

This was published 3 years ago


Why in a country like Australia aren’t we all vaccinated? It’s complicated.

I was asked by Victor, in an email from Costa Rica, “Why is not everybody vaccinated in Australia now? You’ve had the time and the resources besides one of the best public health systems around the globe!”

And so this was my reply.

Australia has one of the best public health systems in the world.

Australia has one of the best public health systems in the world.Credit: Michele Mossip

Dear Victor,

Thank you for your question. I ask myself this nearly everyday — how did we get here? It’s complicated.

Unlike the rest of the world, it’s not because of a shortage of vaccine. We have two highly effective vaccines but unfortunately few people want one of them.

And some of the people who do want it (young people) aren’t really encouraged to get vaccinated until we are in a crisis like the one occurring now in one of our states, and specifically only those people who live in Sydney.

Looking from afar, like you, this is bizarre, I know. So how did we get here?

Many young people want to get vaccinated but haven’t been encouraged to until we’ve reached a crisis point.

Many young people want to get vaccinated but haven’t been encouraged to until we’ve reached a crisis point.Credit:

We have had no professional communication plan that actually inspires people with diverse backgrounds to get vaccinated. As a nation we don’t know what we are aiming for.


There has been a confusing array of official messages about the AstraZeneca vaccine (which as you know is one of the most widely used vaccines around the world and for many countries their only option).

And to be frank, for someone whose day job for two decades has been working in vaccines, even I was confused.

The communication void was filled by whoever had the loudest voice and what was heard was AstraZeneca is not good enough and it is not safe. This was deafening. It also ricocheted around the Pacific and PNG.

To be fair, AstraZeneca has 0.003 per cent chance of a serious side effect in people less than 60 years old (and the risk is less for those over 60 years). Sadly, six people have died from this. In no way do I mean to trivialise this and my heart goes out to the grieving families.

But recently there have been 10 deaths from COVID in New South Wales with the latest Delta outbreak. One was an unvaccinated 38-year-old woman. And last year about 1000 people died from the virus. Nearly all of those people would be alive today had there been a vaccine available — except for those who wanted to wait for Pfizer.

I really don’t know why they want to wait.

Even one dose of AstraZeneca is 83 per cent effective and two shots is even better, providing 94 per cent effectiveness against Delta. I have had two AstraZeneca shots, so has my husband and my Mum.

Australia makes up to one million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine each week. We have supply, and our excess is flown to countries in our region who are struggling with COVID-19 and for that I am truly grateful.

It is likely that we may all get a booster next year anyway, at least those most at risk, but the science is not quite there yet to guide us.

So what impact does waiting for Pfizer and not getting vaccinated have on all of us?

We all know the family hardships of business closures and the impact uncertainty has on mental health, the empty shop fronts, the heart of Melbourne silent and grey, the Arts community beckoning us to get vaccinated so they can continue to feed our soul (and feed themselves), and the threat of the AFL Grand Final being kicked to another state.


But what is really cruel, in my opinion, is the one million Victorian school children who have been forgotten. In our state, we’ve had five lockdowns and schools have been closed for 27 weeks in the last 18 months.

Adults not getting vaccinated harms our children. We can’t avoid schools closures this year unless people get vaccinated. To fully thrive, children need routines, certainty and the ability to play with their friends in person. A report last week by the Victorian Commission for Children and Young People said 50 per cent of children who completed their survey felt “terrible or bad” because of the pandemic which has been worsened by school closures. This has got worse.

And although millions of dollars have been given to mental health services, the demand is so high that some have closed their books for 2021 and as the waiting lines are so long many are turned away. Instead distressed families bring their children to already overcrowded emergency departments. Many kids will bounce back, but the long term impact of anxiety and depression on the wiring of children’s growing brains is completely unknown. So what can families do? For those less severe, the Raising Children’s network and the Australian Psychological Society has good online resources.

And yet some of us continue to wait for Pfizer.


We can change this.

The quicker we all get vaccinated, the quicker we can stop snap lockdowns and schools closures, and prevent this ongoing deterioration of what is already a dire situation for our children.

But no one has really told us that this is happening or what we are aiming for (at least officially). It continues to be impossible to mute the voices that lead us astray. So we can’t blame anyone for not getting vaccinated.

As our vaccine coverage slowly rises and we head for an unknown destination, and we expect lockdown number six, seven and eight, we wait and wait for those who wait for Pfizer to get vaccinated. But we will continue to worry for our children.

So this is our sorry vaccine rollout story of how did we get here, Victor, but the question right now is how can we do much better?

Professor Fiona Russell is a paediatrician and specialist in public health and epidemiology at the Murdoch Institute.

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