

This was published 10 months ago

I’m a state school principal, and most of our parents don’t need $400


Credit: Illustration: Andrew Dyson

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I have been a state primary school principal for the past 25 years. My career has been in Melbourne’s west, outer east, inner east and in rural locations.
Some of the schools I have worked at have been extremely disadvantaged. The students and families in those areas need all the support they can get from government.
One day perhaps, they will even have the full Gonski funding that seems to be forever promised but never delivered.
For those families currently struggling, the state government budget announcement yesterday of a $400 payment to each school child will be of immense value, and I applaud this initiative. However, only ten families (out of 430 families) at my school qualify on top of that for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF), the remaining 420 families do not.
My current school is highly privileged with very wealthy and educated families. More than 80 per cent of parents hold a bachelor’s degree or higher – they are lawyers, doctors, engineers, university professors etc.
Our students excel academically, they enjoy overseas holidays, they bring $80 Frank Green drink bottles to school.
Pick-up time sees a parade of expensive luxury car brands: Maserati, Porsche, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Tesla, Polestar, BYD electric, Range Rover, Mercedes-Maybach, Lexus, BMW. Many of these cars are the top models of the brand. Some cost close to $300,000.
The vast majority of families at my school do not need financial assistance. At a time where our state debt is enormous, I am incredulous that this payment is not means-tested. It is fiscally irresponsible and a waste of money that should be spent elsewhere – housing or women’s domestic violence support for instance.
Name withheld on request

Amateur policymaking leads to amateur outcomes
If we ever needed evidence that the policy competence of the government has plummeted, this is it. It took The Age analysis of the proposed school bonus to point out things in plain sight (“School bonus divides as rich reap benefits and poorer private areas miss out”, 7/5).
The new scheme lacks any well-founded policy basis. Perhaps there was none of any depth done. We are left thinking that state school equals “deprivation” while private provision equals “elite”. Amateur policymaking leads to amateur outcomes. It also leads to unacceptable unfairness. Not a good Labor look.
Adrian Nye, Brunswick West

Private school parents make their own choices
$400 per student to cover uniforms and extracurricular costs is a small injection of funds into state schools. If private school parents feel they have missed out, perhaps they should ask how government funds are spent in their own schools. It is always about choices.
Susan Mahar, Fitzroy North

School bonus payment method is demeaning
The $400 School Saving Bonus announced by the Victorian government is to be paid to parents via the schools. It is not paid directly to parents. This is not only demeaning and humiliating for parents but will result in many schools requesting that the $400 be a ″⁣voluntary″⁣ contribution to the school.
Bill Holmes, Kew

No concept of how to repay debt
We’ll done to the Age journalists on calling the state government to account on ″⁣our″⁣ eye-watering debt. It was a slow train wreck that started when Dan Andrews came to power, and it was aided by an ineffectual opposition. Simply no concept of having the ability to repay and zero risk assessment.
Robin McRae, Charlton

A performative budget
The Age exposes the size and implications of Victoria’s debt.
Committed as it is to the Big Build strategy that is Daniel Andrews’ legacy and Jacinta Allan’s burden, the current government seems incapable of responding to the obvious financial challenge before it.
The budget makes a tiny step in the right direction, but that step is more performative than real. Fixing Victoria’s finances will require bold action by a Pesutto government, including reductions in government expenditure, increases in taxes and a smaller and more productive public sector. Victorians should not be surprised or angry about what is to come. At some point, the debt has to be repaid. Difficult decisions cannot be avoided any longer.
Michael Angwin, Hawthorn

