

This was published 3 years ago

‘No other way’: Push for gender quotas in Victorian Liberals gains momentum

By Michael Fowler and Jackson Graham

The push for the Victorian Liberal Party to implement gender quotas has gained another prominent voice, with the chair of the party’s women’s council and former federal MP Helen Kroger saying she supports structural change before the next state election.

Amid discussion in the Liberal Party at federal and state level over how to address under-representation of female MPs, a cross-factional group of Victorian Liberals announced at the weekend that they would take a quotas proposal to the party’s state conference in June.

Helen Kroger, chair of the Victorian Liberal women’s council and a former federal MP, says it’s time for gender quotas.

Helen Kroger, chair of the Victorian Liberal women’s council and a former federal MP, says it’s time for gender quotas.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Ms Kroger told The Age she had opposed gender quotas throughout her political career – during which she was a senator from 2008 to 2014 – but her view had changed in recent months.

“It’s pretty simple: whatever we have been doing hasn’t worked, and we cannot continue as we are. In Victorian Parliament only 23 per cent of Liberal MPs are women and at a federal level we’re only marginally better,” she said on Tuesday.

“I understand a lot of people in the party feel uncomfortable about it because we’ve always valued merit above all else. But after years of trying to support various women to get into politics, I see no other way in which we can achieve a better outcome.”

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has also expressed openness to quotas.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has also expressed openness to quotas.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Ms Kroger, who was also president of the Victorian Liberal Party from 2003 to 2006, said she would speak to fellow party members before June’s state conference to rally support for quotas.

The topic is likely to dominate discussion within the party ahead of the state conference and Ms Kroger’s support adds momentum to what would be a significant shift in the Liberal Party’s long-held position of preselecting candidates from an open pool of entrants.


“We’re now in this position where we’ve got probably as low female representation in Victoria as we’ve had since the formation of the party,” she said.

“There must be bias in the system because there are women of merit not being preselected. Even if it’s unintended bias, there are evidently structural problems.”

Preselections for next year’s Victorian election will take place in the second half of 2022 and Ms Kroger said “we can always be ambitious” for quotas to be in place by then.

“If the party wants to contest the state election with the best possible field, they need a group of candidates that represents the community,” she said.

Seven of the Liberal Party’s 31 current Victorian MPs are women – about 23 per cent, the same proportion as before the 2018 election, when nine of 40 MPs were female.

Prompted by alleged incidents of harassment and abuse of women in Parliament, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said last week that he was “very open” to gender quotas.

Victorian Liberal leader Michael O’Brien similarly said he was open to quotas and “anything which will achieve the outcome” of bringing more female candidates into the party.


In a showdown that encapsulates the ideological split within the party, NSW moderates’ leader and minister Matt Kean is pushing for gender quotas in his state but will face opposition from state party executive Alex Dore, who on Tuesday called quotas “an astounding betrayal of fundamental Liberal beliefs”.

Victoria’s Young Liberals are yet to formulate a formal position on gender quotas, but Kate Oski, a member of the Victorian Young Liberal executive team, told The Age quotas were “an insult to all women”.

“They suggest that women are incapable of being elected on their own merits,” she said.

“The Liberal Party is not the party of identity politics. Rather, we prioritise merit and values, in opposition to the left’s constant desire to segregate society into groups.”


Ms Oski, a preselected Liberal candidate for the 2019 federal election, said she did not believe there were any structural barriers for women to progress in the party.

“The reality is that women will often naturally choose career paths that aren’t in politics for a range of reasons, and they should be celebrated for whatever choice they make,” she said.

If a group of Liberal Party members move to change the party’s constitution to include gender quotas at June’s state conference, at least two-thirds of the roughly 1200 to 1300 delegates would need to vote in favour. A less binding motion in favour of quotas would require a majority vote.

Victorian Liberal Party president Robert Clark was not available for comment.

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