This was published 1 year ago
‘How can we feel safe?’: Bourke Street attack rattles Melburnians as crowds return
Three deadly incidents in one street have prompted talk about copycat behaviour and the balance of protecting people in a bustling CBD.
By Bianca Hall
Zain Khan (inset) has been charged with one count of murder, three counts of attempted murder and other offences over the fatal Bourke Street collision.Credit: Jamie Brown
Days after a car crashed into pedestrians and killed a driver on Bourke Street, half-a-dozen limp bouquets lay at the base of a tree.
Above, a street poet had taped a piece of lined paper, entitled A Poem for the People. “How can we feel safe/when this has happened again?” it asked. “How can we feel safe/if a snap is all it takes ...?”
As the city recoils from the third deadly vehicle-related incident on Bourke Street in six years, it’s a question many are asking.
This week’s lonely memorial near the corner of Russell Street is a far cry from the sea of flowers that engulfed the footpath on Bourke Street outside the GPO for more than a week after the 2017 massacre, when people turned out in their thousands to pay their respects to the six people killed, and dozens injured, by James Gargasoulas’ rage.
Scenes on Bourke Street, Melbourne, last Friday night.Credit: Gabriela Fannia
In 2018, too, the city was brought to a standstill when Islamic extremist Hassan Khalif Shire Ali exploded his car and stabbed three people who came to his aid; fatally injuring Pellegrini’s Espresso Bar stalwart Sisto Malaspina. Malaspina was honoured with a state funeral, which was attended by thousands.
But for those caught up in the latest horror, the effects are no less life-changing.
Last Friday night, 26-year-old Zain Khan is alleged to have driven his mother’s Toyota sedan down Bourke Street, colliding with pedestrians and slamming into a white Hyundai driven by 76-year-old John Haasz – a father, grandfather, partner, academic and philanthropist. Haasz died at the scene.
Police allege that minutes earlier, Khan, of Melton West, intentionally drove towards three pedestrians, all of whom were hospitalised with broken bones and other injuries. A driver and a passenger in a separate car were left with minor seatbelt injuries, police said.
A woman pays her respects at the corner of Bourke and Russell streets this week.Credit: Bianca Hall
After the collision, Khan – dressed head to toe in white – clambered on top of his mother’s sedan as steam rose from its ruined bonnet.
Video taken by onlookers shows him watching impassively as police approached to arrest him, while passers-by hurled abuse.
The alleged details of Khan’s journey through the city were chilling in their familiarity.
Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton said that just after 6.30pm last Friday, Khan turned right into Bourke Street from Elizabeth Street, driving east along the tram tracks and into Bourke Street Mall.
Khan, according to Patton’s account, continued over Swanston Street and veered from the left side of the tram tracks to the right side, colliding with three pedestrians who were crossing the road.
Police allege that, rather than slow down, Khan deliberately accelerated; slamming into the side of Haasz’s car at the intersection of Russell Street.
Melbourne Lord Mayor Sally Capp said were it not for bollards and other safety measures introduced after the 2017 tragedy to protect pedestrians on the mall’s footpaths, the death toll could have been far higher.
“There really was a reduction in the damage that could be done,” she said.
“The driver couldn’t access pedestrian areas in the Bourke Street Mall; he couldn’t access the tram stops on the street ... the fact is, that damage had been minimised because the area in which the car could travel was reduced so significantly.”
Two lives changed forever
The victim in Friday’s crash, John Haasz, was remembered as a loving partner, father and grandfather, and a generous and passionate philanthropist who had supported science and arts academia through his gifts to Wesley College and The University of Melbourne’s School of Science.
The university’s dean of science, Professor Moira O’Bryan, told the ABC Haasz’s philanthropy had supported generations of academics in Melbourne.
“John’s passion for physics and STEM more broadly was a gift to the community, and we are deeply saddened by his loss,” O’Bryan said.
Bollards installed in Melbourne’s CBD after the 2017 attack almost certainly saved lives last weekend.Credit: Chris Hopkins
“The impact his initiatives have had on academic careers over decades cannot be understated, and we send our care to his family.”