Bolte’s debt kept lights on
With the 2014 election of the Daniel Andrews government, Victorians were seeking to replace a do-nothing government with a can-do government to address the woeful underspending on infrastructure that had gone on for decades.
In a low-interest-rate environment, the Andrews government got on with the job.
Our current state government is not the first to spend big to prepare the state for better times. Henry Bolte was the debt king. He raised the state debt level to as high as 58 per cent of GSP (gross state product), far exceeding the 25.2 per cent of GSP Victoria is expected to reach by 2027.
Projects Bolte used debt to fund increased power generation in the Latrobe Valley, oil and gas fields in Gippsland, the West Gate Bridge, a new international airport in Tullamarine and two new major universities (Monash and La Trobe).
Bolte debt kept the lights on, powered the then manufacturing state, and today enables more than 200,000 vehicles to move to and from the west of Melbourne each day, and lets more than 36,000,000 people to transit through our international airport each year. Over 125,000 students are being educated at Monash and Latrobe.
All these initiatives have improved the lives of Victorians.
Much of our state debt is locked in at historically low-interest rates. Within a year or two, rates are expected to trend downward again.
Jacinta Allan, follow the lead of two of the Victoria’s greatest infrastructure visionaries, Sir Henry Bolte and Daniel Andrews, and fund the Suburban Rail Loop, Geelong Fast Rail and Melbourne Airport Rail.
In 2050, Melbourne’s eight million citizens will be greatly appreciative of and benefit from such vision.
Stephen Love, Portarlington,


Airport link now
Perhaps it is time to ask our government to think differently about our public transport link to the airport. The current thinking of a rail line with its heavy footprint is clearly going nowhere. Isn’t it time to think differently about how to do it?
What about a lightweight, cheap and easy to install trackless tram that is taking off in many other parts of the world? It was recently demonstrated in Perth, so it does exist. Surely, it’s time for some forward-thinking in transport? The old way just is not going to cut it and there’s little point in pretending things will be different in four years. We need this link by then, so sights must be lifted now to future ways of doing things.
Carolyn Ingvarson, Canterbury

Airport before SRL
The opening of the airport rail line will have an immediate effect in diminishing road traffic as well as moving passengers more efficiently to Tullamarine.
The Suburban Rail Loop is a project that may evolve over a longer time as residential housing is completed around the stations.
The Victorian budget would have been more forward-looking if the four-year delay was placed on the SRL, and the airport rail link was completed as soon as possible.
Rod Watson, East Brighton

Poor active transport
There are some government interventions where the social, health and economic benefits far outweigh the costs.
Surely, a state government budget should prioritise such expenditure?
Interventions that make it easier and safer for people to get around by walking and cycling, (i.e. active transport) have a huge economic benefit, including reducing pressure on household budgets.
Hitherto, the Victorian government has spent little on active transport. We were hopeful of change when, last year, the government initiated a Parliamentary inquiry to examine how to improve road safety for vulnerable users, particularly people walking and cycling.
The inquiry reported last week. It highlighted these benefits and urged “the Victorian Government to allocate more of the transport budget to active transport infrastructure to make it safer and more pleasant so that more people use these modes of transport”.
The inquiry’s recommendations included ensuring there were regular pedestrian crossings on arterial roads “linked to public transport stops, activity centres and schools”, and promoting “the installation of protected bike lanes in inner and middle Melbourne”.
Then came the budget. It mentions funding for two new pedestrian crossings in Victoria, and a few new walking and cycling paths. So what has changed? Nothing it seems.
Andrea Bunting, Brunswick

Hairy-chested. Really?
It is disappointing The Age would choose to describe the state budget as containing “hairy-chested fiscal decisions”, especially when there is currently so much focus on the treatment of women in our state.
To imply that making difficult decisions is inherently masculine seems at best old-fashioned, and at worst symptomatic of a culture that still sees women as “less than”.
Stephanie Pearson, Hawthorn


Spare the spreadsheeters
Teenage boys can be stupid, crass and risk-takers because their brains are not fully formed.
The spreadsheet the Yarra Valley boys prepared is abhorrent and needs consequences, but the media pile-on and punishment does not fit the crime. It has probably created a large cohort of boys who now see girls and women as treated better than boys and men, and who will always bear a grudge against women.
Take a moment to reflect on what would happen if girls were to prepare an equivalent spreadsheet rating boys. It would probably be treated as a joke, and no one would be expelled.
Teenage girls can and do bully other girls, cause other girls huge mental health problems, and often do so without any consequences, unlike the consequences faced by the boys.
The Yarra Valley boys certainly need some consequences, and need to learn the harm that arises from their attitudes, but the pile-on this week is disproportionate.
I say this, having been a feminist all my life, and having faced some real discrimination in my profession, and having experience of family violence in my extended family.
Take a moment to think about the wider implications of the spreadsheet and the punishment.
Louise Kloot, Doncaster

