

This was published 10 months ago

No scientist can’t be shocked by this cut to cancer research


Credit: Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

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The state government decision to cut so much funding from the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre is appalling.
Very few Australians, not just Victorians, are not related to, or acquainted with someone who is, or has been, affected by cancer.
Continued research into its causes and how effective treatment and prevention can be developed is essential.
There cannot be a single medical scientist who is not shocked by the government’s actions.
Dr Juliet Flesch, Kew

A depressing state of affairs
The Victorian budget handed down by Treasurer Tim Pallas makes for disturbing reading, and in particular the cutbacks to mental health and school upgrades (″⁣Pallas hits the pause button″⁣, 9/5).
Perhaps we should stop subsidising private health, private aged care and private schools, and instead use the funds to support our public facilities.
The list of projects scaled back or put on hold is worrying, including the funding for a family violence refuge in Horsham, now delayed a further two years. – These cuts were especially galling when reading an unrelated story in the same edition about the proposal for Ivanhoe Grammar, a private school, to have access to public space for a further 40 years in an arrangement with the Banyule City Council. A depressing budget, and depressing reading.
Denise Stevens, Healesville

A submarine or cancer research?
Bearing in mind that almost two out of five Australians will get cancer in their lives and that 452 new cancers are diagnosed per day, it is unthinkable that the government should cut funding to the Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre, one of the most advanced cancer centres in Australia.
The budget of the VCCC will be reduced by around three quarters ($23 million). Perhaps the government could make a case for obtaining the $23 million from the $368 billion of federal money from our taxes that is going towards some submarines. It’s only 0.0061% of the submarine budget. Well worth it, I would say.
Leigh Ackland, Deepdene


A train line or cancer research?
The state government cuts 75 per cent of a cancer centre’s funding. Yet, at the same time, and at great expense, it is borrowing and burrowing under a part of Melbourne’s eastern suburbs to create a rail line that will eventually offer transport from Cheltenham to Box Hill for those who live near enough to want to use it.
Cancer touches nearly all Victorians directly or indirectly. There are other large health cuts or delays in this budget. Surely, the health and wellbeing of all Victorians should be a higher priority.
Elizabeth Meredith, Surrey Hills

A car race or cancer research?
Treasurer Tim Pallas has slashed funds to a cancer unit and many other necessities we need.
But $100 million each year is kept in place to run a three-day car race. These are strange priorities.
Cancer is becoming more prevalent, affecting many young people, and the money spent on cancer research is invaluable.
There are many other non-life threatening budget items that could lose funds before cancer research does.
I do wonder who the treasurer takes advice from, as it seems unbalanced. To me, he seems on the wrong tram with the wrong priorities.
Nola Cormick, Albert Park

A raffle for cancer research?
Don’t wish to create a precedent for the way funding occurs, however I would suggest that Peter Mac holds a fundraiser on the back of its loss of budget funds. Am I a patient – yes. Am I under treatment – no.
Graeme Montague, South Yarra


State’s big mortgage
The Victorian state budget’s so-called efficiency-driven overhaul of the public health system is no such thing. It’s an economy drive to find money to meet instalments due on assets bought and built at too high a price and financed by debt, with payments now massively inflated by interest rate rises.
Expenditure cuts have to be made elsewhere, and health, education and transport between them make up 80 per cent of the state budget. They must take the brunt (“Pallas strips elite cancer unit of 75 per cent of its budget”, 9/5).
On a household level, it’s a scenario depressingly familiar to millions of Australians struggling to pay off what are now onerous mortgages.
I just wish the Victorian government would be honest about its own financial difficulties.
Lawrie Bradly, Surrey Hills


School bonus bias
Has Treasurer Pallas forgotten that parents of school-age children at Catholic schools pay taxes and vote? I call on the treasurer to means test this payment and include all school children, regardless of what school they attend. This policy is discriminatory.
Helen Daniel, Camberwell

Give the $400 bonus away
Kudos to the state school principal (Letters, 9/5) who honestly stated that most of their students’ families don’t need the $400 government payment. This incentive, though excellent, appears to be policy on the run without due thought given to the unintended consequences (of yet again over-funding rich schools).
Perhaps principals of such wealthy state schools could ask their parent cohort if they are prepared for the funding to be transferred to the nearest disadvantaged primary school? Principles, anyone?
Fiona White, Alfredton

