in The Washington Post, called "Let's just say it: The Republicans are the problem".

"This was our money quote: The Republican Party has become an insurgent outlier in American politics - ideologically extreme; contemptuous of the inherited social and economic policy regime; scornful of compromise; unmoved by conventional understanding of facts, evidence and science; and dismissive of the legitimacy of its political opposition."

But it's more chaotic than that. Trump and Thiel might prove to be fellow travellers, but the policy gaps between Trump and his handpicked running mate Pence are so startling that it seems they hardly know each other.

When Trump said he wanted to ban all Muslims entering the US, Pence described the move as "offensive and unconstitutional", and when Trump declared there ought to be "some form of punishment" for women who have an abortion, Pence's office said: "[Pence] does not agree."

When Trump attacked US-born federal judge Gonzalo Curiel on the grounds that he was biased in his job because "he's a Mexican", Pence countered: "Every American is entitled to a fair trial and an impartial judge, but of course I think those comments were inappropriate."

Remember when Trump sang the praises of Saddam Hussein? Pence has a very different view. "Saddam Hussein was a nightmare for the Iraqi people and his execution marks the end of an era when violence against innocent men, women and children was a means to wealth and power," he said in 2006.

Trump on trade with China: "We can't continue to allow China to rape our country."

Pence on trade with China: He would soon be heading a "jobs mission to China, Indiana's [fifth] largest export partner."

Trump on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): "Another disaster ... it's a rape of our country."

Pence on the TPP: "Trade means jobs, but trade also means security. The time has come for all of us to urge the swift adoption of the Trans-Pacific Partnership."

Trump as a champion of the birther movement, which claimed incorrectly that US President Barack Obama was born in Kenya: "I have people that have been studying it and they cannot believe what they're finding."

Pence: "On that issue, I'm pretty distinctive that the President is from Hawaii."

Ordinarily it would be a stretch to believe some of the stories that these days are told straight-faced – but these are not ordinary times.

The following has been attributed to an unnamed aide to Kasich, who like Cruz fell under the Trump assault on the citadel of US politics.

Trump apparently saw something in Kasich and detente ensued – the Kasich aide took a call from Donald Trump Jnr, in which the son of the GOP nominee asked if Kasich would be interested in becoming the most powerful vice-president in history.

When Kasich's man asked how this might come to pass, the younger Trump explained, the Times reports, that his father's vice-president "would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy".

"Then what would [a President] Trump be in charge of?" the Kasich aide wondered.

"Making America great again," was Trump Jnr's casual reply.

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