

This was published 5 years ago

Trudeau and ex-aide try to return to 'sunny ways'. Is it too late?

By Ian Austen and Catherine Porter

Ottawa: His testimony was calm, measured and respectful. Whether it helped erase a taint on the leader of Canada remains to be seen.

Gerald Butts, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's close friend and former top political aide, this week tried to defuse a scandal gripping the country, denying that any improper pressure was put on the then justice minister to settle a criminal case.

Gerald Butts gave testimony to Canada's parliamentary committee on justice this week.

Gerald Butts gave testimony to Canada's parliamentary committee on justice this week.Credit: Bloomberg

In much-anticipated televised testimony before a parliamentary committee, Butts painted his interactions with the former minister and attorney-general, Jody Wilson-Raybould, on the corruption case against a large company as minimal and friendly.

And he said his two discussions with her had been aimed at carefully considering what would happen to thousands of Canadian jobs if the company were convicted.

"When 9000 people's jobs are at stake, it is a public policy problem of the highest order," Butts said. "It was our obligation to exhaustively consider options the law allows."

While no one disputed that it was the attorney-general's decision to make, he said, "it would, however, be Canadians' decision to live with".


Butts, who knows Trudeau from their days at McGill University, faced a difficult task: To change the political narrative around the controversy, rehabilitate the public image of his best friend and former boss, while not disparaging Wilson-Raybould, whose testimony suggested unsavoury political backroom tactics.

With the federal election seven months away, and Trudeau's popularity sinking, Butts' testimony was critical in re-establishing the prime minister's image as a feminist leader committed to an open, "sunny" style.


In the wake of Butts' testimony, Trudeau himself spoke directly about the controversy that has consumed the country for the past month, saying that there had been a breakdown in trust and communication but that he had done nothing wrong.

Bluntly asked by a reporter in the packed national press gallery in Ottawa if he was apologising, he said no — though indirectly.

"In regards to standing up for jobs and defending the integrity of law, I continue to say that there was no inappropriate pressure," he said.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leaves his office with then principal secretary Gerald Butts last year.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leaves his office with then principal secretary Gerald Butts last year.Credit: The Canadian Press via AP

"He did express regret about the breakdown of the relationship," said Andrew McDougall, a lecturer in political science at the University of Toronto. "Whether that was enough is another question.

"We're at the point in this story where both sides have shared their views, so he was trying to just get it behind him," he added. "Unless there's more to come, it's up to Canadians to decide who is telling the truth."

Although in some ways the accusations seem mild — no money changed hands and no laws appear to have been broken — the political wreckage from the perception of backroom dealing by the Trudeau government has been huge.

SNC-Lavalin's headquarters in Montreal, in the province of Quebec where Justin Trudeau has his parliamentary seat.

SNC-Lavalin's headquarters in Montreal, in the province of Quebec where Justin Trudeau has his parliamentary seat.Credit: Bloomberg

The picture Butts and Trudeau painted differed starkly from the one Wilson-Raybould depicted in testimony to the committee a week ago - that she had been hounded for over four months with "inappropriate pressure" and "veiled threats" to avoid a criminal conviction of the Canadian construction giant SNC-Lavalin, by letting the company pay a multimillion-dollar fine instead.

The belief, Butts said, was that a criminal conviction would have imperilled Canadian jobs by barring the company from doing government business for a decade.

Many believed Wilson-Raybould paid a heavy price for her refusal to comply - demoted to a lesser cabinet position at veterans' affairs. She abruptly resigned last month.

But Butts portrayed the situation as ordinary government operations.

He denied that staffers pressured Wilson-Raybould, saying they merely advised her to seek independent legal advice on how to apply a new law that would allow the fine.

He also denied that the justice minister had been punished, saying her new assignment was part of an ordinary cabinet reshuffle.

Over more than 2½ hours of testimony and questions, Butts kept his voice low and his tone muted and cordial. He presented himself not as the throne of political power, but the son of a coal miner who knew the price of shuttered plants and lost jobs.

His tie was askew and he wore a coal miner's pin in his lapel. He repeatedly called Wilson-Raybould a "valued colleague" and a friend.

