

This was published 7 months ago

Who’s to blame for the cost of living and housing crisis?

Illustration: Badiucao

Illustration: BadiucaoCredit: Illustration: Badiucao

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The Dunkley byelection will give voters the chance in that electorate to not only “judge” the performance of the Albanese Labor government but also to pass judgment on issues that are far from being resolved by the parliament involving all elected parties.
Just look at the real issues: cost of living, inflation, price gouging, lack of affordable housing, rental crisis, high immigration, the High Court decision on illegal criminals, taxation changes, health, child care and NDIS costs, and fraud, energy security and climate change among other policy issues.
When you look to the two major parties, there does not appear to be much difference between them. In other words, neither of them will “rock the boat”, and really reform; and policy directions are basically the same.
Unless there is a new political movement of the centre and/or more progressives (and not the Greens either) elected and reduce the majors to the rabble they are, nothing will change much and the same issues will be recycled again and again.
If parties such as Australian Democrats, Sustainable Australia Party, Fusion Party, Reason Party, Australian Progressives, Centre Alliance, New Liberals (and even some teal MPs or other independents, even Jacqui Lambie?) could only get together and take the old, useless parties head on, we could see much better outcomes for our country.
Peter Allan, Blackburn

Not just a problem at the supermarket
The cost of living crisis seems to have ultimate focus by our federal government on the supermarkets. Other issues causing people to front up to charities to feed their families need to be addressed also. These unfortunate people don’t have money to even spend at a supermarket. Will this focus be extended to other areas of cost of living crisis?
Christine Baker, Rosanna

How much did those piercings cost?
I would have a lot more sympathy for people claiming to be victims of the cost of living or housing crises if so many of them featuring on the nightly TV news weren’t sporting multiple piercings or covered in tattoos. When body image “art” is more important than putting food on the table then clearly things can’t be that tough.
Greg Hardy, Upper Ferntree Gully

The problems started in the Coalition’s term
How is the cost of living and a shortage of housing Labor’s fault having been in office less than two years? As opposed to 10 years of do-nothing Liberals. Stop and think, voters of Dunkley.
Wilma Buccella, Hawthorn

Actually, prices are not really so high
I am concerned with the media pile-on that is occurring over price gouging. Prices go up generally. That is the way of the world. We’d be in a lot more strife if the opposite was the case. It would lead to a lot of people having negative equity in their homes which would probably lead to large unemployment and a recession – although I’m not an economist. The trick is to have prices go up by a manageable amount which is the task the Reserve Bank has been given.
I don’t think that prices have gone up an unmanageable amount with the possible exception of insurance prices – and there might be good reasons for that.
In 2015 I started a business and as a result of that I calculated an audit of my personal expenditure at the time.
My weekly expenditure on food has gone up since nine years ago by 37 per cent. Assuming that prices go up 5 per cent a year, I could have expected that prices over that period would go up be 55 per cent. That’s inflation folks. And the supermarkets must make profits or no one would invest in them.
Brad Banducci made the point that the profitability of Woolworths is average for a public listed company so their profits are not excessive. That point seemed to sink like a stone.
Bruce Whimpey, Norlane


Heidelberg’s heights
Bianca Hall’s wonderful social history of life in West Heidelberg (“The worlds near and far within Heidelberg”, 24/2) triggered a flood of nostalgic images for me, living at 260 Liberty Parade from 1956 to the end of 1965. We made friends for life in that street. Most of us were “Ten Pound Poms”, as we were dubbed.
Ironically, we lived at the end of Liberty Parade, Olympic Village, where the Russian athletes were accommodated.
The words “Russia” and “liberty” are oxymoronic. I’m sure I recognise the smallest boy at the right hand of the iconic black and white photo in Hall’s story, wearing those daggy overalls, reaching highest without the aid of the bicycles. As a five-year-old, I was quite a climber.
Nick Toovey, Beaumaris