Red lines for teen risk
As a neuroscientist, I may agree with your correspondent (Letters, 8/5), that boys may be hard-wired to be more impulsive and risk-loving than girls, and that the errors they make may help to weed out hazardous actions from their explorations.
However, there are some red lines. I wouldn’t let a toddler play with fire in the garden. On the other hand, I would take my teenage son on a difficult trek in the Dandenongs and let him take calculated risks.
It is a different matter entirely if the teenager’s exploratory behaviour causes distress or harm to other boys or girls. That is a red line. It is the responsibility of parents, teachers and other peers to ensure that certain types of risky behaviours are strongly eschewed.
We cannot always be driven by genetic propensities. Some of them need to be judiciously controlled by what we have individually and collectively learned from our experiences.
Trichur Vidyasagar, Doncaster

‘Heritage’ has its limits
Melbourne still holds on to some glorified sentimental idea left over from the gold rush, and the subsequent wealth which saw many of our marvellous Victorian era buildings constructed.
This perception would be fine, and one l would celebrate, if there was anything much left to feel nostalgic about. Instead, we get this horrible trend of keeping the facade of some lovely old building, in a style that will never be replicated, combined with an insipid characterless grey skyscraper pretending to be architecturally forward-thinking.
All because state government ministers, City of Melbourne urban planners, lobbyists and corporate developers mistakenly believe that the benefits of giving away our city’s heritage contributes some sort of economic boon to the budget bottom line.
Melbourne CBD is a shell of itself, and has lost a part of its soul. Another wonderful heritage building succumbs to the fad of “facadism”.
Adrian Stavovy, Preston

How do I love thee?
Ophelia returned Hamlet’s love tokens voluntarily when she believed that he no longer cared for her.
We do not know what they all were, but there was a handful, some of which were flowers.
Neither of them quantified their worth in monetary terms, but the pain on both sides was evident because of the emotional investment and sense of betrayal.
A tragic and moving episode. Not a tawdry financial accounting equivalent to the Victorian-era concept of breach of promise. Pity both parties in this recently publicised engagement ring episode. (“Court to decide who gets to keep the $100,000 ring when love goes pear-shaped”, 6/5).
Rosalind McIntosh, Camberwell



Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

State Budget
Woe is Victoria! The people of Victoria are the losers. Mr Andrews knew where the exit was, and just in time time. What a mess.
Patricia Hunter, Ocean Grove

As long as Melbourne Airport is getting $70 million a year from parking fees, I think the only train to the airport we will ever see will be a rather glamorous artist’s impression.
Ron Mather, Melbourne

Our treasurer’s 10th budget, he said, shows ″⁣fiscal discipline″⁣. It involved broken promises and delays to face the billions of dollars of debt as the result of lack of fiscal discipline in the previous nine.
John Heggie, Hastings

If we can’t afford to build the infrastructure, then we can’t afford the high immigration.
Phil Bodel, Ocean Grove

Surely the state budget can be summarised as ″⁣disappointing, but not unexpected″⁣. Now let’s get on with it.
Eric Kopp, Flinders

Slowing infrastructure spending to match workforce and material availability is sensible – but climate action must remain a priority.
Greg Curtin, Nunawading

Met Gala
After seeing the clothes at the Met Gala, I have come to to the conclusion that money doesn’t buy taste.
Christine Hammett, Richmond

Oh, please. With all the injustice, misery and wars going on in the world and pointless pages are devoted to the utterly pretentious Anna Wintour and her celebs getting dressed up and, quite frankly, looking silly. Come on world, get real.
Frank Flynn, Cape Paterson

The only people unhappy that the government is no longer suing the government for the omni-shambles are the lawyers contracted to the government to defend the case.
Julian Guy, Mt Eliza

So we provoked them! China has learnt the ″⁣look what you made me do″⁣ line very well.
Joan Segrave, Healesville

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