ATAR dystopia
Australian Education Union official Justin Mullaly says the stress of the ATAR system too often meant students couldn’t achieve ″⁣expected outcomes″⁣.
The current VCE already includes a significant component of school-assessed coursework, in which teachers provide the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) with a score for each student based on their performance during the year (″⁣Students are suffering with ATAR and NAPLAN, educators say″⁣, 9/5).
Examinations provide the rest of the assessment. To further reduce the exam component of assessment risks erosion of academic rigour. It goes further into a dystopian world where no one can ever be disappointed because their lives do not match their ″⁣expected outcomes″⁣.
Rod Wise, Surrey Hills

Speed is not driver’s right
Congratulations to the City of Yarra for its trial to reduce speeds down to 30km/h in Fitzroy and Collingwood.
Having travelled in those suburbs and many others in inner -city Melbourne and a number of other sites across the country, that is about all you travel at anyway on average due to traffic, traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.
It turns out that it is much less stressful on the drivers, and it dramatically reduces the risk of collisions. Thirty versus 50km/h has only 36 per cent the kinetic energy and gives the driver 67 per cent more reaction time.
Our community addiction to car travel has fed a culture of travelling “rights” to get there quickly, as against travelling responsibly and getting there safely and stress-free.
Car travel expectations from the 1950s are pixieland compared to the same in the 2020s. Thirty or 40km/h should be the norm across the state in urban backstreets and shopping-commercial strips. Re the latter, it’s just good for business.
Mike Seward, Port Fairy

Slow speeds delay buses
As Yarra Council chant ″⁣two wheels good, four wheels bad″⁣, it’s the pedestrians and public transport users who suffer as usual.
Slower speed limits mean slower buses, slower trams and longer traffic light cycles, meaning longer waits for pedestrians at crossings too.
Despite the demonisation of cars, as a pedestrian and tram user, the motorists are the only ones who diligently stop for pedestrian crossings. This year I have been hit by four bikes and scooters at crossings and on the footpath. I often feel that I’d be safer walking on the road.
As usual, government believes that nobody lives more than five kilometres from the city. Those living in affordable suburbs don’t matter at all.
David Barry, Mitcham

ALP’s bitter blow
In 2022, Australia voted for a government that promised to act on climate change. Reading about Labor’s new “future gas strategy” is therefore a bitter blow (“Labor backs development of more new gas fields”, 9/5).
Just like coal, gas is a dirty, dangerous and polluting fossil fuel. Extracting and burning said gas is risking the health, water supplies, and culture of those living in close proximity, especially Indigenous Australians. Gas is also a major contributor to climate change and should not be expanded as part of any credible net-zero strategy.
It seems, sadly, that Albanese’s Labor cares more about the interests of giant gas corporations than the interests of regular Australian communities. How deeply disappointing.
Sarah Brennan, Hawthorn

Not clean, not leadership
The government’s Future Gas Strategy (“Labor backs development of more new gas fields”, 9/5) would see Australia opening massive new gas fields and continuing to burn and export the fossil fuel well beyond 2050.
Resembling the Morrison government’s ″⁣gas-fired recovery″⁣,this strategy punishes the millions of Australians who voted in the Albanese government on the strength of their commitment to climate action. It also flies in the face of their Future Made in Australia vision to help regions that have traditionally relied on fossil fuel production transition to clean energy.
To replace one highly polluting fossil fuel with another is neither the clean energy transition nor the climate leadership we need.
Karen Lamb, Geelong

