

This was published 11 months ago


Dutton’s advantages over Albanese could yet turn out to be problems

In the first year of the pandemic, Anthony Albanese adopted what he described – at times a little defensively – as a “constructive” approach. He was critical of some of Scott Morrison’s decisions, but when push came to shove tended to back them in the parliament.

Not everyone in Labor was happy at the time, but Albanese stuck with it. In the second year of the pandemic the approach wore still thinner. One Labor MP told journalist Phillip Coorey, “Labor’s strategy is: don’t make us the issue. That makes us the issue.”

In Parliament this week, Dutton attempted to conflate several major issues the Labor Party currently faces.

In Parliament this week, Dutton attempted to conflate several major issues the Labor Party currently faces.Credit: Jim Pavlidis

But Labor never became the issue, and Morrison more or less drove himself out of office. In the battle between Albanese and his sceptics, Albanese won. This may explain why in government he has kept up the approach.

During the early stages of the Voice debate, when confronted with his critics’ arguments, he would politely disagree while emphasising his respect for the critics themselves. This time, the strategy of sidestepping dispute didn’t work. His opponents’ views got airtime; slowly, they began to dominate discussion.

It is possible that Albanese overlooked a crucial difference between the two situations. Morrison had his hands full with the actual pandemic. As a result, Albanese was up against an opponent who also didn’t want a fight. Ergo, no fight.

But during the Voice debate, Albanese’s new opponent, Peter Dutton, was desperate for battle. His language and his manner screamed it. In January, I posed the question in this masthead: “If one man is determined to fight, and another is equally determined not to, does the fight happen or not?” We found out: the fight happens.


Last week’s sitting of parliament was instructive at two levels. At the level of principle, there were causes for deep concern. Politically, it was a reminder of the contrasts between Dutton and Albanese. As we enter the second half of Albanese’s first term – we hit the 18-month mark tomorrow – these contrasts may be decisive.

On Wednesday, Dutton rose in the parliament to deliver a speech. Some of this was important: expressing concern at social disharmony and rising antisemitism. Some was justified: attacking the government for its obvious lack of preparedness when the High Court ordered the release of dozens of refugees, some guilty of serious crimes. All of this was lost because other parts went beyond the pale.


Dutton crossed two lines. First, in his speech, he combined the High Court’s decision with the separate issues of antisemitism and the war in Gaza. At the very least, this risked looking like a dangerous attempt to roll issues that might tap into race into a single ball – not the typical move of someone concerned about social harmony. Worse, it dishonoured the important points he made about antisemitism, by including them as just one more part of a broad political attack.

It should be said here that there is nothing wrong per se with a political leader arguing his opponent is failing on an issue of racial or cultural hatred – even that they are deliberately exploiting it. In fact, it is crucial that this can occur; it is not hard to think of times when it didn’t but should have. But it is crucial that this is done rarely, and that it is done carefully, with significant evidence.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton traded blows with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during question time.

Opposition leader Peter Dutton traded blows with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during question time.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Dutton said this about Albanese: “this prime minister needs to stand up and to be united with the Jewish community. And he’s not.” Even if Dutton has genuine concerns about the government’s recent language, this was an outrageous exaggeration and an irresponsible slur. If such claims become standard political fodder, then they lose the gravity our society needs them to have.

What Dutton must know is that, in the current political and media environment, such concerns barely register. And he will feel encouraged by three other advantages he seems to have over the government, each on display this past week.


The first – Dutton’s hunger for conflict against Albanese’s avoidance – was again apparent in the government’s hurried agreement to almost everything the opposition leader asked for as it rushed to pass legislation in response to the High Court decision. It is unsurprising that a government that often avoids fights avoided fighting in an area in which it is politically vulnerable. But in doing so, Labor joined the Coalition in putting politics ahead of principle.

The second contrast is speed. Dutton is fast. We saw this in the Voice debate: he got a head start by beginning his campaign in January, while the government was asleep. This kept happening: repeatedly, the government took days to respond to his arguments. Two weeks ago, when the High Court decision was handed down, the government’s response was both slow and confused.

Partly this is the usual political asymmetry: governments have to be right, oppositions don’t. But this asymmetry is widened because Dutton seems to care even less than most opposition leaders about accuracy. As I’ve noted before, he is happy to be led by interviewers into making reckless statements; this was just as true when he was a minister. All this could harm him, and has in the past – though it has been a while since that happened.

These combine to deliver Dutton his third advantage: an ability to draw attention. The fact Albanese is neither a show pony nor a soundbite machine can be a strength. But the dangerous flipside is that he has rarely demonstrated his ability to point the nation’s attention where he wants it, or to set the terms of a debate. Predictably enough, events – and Dutton – have filled the vacuum.

Labor is a very long way from crisis; it is an exaggeration even to say it is in a difficult spot. And Dutton’s current advantages could yet turn out to be problems: rushing into battle to make yourself the story does not always end well for politicians. There is a slowly growing sense, though, that Labor is being pushed and pulled rather than setting its own course. The pandemic warning of that Labor MP may yet be vindicated: “Labor’s strategy is: don’t make us the issue. That makes us the issue.” It wasn’t true then, but that won’t necessarily hold.

Sean Kelly is author of The Game: A Portrait of Scott Morrison, a regular columnist and a former adviser to Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.

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