This was published 3 years ago
Barnaby Joyce may be sandbagging Nationals seats, but his gasbagging could cost Morrison government
John Hewson
Columnist and former Liberal opposition leaderThere has been some media excitement, understandably, about the colour and movement that will come to our government and Australian politics with the resurrection of Barnaby Joyce as Nationals leader and Deputy Prime Minister. However, while Joyce may save some furniture by sandbagging a few key seats, mostly in Queensland, he could cost Scott Morrison government by generating a serious backlash in many city seats, especially if climate change becomes a major election issue, as it should and probably will.
Disruptive force ... Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
The Wentworth by-election demonstrates the clear and present danger for the Liberal Party. While it has since regained Wentworth, Liberals have not forgotten losing the once blue-ribbon Sydney seat – along with their majority – in 2018 to the independent candidate Kerryn Phelps, who campaigned on climate change. At the next federal election, strong independent candidates mounting serious climate-focused challenges could upset the Liberals in seats such as North Sydney, Goldstein, Flinders, Hume, even Kooyong, and several others. It could tip the election to oust the Morrison government.
Joyce’s loose talk and his lack of policy substance, especially on climate, won’t help. The National Party’s policy gyrations are not the product of a consistent ideology, rather basic political opportunism. Who knows what they really believe in or stand for?
Not only is this disruptive to good government, but they are squandering a very real opportunity to lead and capitalise on inevitable climate transitions and a regional development strategy that could deliver regional growth, jobs and better living standards.
By global standards, as a minor party in a coalition government, the Nats enjoy a disproportionate influence. Their base motive had long been, and to some extent still is, “agrarian socialism” – essentially to privatise the profits and socialise the losses. They readily put out their hand for assistance in droughts, floods and bushfires, over and above the budgetary largesse of fuel rebates and other tax incentives and regional slush funds.
This undercurrent has continued while the Nationals have broadened their remit to include mining, regional power generation and selective immigration, the latter to provide the cheap labour needed on farms and in regional towns. However, the Nats have lost contact and relevance with their assumed base. Their concept of the bush is increasingly outdated. Their thinking has not kept pace with the corporatisation of much of farming, now increasingly based on amalgamated, larger holdings, heavily driven by technology and professional farm and risk management. Similarly, mining is now more technology than labour-intensive.
It came as a real shock to the Nats that, contrary to their expectation of a strong “no” vote across most of their seats in the same-sex marriage postal survey, 15 of their 16 seats voted “yes”.
A loose public justification for Joyce’s resurrection was to differentiate the Nationals from Scott Morrison on any commitment to net zero emissions by 2050, which the Prime Minister had been nudging his government towards announcing at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November this year.
And yet the big farming groups – including the National Farmers’ Federation and NSW Farmers – have already committed to that target. And while the Nats are still fighting for new coal mines, and new coal-fired power stations, the big miners such as BHP and Rio have recognised the longer-term global market realities and committed to move out of thermal coal.
The Nationals’ desire to build a new coal-fired power station in northern Queensland completely ignores market realities: there is no net demand for such power; most international and domestic banks won’t finance it; global insurers won’t insure it. Moreover, renewables are much cheaper and can be delivered quicker. It could only be built if the government funded it, but it doesn’t stack up.
The Nationals, meanwhile, persevere with carbon capture and storage technology to clean up existing coal-fired plants and extend their life, but that would only add another process and layer of cost to already uncompetitive coal operations. To collect the CO2, to liquefy it, to transport it and to store it – even if it could be done you can – would need a carbon price of $60 to $100 a tonne.
The opportunities for the Nats are three-fold. First, get on board with renewables and focus on the transition from coal and gas for workers, businesses and communities: retraining, relocation where necessary, community support. Second, recognise the potential of regenerative agriculture, to achieve net negative emissions, as farmers restore the carbon content of their soils by simple changes in farming practices and earn another income stream from the carbon credits generated. Third, seize the potential of waste recycling. Globally proven technology converts waste to electricity and to cheaper and cleaner fuels such as bio-gas, bio-diesel and ethanol. There is tallow from beef fat, the bagasse left from sugar production, methane from piggeries and and big dividends to be gained from grains.
All fodder for the Nats. And while Barnaby Joyce is sandbagging, his government would appreciate less gasbagging.
John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.
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