Heidelberg pride
The article in Saturday’s Age (24/4) brings back memories of when I lived in Olympic Village from 1981 to 1986.
I packed quite a bit into those five years, living in Killerton Crescent in a semi-detached house allocated to families of Army personnel.
The army started handing back houses to the Housing Commission at the time, and a Vietnamese family moved in next door.
Mick Geary’s father, Bernie Geary, was the CEO at West Heidelberg Community Health Centre, now Banyule Community Health Service.
My children attended Olympic Village Primary School, and there were a few joint projects with the Community Health Service, such as special lunch days so that all the students had at least one healthy meal on those days.
Wendy Ogden, who became CEO of the Community Health Service after Bernie, was instrumental in organising and participating in working bees at the school.
It is sad that there is still great disadvantage in the population, but good to see that the community pride and spirit continues.
Wilma Hills, Echuca

A good article by Bianca Hall on post code 3081.
My mother and father were young WWII veterans and were allocated a Housing Commission home in 1954 in what is now known as Heidelberg Heights.
Hordes of us Baby Boomer kids proudly grew up within the Waiora Road and Liberty Parade boundaries of the new 3081 postcode area and were proud to be the kids of West Heidelberg.
From the very beginning we were unofficially designated as a Struggletown community by government planning authorities, firstly as Housing Commission “housos”, then a dumping ground for the less fortunate with disability and other social disadvantages.
There was a real local council snob divide between the haves of Heidelberg “up the hill” and our lot, the have-nots “down the hill”. It was reflected in council funding priorities.
But we grew up well despite the discrimination. We are so proud of our 1956 Olympic Games tradition that gave so many of us a lifelong community spirit of love for others, that 12-year-old student John Wing began with the closing ceremony “walking together” initiative at the Friendly Games.
So many of us are who we are today because of role models like Betty Cuthbert and John Landy.
That community spirit has survived and is thriving today in our multicultural West Heidelberg community.
Among the long list of things to be done to meet our community needs, Banyule Mayor Tom Melican would do well to prioritise and support projects that acknowledge the sacred legacy of the 1956 Friendly Games that is forever embedded in the local heritage of everyone who lives in postcode 3081.
John Bell, Heidelberg Heights

Ordinary Australia
Peter Hartcher (Comment, 24/2) lauds the past performance of the Australian economy, quoting prominent admirers, but today Australia is “just ordinary”.
Eva Cox and others observe that we live in a society, not an economy. For much of the 20th century we measured well on societal values – working wage, the eight-hour day, women’s suffrage, universal health care, a generous, successful multicultural immigration program, affordable housing, the superannuation guarantee.
Today, our society is decidedly ordinary – one of the least equitable education systems in the developed world, a generation unable to afford adequate housing while existing homeowners sit on huge, untaxed capital gains, 3.3 million citizens living below the poverty line, employed workers lining up for parcels at food banks, and gross disparities in wealth and income. And that’s before we consider conditions for Indigenous Australians, mistreatment of many refugees, and attitudes that allowed the robo-debt tragedy to continue.
Norman Huon, Port Melbourne

Keating the statesman
Peter Hartcher’s (Comment 24/2) suggestion that Paul Keating is some kind of Manchurian candidate advocating for China’s interests is an example of his journalistic anti-China stance.
Hartcher ignores the fact that both the Morrison and Albanese governments have been craven backers of America’s strategic policy to contain China. This has provoked Beijing to limit Australian exports into Chinese markets and to ignore Canberra’s pleas on human rights and related issues.
Paul Keating has frequently warned Australia about the sheer madness of the Morrison-Albanese anti-China policy. Like the late Malcolm Fraser, he wants to see an independent Australia with the resources and vision to advance the country’s security and trade interests in the Asia Pacific.
In that regard, his views are statesman-like and deserve to be respected as such.
Allan Patience, Newport

Doxxing anyone is to be condemned and action should be taken (“Hundreds of Jewish creatives have names, details taken in leak”, 8/2). However, it is also concerning the content of an app group was advocating action to contact Clementine Ford’s publisher to get it to stop publishing her due to her pro-Palestinian views. This contradicts Ramona Koval’s commentary (13/2) that the group was to “provide support from intimidation”. Many Jewish people have criticised Netanyahu and Israel’s actions, and they are obviously not antisemitic.
The activism of a Jewish lawyers group emailing the ABC regarding its broadcaster Antoinette Lattouf’s comments was also concerning. There seems to be a concerted effort to shut down any criticism of Israel or Netanyahu, which is immediately labelled anti-Jewish. Koval’s statement that Melbourne “is reminiscent of Nazi Germany in the 1930s” because of some posters is insulting. Of course, there are fringe groups such as the neo-Nazis and anti-vaxxers that have always been around, but we have laws against racism and hate speech, and we condemn their actions.
It is ironic that we all used to have our names, addresses and phone numbers published in the phone book for anyone to find.
Susan Simpson, Surrey Hills

