This was published 3 years ago
The National Party’s allergy to net zero - by a worried Liberal
By Warren Entsch
There are few issues that can claim the scalps of our political leaders as swiftly as climate and energy. As the Nationals leadership changes hands, the fundamental policy issues that have contributed to these latest leadership ructions remain unresolved.
Understandably, the Nationals care about the interests of farming and agricultural communities. These groups have traditionally made up much of their constituencies. But with talks of a net zero emissions target taking focus lately, the Nationals face a three-cornered contest between their own convictions, common sense and competing electoral interests.
Great Barrier Reef Special Envoy Warren Entsch with Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Cairns.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer
Exempting agriculture from a national net zero emissions target, on face value, might sound reasonable to some – particularly given the sector has done much of the heavy lifting to date. But we must remember that when international climate negotiations first began, Australia fought tooth and nail to ensure that land use, changing land use and forestry were included as part of global emissions reduction calculations.
Effectively, Australia offered up agriculture and landholders as the sacrificial lamb to the Kyoto climate agreement. Instead of tackling emissions across the board, the bulk of the burden was thrust upon these sectors. Australia gamed the system, leveraging large reductions in land clearing from 1990 to inflate our baseline emissions. In doing so, we set in motion an environmental regime and an endless stream of green and red tape that has hamstrung the sector for decades.
Regardless of your position on the environmental protection regime itself, the point is we made the bed. Farmers and landholders were forced to lie in it.
In comparison, emissions from our resources sector – fossil fuels in particular – faced little pushback following the Kyoto climate agreement’s implementation. Very little work was required of it because of the engineering that was done to secure Australia a weak Kyoto target and an inflated baseline. This cosy arrangement, in conjunction with direct and indirect government subsidies over many decades, has helped enable the unparalleled expansion of the resources sector, making us the world’s biggest exporter of fossil fuels. We left the industry to emit largely unrestrained while farmers, pastoralists, and landholders picked up the emissions tab.
This feigned protectionist rhetoric we are now hearing from the Nationals belongs back in the 1990s when farmers perhaps could have used a better deal. Not now, when new lucrative opportunities in carbon farming are finally starting to emerge, presenting the upside of the long journey of emissions reduction.
The very industry the Nationals want to protect is also now largely on board with the idea of a net zero 2050 emissions target. The National Farmers’ Federation has for some time called upon the federal government to implement the target – and it’s not the only one.
However, all we keep getting is more fuel for the culture wars. We pitting latte sippers and inner-city hipsters against farming families and coal miners. But this low-rent discourse totally misses the nuance, the big picture, the real challenges and the implications for Australia in an increasingly decarbonised world.
If we don’t start moving in the right direction the risks will get away from us and the opportunities will be squandered. If the Nationals were really concerned about the livelihoods of farmers, perhaps they would do more to advocate for and enable the sector’s autonomy – rather than going off half-cocked and riding roughshod over a net zero 2050 emissions target. They might also like to consider what an increasingly warmer climate will mean for Australian agriculture.
The Nationals might prefer net zero just went away, but the reality is that serious policy decisions need to happen before the COP26 global climate summit in November. Australia will have to front up on the world stage and announce our long-term emissions reduction strategy along with strengthened 2030 interim targets and a net zero 2050 target at a minimum. We simply cannot go empty-handed; the stakes are too high.
The growing likelihood of international carbon tariffs make any attempt to ignore this a fool’s errand. We’ll just end up getting the worst of both worlds. We need to move on climate and energy policy. We need to move with the times, and we need to move now.
The challenges of climate change, trade and diplomacy are all coming at us rapidly, and our economy is ill-prepared without a coherent climate and energy policy. The science illustrates very clearly why we ought to undertake accelerated changes to reach net zero emissions by 2050 at the latest. The economics tells us that it is not only viable to do so but advantageous. And the technology – that is commercially available today – shows us we can decarbonise large portions of our economy with relative ease.
There’s no doubt in my mind the fossil fuel industry has had a free ride on emissions. It is high time it got its boots off farmers’ necks and started pulling its own weight. It also needs to get its head out of the sand and start planning for the energy transition and what that means for its workforce.
Renewables (even with transmission and storage costed in) are vastly cheaper, cleaner and faster to deploy. No amount of chest-beating about base-load power will change that. The question that Barnaby Joyce and the Nationals need to answer is: when the chips are down, who do they actually support and listen to? Their farming constituencies or mining and gas executives?
Warren Entsch is the federal member for the Queensland seat of Leichhardt and the Morrison government’s Special Envoy for the Great Barrier Reef. He is a member of the Liberal National Party of Queensland and sits with the Liberal Party in Federal Parliament.