Patton described Australian-born Khan as a “cleanskin”: police jargon for someone with no criminal history. He told reporters that Khan had previously been reported as a missing person, and police had “some involvement” years earlier in transferring Khan for mental health treatment.
Less than 24 hours after the vehicle Khan was driving struck pedestrians and Haasz’s car, police had formed the view this was no terrorist attack. Counter-terrorism command had liaised with ASIO, Patton told reporters, and rapidly determined “there is nothing known in relation to terrorism to connect this in any way, shape or form at this time”.
On Tuesday, Commander Mark Galliott concurred.
“There’s no evidence to indicate any terror links; no intelligence to any terror links; no ASIO connections and there’s been no associated terror charges.”
Late on Saturday, detectives charged Khan with one count of murder, three counts of attempted murder, three counts of intentionally causing serious injury and two counts of conduct endangering life. He was remanded in custody to appear in court in January. His legal team is yet to indicate any plea, or the basis on which the charges may be defended.
‘A good guy’
When he describes Khan, his school friend of 12 years, the word Dylan Stephens continues to reach for is “kind”.
“He was just a kind person; very humble ... he was a really good guy.”
The disconnect between the events of last Friday evening and the boy Stephens knew as a fellow student and friend at River Gum Primary School and Hampton Park Secondary College has been a jolt.
“You get pretty caught off guard when you hear information like this,” he said.
“I knew that he was having some trouble because he messaged me in December 2022, and he just came out of hospital ... but he seemed to be doing quite all right. So to get to the point where he has now is quite surprising.”
“Melbourne is a tremendously safe city.”
Shane Patton, Victoria Police Chief Commissioner
Since Khan’s arrest, people have taken to his Facebook page to post abuse. Stephens has found this hard to take.
“It’s easy for people who don’t have mental health issues to say, ‘Oh, you know, he’s crazy, he’s a lunatic’, and stuff like that. But when you’re not directly suffering from it, or you don’t know someone suffering from it, then it’s very easy to cast hate on people.”
“I’d like to [highlight] the person that he truly is, not how he’s become now. It’s very surprising. It’s hard to think about someone that you’ve known for 12 years and then for something to randomly happen in their life, and they get to that point.”
Copycat attacks
Asked whether Bourke Street had now become the target of copycat attacks, Galliott acknowledged the growing number of incidents was alarming.
“There’s been three incidents, three major incidents, but there’s also been incidents in other areas of Melbourne CBD,” he said. “But it’s understandable to think that it’s now more than a coincidence that this has occurred.”
Patton said the latest incident would reignite the trauma suffered by those who had witnessed previous attacks, but urged Melburnians to remain calm.
“Melbourne is a tremendously safe city,” Patton said.
“Obviously, this will bring up memories and trauma for all those who were involved in the 2017 incident in Bourke Street and our hearts go out to them.”
In an attempt to reassure a rattled public, police held a press conference on Tuesday – attended by police on horseback and a water police vessel on the banks of the Yarra River.
Galliott stressed that overall Victorian crime statistics were 5.5 per cent below pre-pandemic levels (neglecting to mention the number of offences had risen by 5.6 per cent overall in the 12 months to June), and urged the community to remain confident in the safety of their city.
“I want to reassure the public that Melbourne is safe. However, as a result of last Friday night’s incident, it’s apparent that further community reassurance is required,” Galliott said.
During the busy month of September – with the state’s schoolchildren on holidays, football finals under way and the start of the horse racing season – police will target licensed venues, the MCG, train stations and Melbourne’s CBD.
“What we’ve done is to increase that perception of safety within the community,” Galliott said.
“We will have increased patrols in and around Bourke Street because it’s important that people actually feel safe in the city, so they come, spend money, and spend time in the city as well.”
Retractable bollards
Last Friday’s horrific scenes have joined the two attacks and two names already etched into this city’s collective memory, Gargasoulas’ 2017 massacre, and Shire Ali’s 2018 attack. In another incident in 2021, pedestrians ran for their lives when a car sped erratically through Bourke Street Mall, hitting a bollard before its driver fled the city. No one was injured.