"Gerald Butts' testimony casts the SNC-Lavalin issue in a very different light, and will likely alter Canadians' perception," said Myer Siemiatycki, a politics professor at Ryerson University in Toronto.

Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi (right) with then French president Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris in 2007.

Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi (right) with then French president Nicolas Sarkozy in Paris in 2007.Credit: AP

Others disagreed. "We need to hear more, from more people involved," said Maureen Mancuso, a political science professor at the University of Guelph.

At the centre of the crisis, which began a month ago, is SNC-Lavalin, charged in 2015 with bribing Libyan officials during the dictatorship of Muammar Gaddafi and defrauding the Libyan government.

It was Wilson-Raybould's job to either allow the prosecution to continue, or apply a new criminal law allowing the company to pay a large fine, as companies can do in similar arrangements in Britain and the United States.

In her testimony, which lasted almost four hours, she said she felt it was improper for politics to influence the case.

She described 10 meetings, 10 calls and several emails in which she had been asked to order prosecutors to use the new law to cut a deal with the company.

But Butts said that the number of interactions was minimal, compared with the 100 meetings he had attended to debate the government's purchase of the contested Trans Mountain pipeline or meetings on the NAFTA agreement.

"This, to me, begs the entire question of what constitutes pressure," Butts said. "According to the former attorney-general, 11 people made contact with her office over four months. That's two meetings and two phone calls per month."

Butts took pains throughout his testimony not to criticise Wilson-Raybould, or pick apart her version of events.

But he did cast a dinner they had last December in a very different light. She remembered having told him she wanted "everyone to stop talking to me about SNC as I had made up my mind". He said he recalled no such statement.

"There was nothing remotely negative about the exchange from my perspective," Butts said. "In fact, I walked away from dinner thinking it was the best discussion we had had in a while."

Canada's former attorney-general Jody Wilson-Raybould appeared before Canada's parliamentary committee on justice before Mr Butts.

Canada's former attorney-general Jody Wilson-Raybould appeared before Canada's parliamentary committee on justice before Mr Butts.Credit: AP

A couple of hours after the meal, they exchanged friendly text messages, which he read aloud, that bore no residue of conflict. Instead, Wilson-Raybould appeared to thank him and say "alo" to the prime minister.

In a statement, Wilson-Raybould did not directly comment on Butts' testimony, but expressed willingness to again appear before the committee.

In the end, SNC-Lavalin's case is proceeding as a criminal prosecution. But in January, Wilson-Raybould was moved from justice to the less prestigious post of veterans' affairs.

"The January cabinet shuffle had absolutely nothing to do with the SNC-Lavalin," Butts told the justice committee, adding, however, that his relationship with Wilson-Raybould had deteriorated significantly by then.

The reshuffle was sparked by another cabinet minister's departure, he said. Wilson-Raybould, a lawyer and a former Indigenous leader in British Columbia, was offered the Indigenous Affairs portfolio.

"Then Minister Wilson-Raybould did something I didn't expect," Butts said. "I had never seen anyone do it before, in many shuffles, over many years. The former attorney-general turned down a cabinet portfolio."

Butts said Wilson-Raybould explained that she had "spent her life opposed to the Indian Act and couldn't be in charge of the programs administered under its authority."

While Wilson-Raybould wanted to remain at justice, her "dream job", Butts said he had advised Trudeau that allowing that would set a bad precedent, and the only other post Trudeau could offer her was veterans' affairs.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a mining and minerals convention in Toronto this week.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a mining and minerals convention in Toronto this week.Credit: Bloomberg

"Cabinet invitations are not the product of shared decision-making," he said. "It is the prime minister's decision to make and his alone to make."

Butts resigned two weeks ago out of what he called loyalty to the prime minister.

"If I stayed on, his actions or inactions toward me could have been used to accuse him of playing favourites, that he was choosing his best friend over a minister," he said. "I could not allow our friendship to be held against him."

Butts' final words to the committee seemed like a farewell note. He thanked members for their service and friendship. The question that remains is whether his sacrifice worked.

The New York Times

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