

This was published 3 years ago

‘Something’s got to change’: Victorian Liberal group to move for quotas

By Sumeyya Ilanbey

A cross-factional group of Victorian Liberals will take their fight on gender parity to the party’s state conference in June, where they intend to bring on a motion urging quotas to increase the number of women being elected to parliament.

The move is being mirrored in the NSW branch of the party amid a political furore over sexual assault and harassment. There, the dominant moderates faction will take the proposal to its governing state executive.

A cross-factional group of Victorian Liberals will introduce a motion at this year’s state council meeting, calling for quotas.

A cross-factional group of Victorian Liberals will introduce a motion at this year’s state council meeting, calling for quotas. Credit:

A growing chorus of Coalition leaders, including Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Victorian Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien, as well as parliamentarians have shifted in recent weeks from their long-held stance on quotas, publicly stating they were open to the idea.

The Victorian Liberal Party will host its state council – the organisation’s annual general meeting – for the first time in almost two years on June 5 and 6 after it was cancelled last year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

A Liberal source, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to speak publicly, said they were in the process of drafting a motion, with cross-factional support, urging the party to introduce quotas and take affirmative action to boost the proportion of female MPs.

“The quota isn’t the be-all, end-all,” the source said. “It’s also about the affirmative action, identifying high-performing women and supporting them throughout their political careers.”

The source said they had been speaking to politicians about publicly supporting their motion as well as “sponsoring” it at state council.

“Something’s gotta change.”

Liberal source

They said the party must continue supporting female candidates once elected to Parliament to retain them.


Another Victorian Liberal source, who also spoke on the condition of anonymity, said it was time for the party to introduce quotas following years of inertia, and place greater emphasis on preselecting women for safe seats.


“Something’s got to change,” the Liberal source said.

“Some of the deadwood in the party, who’ve been in Parliament for a long time have got to stand aside now and put a talented woman in their place in the best interest of the party.

“Everyone is getting a bit jittery [with quotas] because of preselection. They’re all using this merit-based argument. At the end of the day, they want power and they want their positions, and for a lot of these MPs having quotas is another roadblock to their careers.”

The Age in the past week has spoken to several Liberal members from across the factional divide who are calling for quotas. Several have said although it would be difficult to determine what an outcome of a vote at state council would be, there had been a marked shift on introducing quotas to achieve gender equality.

The federal Liberal Party has been reeling after accusations of sexual assault emerged over the past month, including allegations by former staffer Brittany Higgins that she was raped by a male colleague in Parliament House.

Attorney-General Christian Porter is on leave after he vehemently denied allegations he raped a 16-year-old girl when he was a teenager at a Sydney debating competition.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, in an emotional press conference last week, said he was open to the idea of quotas.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison, in an emotional press conference last week, said he was open to the idea of quotas. Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

A male Liberal staffer was sacked after videos emerged of him filming himself masturbating over a female MP’s desk.

Greens senator Lidia Thorpe claimed a male government senator and another government MP followed her, put their arms around her, made comments about her clothes and eating, and persistently hassled her to go out for dinner.

Bowman MP Andrew Laming announced on Sunday he would not recontest the next federal election following a series of reports about his poor behaviour towards women, including an incident in which he allegedly photographed a woman bending over to put items in a fridge.


The NSW Liberals’ Moderates faction, which has the majority on the party’s state executive, will push for mandatory targets and insist that 50 per cent of moderate candidates are women. Energy Minister Matt Kean, the NSW leader of the Moderates faction, said a proposal for quotas would be presented to the state executive.

Preselections for Victorian state candidates are expected to be held at the end of this year, about 12 months out from the next election.

Long-time MP Kim Wells, who some in the party say should move on, said he would be contesting the 2022 election. He said the party had almost been wiped out in 2018, consequently there were “enormous opportunities” to get more women and more people from multicultural communities preselected.

“We have got a prospective candidates’ school, which I have been strongly pushing for to make sure it’s skewed towards more women and people from multicultural communities to participate in the program, so when it comes to preselection this year, we’ll have a wider range [of candidates],” Mr Wells said.

“There are dozens of winnable seats coming into play at the next election, and we need to win them in order to form government ... so there will be enormous opportunities for us to get a significant number of women and people from multicultural communities preselected.”

Labor introduced quotas for women running in winnable seats in the mid-1990s, which has led to almost half the state caucus being female compared with just a quarter for the Coalition.

However, it would likely be more difficult for the Liberals to establish female quotas than the Labor Party. The ALP often picks its candidates in deals between factional operatives, meaning those officials can work to ensure enough females are picked. But Liberal candidates are generally chosen in local preselections, where a field of candidates are voted on by branch members.

Individual state branches of the Liberal Party have the power to implement changes such as quotas. The reform would likely need to be voted on at a meeting of the party’s state council.


Party president Robert Clark had faced significant pressure from rank-and-file members, especially those aligned to the so-called Kroger faction, to hold a state council meeting.

In a dramatic intervention last week, Victorian senator David Van – who is aligned with factional powerbroker Michael Kroger and has been pushing for members to dump Liberal office holders – said independent legal advice he received from Wendy Harris, QC, on the party’s constitution indicated a state council meeting must be held every year “with only the smallest latitude to when it is held”.

In that email, he also called for the administrative committee – the top decision-making body – to suspend itself, and for Mr Clark to resign as party president.

“I hold concerns about the erosion of democracy within the Victorian Liberal Party that has occurred under the veiled excuse of COVID-19,” Senator Van wrote.

“The key platform that underpins our party’s democracy is the annual state conference. This vital part of our democratic process has not been held for nearly two years now and all members should be appalled by this situation.”

The administrative committee met on Thursday night and set a date for the state council meeting for the first weekend in June.

Mr Clark was contacted for comment.

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