

How tattoos became the ultimate conversation starter about miscarriage

How tattoos became the ultimate conversation starter about miscarriage

While it was once taboo to discuss pregnancy loss, people are now choosing to commemorate their grief openly.

  • by Frances Howe


‘We apologise to women’: NSW vows to provide better care during pregnancy

‘We apologise to women’: NSW vows to provide better care during pregnancy

Health Minister Ryan Park praised the courage of thousands of women who shared their “deeply personal and difficult experiences” during the landmark inquiry.

  • by Megan Gorrey
Overwhelming or overblown? Making sense of evidence for breastfeeding

Overwhelming or overblown? Making sense of evidence for breastfeeding

The health advice is clear. A stack of published evidence shows the benefits and most experts agree – but some scientists are sceptical. Here’s why.

  • by Liam Mannix
When I met my baby, I expected an explosion of love. It took months to arrive

When I met my baby, I expected an explosion of love. It took months to arrive

Holding my son in my arms for the first time, I felt numb. Emptied. It was as though I was observing myself from my previous life looking on as an outsider.

  • by Ariane Beeston
STI screening call after spike in unborn baby deaths

STI screening call after spike in unborn baby deaths

An outbreak of a treatable sexually transmitted disease in Queensland has led to a dramatic rise in the deaths of unborn babies.

  • by Savannah Meacham
More babies born underweight and pre-term after floods: study

More babies born underweight and pre-term after floods: study

Mothers who experienced a flood during the first trimester of their pregnancy were more likely to have a pre-term or still birth.

  • by Mary Ward
As Australians get bigger, more pregnant women are technically obese

As Australians get bigger, more pregnant women are technically obese

The only part of Victoria where maternal obesity has not risen is a tiny spot in Melbourne’s inner-east, which experts say shows the significance of wealth and access to services.

  • by Wendy Tuohy
Response to birth trauma inquiry must recognise changing face of motherhood

Response to birth trauma inquiry must recognise changing face of motherhood

The NSW parliamentary inquiry risks becoming a case of midwives versus doctors. It must, instead, centre on modern mothers.

  • The Herald's View
Too old to push: Record rate of NSW women having caesarean births

Too old to push: Record rate of NSW women having caesarean births

Rates are rapidly increasing in private and public hospital across NSW, as older mothers opt to have fewer children.

  • by Mary Ward
Bid to change ‘archaic’ IVF rules to include solo and same-sex parents

Bid to change ‘archaic’ IVF rules to include solo and same-sex parents

The definition of infertility to receive Medicare-funded fertility treatment requires couples to try to conceive through unprotected sex for one year.

  • by Kate Aubusson
Painful contraction for private maternity hospitals

Painful contraction for private maternity hospitals

One in four women gives birth in private hospitals. The collapse of private obstetrics will have huge flow-on effects for the public system.

  • by Kate Aubusson

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