

This was published 4 years ago


Scott Morrison: from 'daggy dad' to 'father of the nation'

One alarming aspect of the corona crisis is how quickly it has brought out the inner Social Darwinist.

As the dire economic consequences of a social lockdown become clear, some commentators seem remarkably cavalier about the lives of older Australians and others vulnerable to dying from the virus.

They argue the lockdown is overkill, when the majority of Australians (read: the young and the strong) will survive it just fine.

It has turned into a new sort of culture war, led – as with all the worst culture wars – by the self-interested bravado of the US President, who declares his intention to “re-open” America even as they plough fields for mass graves in New York and his country eclipses all others in its death count.

Make America Great Again has never seemed so poignant.

Donald Trump, who has spent the crisis attacking the state governors, monstering journalists and topping up his tan, makes any leader look good in comparison.

But on any objective measure, Scott Morrison is leading Australia through this crisis with great efficacy.

Our death count is comparatively low, infection rates are heavily suppressed, and we are already, remarkably, talking about how the lifting of lockdown restrictions might look.

Morrison was slow to act and he had to be jogged along by the state premiers.

Illustration: Reg Lynch

Illustration: Reg LynchCredit:


But overall his response has been decisive. His approval ratings tell the story – in the last Newspoll, taken about a fortnight ago, 61 per cent of people were satisfied with Morrison’s performance, a massive jump of 20 points.

The government has almost become a victim of its own success – the measures taken have suppressed the virus so well that some are claiming the response was an overreaction.

“Just 42 people in the entire country on respirators!” thundered News Corp pundit Andrew Bolt this week. “Meanwhile it’s these bans that are becoming the real health risk.”

Rodney Tiffen, emeritus professor of political science in the Department of Government and International Relations at the University of Sydney, says Morrison has gone from “daggy dad to ‘father of the nation’”.

Morrison shows command of the detail and has communicated well the high stakes informing his government's response.

This is especially remarkable when you consider how badly Morrison handled the bushfires crisis, and the self-inflicted pain of the sports rorts saga, a dirty trail which led directly back to his office.

“Before, Morrison’s policies seemed to be a game of political advantage,” Professor Tiffen says.

“He is showing himself a figure of much more substance.”

Will it last? And will voters reward Morrison’s government for his (so-far) good stewardship?

“At the end of World War II, Labor seemed a natural party of government because it had shown such good war time leadership under Curtin and Chifley,” says Professor Tiffen.

“They won the 1946 election very easily. Their good leadership paid off politically.”

But even if there were a precedent for the 2020 pandemic crisis, it would be impossible to predict how it will play out for the Coalition government at the election in 2022.

So much depends on the so-called “snap back”, a phrase Morrison has used to describe our recovery from the crisis, but one he is distancing himself from now it is obvious there will be no return to “normal”.

This week Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe and Treasury Secretary Steven Kennedy addressed the national cabinet. Morrison said they made it clear “business as usual when it comes to the policy frameworks that we had prior to the election will need to be reconsidered on the other side”.

“There was a very clear message from the advisers, particularly Dr Lowe, that if you think we can grow the economy under the old settings then we need to think again,” the Prime Minister said.

Such a formulation gives great latitude to politicians for reform.

When the government announced its $130 billion income support package, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said former prime minister John Howard told him there should be “no ideological constraints” in a time of crisis.

A laudable sentiment, until you consider what it says about normal operating procedure.

When will the ideological constraints return? Pretty soon, probably.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison provides an update on the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison provides an update on the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Morrison and Frydenberg say the economic recovery will be led by a pro-business strategy, and the field is wide open for a company tax cut, industrial relations reform and fast-tracked infrastructure.


Structural tax reform seems logical – economists have been insisting for years we need it, but no politician, least of all Morrison, has had the stomach for it.

Malcolm Turnbull’s newly released memoir, A Bigger Picture, describes how Morrison “front-ran” economic proposals such as GST reform with his favoured press outlets, effectively killing them.

Robert Breunig, the director of the Tax and Transfer Policy Institute at the Australian National University, told the Canberra Times this week that the economic cost of the recovery risks falling disproportionately on young people if the tax system is not overhauled.

At present, he said, our tax system skews to advantage older people. Young people are hit with inefficient taxes on income, whereas older people are more likely to have untaxed wealth, valuable assets and tax-free income from superannuation.

Older Australians should fulfil their end of the social contract by supporting redress of these inequalities.

Expect a contentious debate about who should bear the pain of the enormous deficit run up to protect our nation’s health.

Ensuring the pain is shared fairly will be the real test of Morrison’s leadership.

Twitter: @JacquelineMaley

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