

This was published 5 years ago

Justin Trudeau addresses political crisis consuming Canada

By Ian Austen and Catherine Porter

Ottawa: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has spoken directly about the political controversy that has consumed the country for the past month, saying that there had been a breakdown in trust and communication but that he had done nothing wrong.

While Trudeau has made saying sorry a regular ritual of his office, he declined to do so in this case.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a news conference at the National Press Theatre in Ottawa.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at a news conference at the National Press Theatre in Ottawa.Credit: Bloomberg

Bluntly asked by a reporter in the packed national press gallery in Ottawa if he was apologising, he said no — though indirectly.

"In regards to standing up for jobs and defending the integrity of law, I continue to say that there was no inappropriate pressure," he said.

In the brewing political crisis, the Prime Minister and his staff have been depicted as inappropriately and repeatedly pressuring his justice minister and attorney general, Jody Wilson-Raybould, to settle a corporate criminal case that they believed threatened Canadian jobs.

Gerald Butts, former principal secretary to Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Gerald Butts, former principal secretary to Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.Credit: Bloomberg

Whether Trudeau's appearance will quell the political storm remains an open question. After his remarks, social media in Canada burned with posts criticising him for not apologising.

"He did express regret about the breakdown of the relationship," said Andrew McDougall, a lecturer in political science at the University of Toronto. "Whether that was enough is another question."

"We're at the point in this story where both sides have shared their views, so he was trying to just get it behind him," he added. "Unless there's more to come, it's up to Canadians to decide who is telling the truth."


Although in some ways the accusations seem mild — no money changed hands and no laws appear to have been broken — the political wreckage from the perception of back-room dealing by the Trudeau government has been huge.

Although in some ways the accusations seem mild...the political wreckage from the perception of back-room dealing by the Trudeau government has been huge.

The Prime Minister's popularity has sunk, calls for his resignation are echoing, and two powerful female ministers — one of them Wilson-Raybould — have resigned in protest. His top political adviser, who is a close friend, also stepped aside in the mess.

"I was not aware of that erosion of trust, and as Prime Minister and leader of the federal ministry, I should have been," Trudeau said on Thursday. "Ultimately, I believe our government will be stronger for having wrestled with these issues."

With about seven months to go before a national election, Trudeau tried to convince the country that he still believed in conducting politics in an open, transparent way.

Jody Wilson-Raybould appears at the House of Commons Justice Committee on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.

Jody Wilson-Raybould appears at the House of Commons Justice Committee on Parliament Hill in Ottawa.Credit: AP

He also tried to repair the damage caused by the resignations of the two female ministers — one, Wilson-Raybould, a former Indigenous leader — and show that he remained a feminist and was still committed to righting the country's wrongs against Indigenous people.

He pointed out that after his remarks, he would head to the Arctic to apologise to Inuit people for historic wrongs, and that he would be celebrating International Women's Day in Toronto.

He said he looked forward to defending his government's record during the election campaign in October.

Unlike leaders in other nations, Canadian prime ministers rarely make major speeches outside the House of Commons except during campaigns. The fact that Trudeau felt compelled to make such an address underscored the political perils he faces.


In his remarks, Trudeau conjured the memory of his father, the former prime minister and justice minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau, saying his example had instilled a deep respect for justice in him.

Last week marked the 35th anniversary of Pierre Trudeau's "walk in the snow," a contemplative stroll during which he decided to resign as prime minister. On Thursday, his son walked from his office through Ottawa's snowy streets before television cameras to deliver a very different message at the press gallery.

Peter Donolo, who was director of communications for a former Liberal prime minister, said Trudeau did not really clear anything up.

"This isn't going to change anybody's mind," Donolo said of the Prime Minister's remarks.

At the centre of the controversy is the giant Canadian engineering and construction company SNC-Lavalin, which in 2015 was charged with bribing Libyan officials during the dictatorship of Muammar Gaddafi and defrauding the Libyan government.

Trudeau and his top aides were accused of trying to get Wilson-Raybould to allow the company to avoid a conviction — which would bar it from government contracts for a decade — and instead negotiate a monetary penalty.

The Prime Minister's first reaction was to dismiss the accusations as false and charge forward, hoping they would shrink in the headlines. Instead, they grew.

He also seemed to criticise Wilson-Raybould for not raising her concerns with him about impropriety late last year, when the debate about how to handle the case was underway.

Those remarks only made matters worse.

Last week, Wilson-Raybould offered provocative testimony to a House of Commons justice committee. She described months of being hounded by members of the Prime Minister's team, long after she told them her mind was made up to pursue a criminal conviction.

She called their behaviour inappropriate and described "veiled threats."

On Wednesday, Gerald Butts, the Prime Minister's former chief political adviser and best friend, appeared before the justice committee, and said that Wilson-Raybould was asked to get an outside opinion about using the monetary penalty because of the potential job loss if the company lost business.

"When 9000 people's jobs are at stake, it is a public policy problem of the highest order," Butts said. "It was our obligation to exhaustively consider options the law allows."

Prosecutors are continuing their case against the company.

On Thursday, Andrew Scheer, the leader of the Conservative opposition, said that neither Trudeau, the Liberal Prime Minister, nor Butts had provided any evidence to support concerns about lost jobs.

The two men's actions, Scheer said, were "about protecting a Liberal-linked corporation."

Trudeau said on Thursday that Wilson-Raybould told him during a meeting on September 17 that she had decided against a settlement. But he said she agreed to reconsider the matter.

According to Trudeau, Wilson-Raybould never reported the result of that reconsideration, nor did she ever express her concerns that the case continued to be raised with her and her staff.

He acknowledged that he should have personally followed up with Wilson-Raybould but rejected the idea that the subject should have been taken off the table.

"For me and my team to continue talking about such an important issue — well, that's part of my job," Trudeau said.

He added, "As we look back over the past weeks, there are many lessons to be learned and many things we would have liked to have done differently."

New York Times

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