A renters’ fix
I’ve rented the same property for over 20 years and inevitably when my landlord decides to sell it, I think finding another rental property (not nearly as nice as the one I’m in) will be extremely difficult, even though I have stable employment and a good tenant history. In those 20 years, two features have developed that affect mine and others’ prospects of home ownership or rental.
Multiple property owners who see short-term Airbnb income as more attractive than long-term rental tenants, and secondly, the amount of properties that lie vacant due to offshore investment has negatively influenced local buyer prospects. As a result of scarcity, this has made first home ownership unachievable, thus putting more focus on the rental market.
So people sleep on the street or live in their cars, or pay rent or mortgages that affect the essential quality of their lives, while those able to profit from housing do so and governments allow this, despite the need to address the “housing crisis”.
Jae Sconce, Moonee Ponds

Australia’s descent
Nick Bryant does a convincing job of persuading us that Americans have always liked strongarm, rule-breaking presidents (“America’s love of the strongman”, 25/2).
He doesn’t draw an analogy with Australia, but perhaps we should. Some of our leaders employ half-truths, lies, innuendo and smear campaigns for political advantage. The Voice referendum was destroyed by the opposition leader’s refusal to support it and various other bodies peddling un-truths. The vaccine rollover during the pandemic was slowed due to fringe groups predicting dire outcomes if you were vaccinated. The spectre of “breaking a promise” and the ensuing predictable pile-on from the opposition nearly deterred our prime minister from adjusting stage 3 tax cuts to be fairer. It seems we are descending deeper into the depths of amoral politics and this is even before we think of parliamentary behaviour in the house.
We need to hold politicians to account or no progress will be made towards a more equitable society.
Jan Marshall, Brighton

Where’s Leunig?
I was at one of the Taylor Swift concerts last week, and couldn’t help noticing this strange old man with a teapot on his head and serene looking duck in his arms. The people behind him asked him to remove the teapot, saying it was obscuring their view, which he did with many apologies. He seemed to be having a wonderful time singing along with the rest of us. It’s a pity Leunig wasn’t there. He might have enjoyed catching up with an old friend he’s clearly lost touch with.
Malcolm Morgan, Brunswick


Leunig’s cartoon (Spectrum 24/2) cited the impact some performers have on their fans: valid points were made, but he was too harsh on those young fans. Anyone remember Elvis Presley?
Mary Cole, Richmond

Dress it up how you like, an Australian prime minister being wined, dined and entertained at a billionaire’s mansion is not a good look (“PM’s invitation to Pratt’s private Katy Perry concert”, 25/2).
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills

Sony and Samsung hold public broadcasters to ransom (The Age, 24/2). Let’s use people power to boycott brands who bully.
Greg Curtin, Nunawading

Jetstar ground staff flying high, with a sense of urgency and requiring a wheelchair. That’s multi-skilling. (“Flying from Adelaide to Melbourne at short notice and needing a wheelchair, Jetstar ground staff could not do enough for us”, 24/2).
Jim McLeod, Sale

Best thing in The Age this weekend? The use of the word “duumvirate” by James Massola (“PMO 2.0: Can a reboot of Albanese’s office ensure victory?”, 24/2). I can’t wait to find a way to incorporate it into conversation.
Fiona White, Alfredton

Re:“My favourite coffee shop hates me. So why do I keep going back?” (21/2). I also add a political dimension to my café choice. Who needs my money more (socialism)? Visit each local café weekly (communism). Or stick with my favourite, individual choice (capitalism)?
Caroline Morgan, Mordialloc

How can Nick Bryant cite the CIA as any sort of authority (Comment, 25/2 )? It is known for lying, murder and torture, and getting things horribly wrong (weapons of mass destruction anyone?).
Peter Price, Southbank

When will there be more regulation on oft airbrushed, unqualified influencers giving business, wealth creation, diet and health advice on the net?
Julie Conquest, Brighton

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