Sorry, not sorry
Re ″⁣Qantas perfects the art of the non-apology″⁣ (9/5) and its gross misuse of the refund system: Qantas’ low-cost sibling, Jetstar, gave me the option of a credit or refund in 2022 for a booking I cancelled due to contracting COVID-19.
I selected the option of a refund. However, a credit was issued to me ″⁣in line with their policy″⁣. I have tried to use this credit a few times, and have been faced with the prospect of paying $500 more for the flight than if I booked it online via Jetstar’s website.
Of course, you are not permitted to use your credit on their website. Two years later, I cannot replicate that planned trip without paying substantial additional monies to Jetstar. It also could not guarantee that my wife could obtain a seat on the same trip.
I do have a letter from Jetstar CEO Stephanie Tully’s office, stating that ″⁣they are very happy that they cannot help me further″⁣. This being a direct quote from the letter. It seems that they cannot help me at all.
I will be making it my mission to ensure they spend substantially more than the credit value to keep responding to me. They certainly do not want to ensure I remain as a valued customer. But its owner, Qantas, can pay a $100 million fine without blinking.
Or they could have kept their word and refunded the money in 2022, retaining a customer who travels regularly.
No amount of advertising will erase the memory of their failed customer service.
Peter Rebbechi, Kilmore

Docklands eyesore
I can’t help feeling that the proposed “Great Wall of Docklands” is reminiscent of the old Gas & Fuel Buildings that loomed over the Yarra.
They came down a mere 30 years after completion and this Docklands monstrosity will no doubt suffer the same fate.
Gareth Sambrook, Melbourne

Value of the Met Gala
Focusing on the terrible “injustice, misery and wars going on in the world”, (Letters, 9/5) can produce sympathy and angst for the victims, and rage at those who inflict such suffering.
However, an unrelenting diet of such horror does not necessarily produce greater compassion, awareness and useful action. It can have the opposite effect, producing empathy shutdown and “compassion fatigue”.
Which is why oft-maligned “pointless” reporting such as that on the self-indulgent pageant that is the Met Gala and its preening galahs has its place.
Some of the sartorial creations are truly wondrous and worth marvelling at and enjoying. Others are just plain bizarre, pretentious and ludicrous. But a good belly-laugh can lift the spirits, and in doing so, help fortify us for the ongoing battle against humanity’s darker angels.
Deborah Morrison, Malvern East

I love the Met Gala
Yes, we are drowning in the tragedy and sadness going on in the world. But I disagree with those letters correspondents (“And Another Thing, 9/5), who say that coverage of the Met Gala is pointless. It supports the arts and provides much-needed colour to our drab lives. I love it.
Elizabeth Potter, Brighton

Trump’s justice league
Trump-appointed judges in the United States seem to have done their job. Ex-president and Republican nominee Donald Trump won’t face some of the charges against him before the presidential election, thanks to judicial delays. How can judges oversee cases involving the very person who appointed them to lifelong positions? Recusal doesn’t appear to be taken up there.
Pete Sands, Monbulk



Credit: Illustration :Matt Golding

Federal Labor gas
The real risk to Australia’s future prosperity is not our financial debt but our overspend of our carbon budget. Labor’s backing of new gas fields will put Australia’s carbon budget even deeper into a firey red.
Jenny Smithers, Ashburton

Shaun Carney is too kind saying the prime minister is “experimental″⁣ (Comment, 9/5). He is more like the caretaker of a decrepit building who will not do anything until pushed.
Des Files, Brunswick

State Labor cuts
Cancer research ($27 million budget cut) is worth a lot more than one day’s state debt interest ($25 million).
Harley Powell, Elsternwick

I must have missed the bit about the budget cuts to the Grand Prix.
Geoff Schmidt, Richmond

Can someone tell me how a train from Southern Cross station to the airport, stopping at all stations, will get me to the airport more quickly than the current express Skybus which leaves every 10 minutes?
Graham Bridge, Morwell

Here, here! I’m a teacher and I want to work at the school where your correspondent works who believes the $400 school bonus payment should be means tested and directed to those who need it more.
Eric Kopp, Flinders

City of Yarra 30km/h zones
Does the 30km/h limit include cyclists, as they will be going faster than cars? It doesn’t matter how Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton explains it, it is “ridiculous”.
Ian Anderson, Ascot Vale

Is the next traffic management plan for the City of Yarra a man holding a red flag walking in front of a car?
Julie Moffat, St Leonards

Your correspondent (Letters, 8/5) nailed it, re the Yarra Valley Grammar schoolboy behaviour issue. All young people make mistakes, that’s the path to maturity. And girls don’t secretly rate boys? C’mon!
Chris Waters, Ormond

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