After Gargasoulas’ rampage, the Andrews government and City of Melbourne launched a $52.5 million security upgrade of the CBD.
The upgrade included the installation of hundreds of steel bollards, reinforced barriers and gates in high-profile pedestrian sites, including Bourke Street Mall.
Professor David Logan, from the Monash University Accident Research Centre, said retractable bollards were realistically the only further measure that could be installed in areas with high pedestrian traffic, but cautioned they weren’t a simple proposition.
“[Khan allegedly] drove along a pedestrian mall, and the only way you could stop that is by having a bollard to prevent vehicles from going into the mall,” Logan said.
“And because you have to allow trams, you would need to have retractable bollards of some sort that the tram can activate with some sort of proximity sensor, and then as the tram passes over, they would come up again ... that’s probably the only thing you could do, because you’ve got to allow one type of vehicle in, but not another.
“Of course, you’ve got complications with that though, because if someone happens to follow the tram without realising it, and the bollard comes up while they’re driving over the top, you could potentially roll over vehicles by that happening. And if they malfunction, you’ve got problems, too.”
Premier Daniel Andrews said that after 2017, authorities completed an enormous amount of work, in consultation with security and engineering experts, to protect pedestrianised areas. Retractable bollards, he said, weren’t straightforward in a city defined by its extensive tram network.
“If you’re going to run a tram network, then obviously it gets incredibly difficult – or indeed, if you’re going to have roads that intersect each other – then you will always have pedestrian traffic, he said. “So, it’s challenging, beyond what we’ve done.”
“If the bollards hadn’t been put in place ... we would have had much more loss of life ... We really need to look at increasing and improving mental health care services, and early intervention services.”
Chloe Beevers, City Precinct president
Capp agreed retractable bollards were no magic solution in preventing car attacks on arterial roads like Bourke Street.
“Even though we say they are public transport corridors, they’re also used by police, and they’re used by ambulances,” she said. “At times, there are special construction permits or there are delivery needs, particularly around events. They’re actually still quite busy corridors. So to have bollards effectively going up and down, [and] up and down ... you’ve got to assess the value of that.”
Lessons learnt
In the days after last Friday’s tragedy, some traders expressed fears Melburnians would be driven away from their city. Those fears, however, have not been borne out by statistics released to this masthead by the City of Melbourne.
According to the city’s sensors, which record foot traffic at key locations around the CBD, general activity between Monday and Wednesday this week was at 93.1 per cent of the pre-COVID-19 benchmark, and up 2.2 per cent on the same time in the previous week.
On Saturday and Sunday, the days after the attack, night-time activity between 6pm and 6am at the sensor on the corner of Bourke and Russell streets was 4 per cent higher than the previous weekend.
Pedestrians in Bourke Street earlier this week.Credit: Chris Hopkins
Chloe Beevers, president of small traders’ organisation City Precinct, said last Friday’s alleged attack – while tragic – would not define the city.
“The city has recovered very well from the pandemic, and the city is bubbling with life and music and activity – and that is a great protective feature. You feel safe when you’re around lots of people, when there’s live music, and cafes and bustling life all around.
“If the bollards hadn’t been put in place, this incident could have been much more significant, and we would have had much more loss of life. I think it shows there has been great progress there. But if we’re going to look at preventative measures, we really need to look at increasing and improving mental health care services, and early intervention services.”
It’s a call echoed by Capp. “You know, we really are experiencing a time of high anxiety and mental health issues, and I think we’ve really got to look for long-term responses to these, and not easy fixes and short-term measures,” the lord mayor said.
“Understanding the underlying reasons and really making sure we’re putting the right resources into those is important.”
Andrews said he had referred Khan’s alleged attack to the Victorian coroner to investigate.
“The coroner, without fear or favour, will look at what’s happened here and if they have any recommendations about any further fortifications or anything that might be done differently, then of course, the government always stands ready to implement any findings that the coroner hands down,” the premier said.
“You owe it to everybody caught up in an incident like this, particularly a tragic incident, to try and learn from it.”
With David Estcourt
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