

This was published 10 months ago

Parents don’t need more money, they need to instil values


Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

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Fill the moral vacuum
It is frustrating to hear the calls from many organisations for more money to combat family violence and crimes against women.
It is in the best interest of organisations to call for more money, but the change of behaviour can’t be handballed to institutions.
The diet of violence in contemporary viewing cannot be said to be more extreme than the Grimm’s fairytales, myths and legends and games of previous generations.
We do, however, seem to have drifted into a culture of unabashed selfies and individual rights rather than collective responsibility.
Our schools all have a component of community service and values around respect, but leadership really comes from every home.
There have never been more educational opportunities, more financial support and more resources for young people to be connected.
Our sporting codes have a clear, fully funded mandate to foster values of respect for women and diversity.
The real imperatives for instilling values that will safeguard the welfare of women, and all people, reside with parents who don’t require more money to educate their children, but perhaps more responsible and intentional stewardship of their opportunity. A moral vacuum can’t be addressed by stuffing it with cash and mission statements.
Fr Peter MacLeod-Miller, Rector St Matthew’s Anglican Church, Albury

Parents must fill it
We keep hearing of autism spectrum and ADHD as the main reasons why there are “problem children” in classrooms and shocking behaviour as seen recently, but there is another reason children seem to be so badly socialised. It’s poor parenting.
As a secondary school teacher, I would chat to students about what they were doing outside school. They would tell me about multiple sporting activities that seemed to fill their lives. They did nothing “with” their parents. Today’s parents are not “parenting”. They are off-loading parenting to schools and sporting groups.
Parents today are so busy with their own lives, they are not making time for one-on-one interaction with their own kids. They say “I watched them at sport”. That is not personal interaction.
Children are more than genetic specimens that emerge from the mother’s womb after nine months’ habitation. If parents would chat every day with their children, play board games at night with them, and chat, or have some sort of regular personal interaction with their kids, schools would not be having so many problems with “problem children”. Problem children? No. Problem parents.
Robyn Westwood, Heidelberg Heights

No thanks Mr Chalmers
Medical scientists worked long and hard to invent “the pill”, giving women the choice to have babies, or not. If medical scientists can find a way for men to have babies, Jim Chalmers might change his tune.
Dawn Evans, Geelong

Losing trust in leaders
It was with shock and disbelief that I read the news article, “Labor backs development of new gas fields” (9/5). It is infuriating and depressing to see this betrayal by the Albanese government on the climate issue that they promised to act on at the last election, and which gave so much hope after so many years of inaction by the Liberals. Furthermore, on the one hand we are urged to get rid of gas appliances and then are told that we need more gas for domestic consumption – why not instead export less? It is no wonder people lose trust in governments.
Vicki Swinbank, Northcote

Slow is always better
Contrary to your correspondent (Letters, 10/5), lower speed limits are, on balance, beneficial to public transport users, virtually all of whom also experience our city streets as pedestrians.
The average bus speed in city streets is 20km/h or below; trams, if anything, are slower. This is regardless of whether they’re in inner or outer suburbs, in mixed traffic, or their own reserved lanes. As the operators are doubtless aware, travel time on these streets has almost nothing to do with the posted speed limit and everything to do with traffic conditions, and whether specific priority measures exist.
Lower prevailing speeds in residential and shopping areas mean traffic lights operate more efficiently because less “dead time” is required between cycles.
This makes it easier to reduce waiting times for pedestrians and provide priority to speed up buses and trams. (After all, even without standing passengers, a single bus is equivalent to a whole city block of peak-hour car traffic.)
There are motorways and arterials set aside for faster long-distance travel. Train lines play the same role for public transport. These aside, we don’t measure the success or liveability of a city by how quickly you can drive past it.
Tony Morton, president, Public Transport Users Association

It’s a given
Given the wide range of pains and dangers caused in Australia by foreign-owned social media companies; and given their tax dodging and export of vast amounts of our money and data; and given their monopolistic cannibalism of any local social media start-up; and given that some of the owners are simply nasty pasties, why not just kick them all out of our country, and let some law-abiding locals have a go?
Neil Hauxwell, Moe

End the sledging
The AFL is right to crack down hard on homophobic and racial slurs in sport. But why not take on sledging altogether? It breaks my heart that the little Auskickers will be taught that part of the game seemingly is to verbally abuse and demoralise the opposition.
Penny Hawe, Lorne

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