

This was published 9 years ago

Can police culture change? Yes, but not without a few blues

By John Silvester

Trying to change police culture is a little like invading Mother Russia. You can make positive inroads in the beginning before getting bogged up to the axles.

And so when Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton promises to change police from a "Boys' Club" to a diverse and safe workplace there will be serving cops who will see it as more rhetoric than reality.

Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissioner Kate Jenkins.

Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissioner Kate Jenkins.Credit: Jesse Marlow

They think it will be a case of sitting through a few training videos and saying what the bosses want to hear before getting back to the "real world" of street policing.

And if Ashton and his team can't change the attitude of sergeants (who really run the force) then no amount of threats and inducements will make a difference.

Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton.

Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton.Credit: Paul Jeffers

That method has been tried before. Sack a few rogues, trot out some slogans and carry on as before.

This is not about a few bawdy jokes cracked by old coppers pining for a world that no longer exists.

The Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission inquiry has found endemic sexual harassment, predatory behaviour and pockets of the organisation where female police and support staff are frightened to work.


Female police staff have built their own early warning system, telling each other where not to work and who not to trust.

According to Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius, who will roll out the reforms, one of the most damning facts is that policemen who are fathers advise their daughters who join the force on how to protect themselves – not from crooks but from colleagues.

And with nearly 90 per cent of victims too scared to report harassment, it shows that senior police have failed to provide a safe workplace for female employees – both working cops and public servants.

The survey received an impressive response of nearly 5000 from a workforce of 17,000 but has not tapped into women who left policing, disillusioned by harassment and debilitated by career obstacles.

So why do policewomen, officers trained to stand up to bullies and stare down offenders, remain silent when intimidated in the workplace?

The reasons are many and insidious, with some of them unique to the police culture.

Firstly, there is the stereotype of the successful cop – stoic, unemotional and staunch – and so if you complain about "office banter" you risk being seen as "too sensitive" for operational work.

Secondly, loyalty is everything. When you are on patrol with a partner you must provide a united front when dealing with the volatile. Disunity is weakness and solidarity is strength. This promotes the Brotherhood Code where you "don't dob on your mates".

Thirdly, the complaint system is geared to punish the offender rather than help the victim. The subject of the harassment may want the behaviour to stop without having to directly accuse the perpetrator (who will often be of higher rank). If the offender is charged the victim may end up being blamed for "ruining" a colleague's career.

And witnesses quickly learn to mind their own business.

Fourthly, males dominate all levels of management with some ignoring the problem while others actively join the sexist behaviour.

And lastly, the lines between work and social lives in policing are blurred. Police, more than most, tend to socialise with colleagues. They work, drink, party and often sleep together. This leads to plenty of healthy romances and marriages – but also gossip, breakups and recriminations.

What we do know is sexual harassment is power based. The offender usually believes his higher rank means a subordinate won't complain. The commission's report suggests it begins at the Police Academy with (some) all powerful instructors.

Ashton says he will initiate all of the report's 21 recommendations but the key one is to move to a gender balance and promote more women into leadership roles.

This simply can't be done by increasing the number of female recruits (already running at 50 per cent).

There will require a fundamental change to one of the key foundation stones of the organisation. Policing is known as "The Job" not simple "a job". The implication is that it must always come first.

For women who still fulfil the role of primary family carer, maternity leave, part-time work, inability to apply for positions too far from home, are all promotion killers.

And so bosses who are not anti-women, still promote men because they have more operational experience.

In one way we have gone backwards. In moves to make the police more cost effective, most non operational jobs are now taken by public servants. These more flexible jobs cannot be filled by police with time-consuming parenting duties.

And you can't work from home if you are rostered to drive the divvy-van.

Police can change. The old racist jokes have largely disappeared and the same will happen on gender issues. And those who don't change will risk losing their jobs – some too daft to work out what went wrong.

To roll out the commission's VEOHRC recommendations will mean women's experience outside of policing will need to be recognised, nurtured and rewarded by promotion panels.

Policing can be insular – many cops become cynical and worn down by dealing with a flood of human misery.

Career breaks through parenting, study or external business opportunities refresh individuals and renews organisations. If a cop spends time getting an MBA it's a career bonus – if they spend it on the PTA it means nothing.

The proposed reforms will come at a cost, with a need for at least another 200 police. There will be new training, more part-time and job-sharing positions and encouragement to rejoin the force. And there is a need for a flexible group to temporarily replace police on parental leave.

The past five chief commissioners have chipped away, raising female numbers from 14 per cent to 25 per cent, but long-term objectives are often swamped by today's problems.

Which This is why the commission has set a series of deadlines to establish the reforms. Police have agreed to be audited on the changes.

There will be resistance. A male with a traditional career will resent being overlooked in favour of a female who has taken a different promotional path.

But Cornelius says it is wrong to think men will be disadvantaged, as it is only balancing the ledger.

"If anyone has got a free kick in this organisation it is the blokes."

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