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"The review heard a senior constable at a metropolitan station was investigated for sex offences against multiple women, including community members and police members. Some years earlier the senior constable had transferred from another metropolitan station following complaints about his behaviour there. The new workplace was not advised of this history, nor was it recorded in any Victoria Police systems. The review does not know if any formal intervention occurred at the former workplace prior to the senior constable's transfer.
The senior constable, who was described as "charismatic" and an "informal leader", had close relationships in the workplace. The review was told that some station supervisors had been told of specific incidents of inappropriate behaviour by the senior constable, however it was not until a community member made a formal complaint that the full scope of his offending was revealed.
PSC undertook an investigation and compiled a brief of evidence for criminal charges including indecent assault. This brief was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice on whether charges, if laid, would be prosecuted. The advice received from the DPP was that the Crown Prosecutor would not proceed with prosecution of the charges. On this basis, PSC did not lay criminal charges against the senior constable. Instead he was charged with breach of discipline.
These charges were heard by the Victoria Police Dedicated Hearing Officer. Prior to finalisation of the discipline process, the senior constable resigned. The resignation was accepted by the Chief Commissioner.
The senior constable received his full benefits on resignation. His exit from the organisation is listed in the Victoria Police Gazette simply as a resignation."
Source: Various interviewees, Independent Review into sex discrimination and sexual harassment, including predatory behaviour, at Victoria Police.