
Trump's America

Donald Trump and the king who could do no wrong, but lost his head
Tony Wright’s Column
US Votes 2024

Donald Trump and the king who could do no wrong, but lost his head

The US Supreme Court grants immunity from prosecution for former presidents like Donald Trump. But could a king really do no wrong and keep his head?

  • by Tony Wright


Labor’s caucus system a valuable part of democracy

Labor’s caucus system a valuable part of democracy

While some may view the Labor pledge of caucus solidarity as a quaint anachronism, it remains the bedrock on which Labor has built a reputation as a stable party of reform and progress.

Payman and Palestine challenge our democratic comfort zone

Payman and Palestine challenge our democratic comfort zone

It’s time for Labor to not just allow a conscience vote to its members on issues regarding Gaza but for our society as a whole to acknowledge there is more than one worldview for our collective future. Surely we need this honest discussion more than ever?

Hero, villain, or both? Untangling Assange’s divisive legacy

Hero, villain, or both? Untangling Assange’s divisive legacy

The Herald published two opinion pieces on Julian Assange. One was objective – the other revealed a superior tone conveying mockery, derision and oversimplification.

Democrats with no shortage of replacement options after Biden’s unmitigated disaster

Democrats with no shortage of replacement options after Biden’s unmitigated disaster

With the eyes of the world watching – and many for the first time since the campaign began in earnest – America’s oldest-ever president failed to meet the moment.

  • by Farrah Tomazin
Trump monstered Biden. The Democrats can’t win with Joe

Trump monstered Biden. The Democrats can’t win with Joe

The debate betrayed little if any confidence that Biden can or will defeat Trump. If Biden remains in the race, only Trump can defeat Trump.

  • by Bruce Wolpe
Dutton’s climate politics put our children’s future at risk

Dutton’s climate politics put our children’s future at risk

What appears forgotten in this latest version of Australia’s climate wars is the reason why our planet cannot be allowed to pass 1.5 degrees of warming. At 1.5 degrees we trigger a domino event where a warming planet reinforces further warming that is irreversible.

Trump 2.0: What four more years means for Australia

Trump 2.0: What four more years means for Australia

Australia has already dealt with a Trump presidency — but what could it look like the second time around?

5 stories
Cancel culture is a boogeyman: feminist author Roxane Gay

Cancel culture is a boogeyman: feminist author Roxane Gay

The Bad Feminist author, who will appear in Melbourne and Sydney later this year, on progress for women, Trump and being recognised in public.

  • by Cassidy Knowlton
I’m beginning to think MAGA doesn’t mean what Trump thinks

I’m beginning to think MAGA doesn’t mean what Trump thinks

Somewhat ironically, the issue of whether age should preclude Trump and Biden from seeking the top job is the only one on which the two men are united.

  • by Michelle Cazzulino
Trump’s martyr schtick is working, at least with my Republican siblings

Trump’s martyr schtick is working, at least with my Republican siblings

Donald Trump has been playing the victim since his bombshell conviction, and if my family straw poll is indicative, it’s an effective strategy.

  • by Maureen Dowd

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