

This was published 2 years ago

How Victoria’s ‘wild’ upper house election could shape the next term of government

By Tom Cowie

There are pets, freedom and weed on the ballot, as well as the “Sack Dan Andrews Party”. Welcome to the “wild” upper house election that could shape Victorian politics.

A record number of candidates and a controversial voting system could leave Victoria’s upper house with a lively crossbench, posing potential roadblocks for whichever party forms government after this month’s state election.

Parliament House.

Parliament House.Credit: Paul Jeffers

Victoria’s Legislative Council has become a stronghold for minor parties and independents across the political spectrum in recent elections, with preference deals and defections leaving them with greater numbers than the opposition going into the November 26 poll.

While the government is formed in the lower house, the upper house plays a similar role to the federal Senate in reviewing and voting on legislation.

Before 2006, when Labor changed the electoral system to end the Coalition’s dominance of the chamber, no one outside the major parties was elected to Victoria’s upper house.

Fourteen members out of 40 now sit on the crossbench, compared to Labor’s 16 seats and the Coalition’s 10.

To pass its bills, the Andrews government has needed to find votes from the crossbench, which have typically come from the progressive bloc of Fiona Patten (Reason Party), Andy Meddick (Animal Justice Party) and Samantha Ratnam (Greens).

Predicting what the upper house will look like in the next state parliament is notoriously difficult — the use of group voting tickets means that some candidates can get elected with less than 1 per cent of the vote thanks to complicated preference flows.


At the last election, Transport Matters MP Rod Barton won a seat with 2590 first-preference votes, while Liberal Democrats MP David Limbrick made it into parliament with 3681 votes. The Greens were only able to get one seat with 331,751 votes statewide.

Plenty of hopefuls are trying to replicate those successes in a fortnight — a record 454 candidates have nominated to run for the upper house at the upcoming election.

Reason Party MP Fiona Patten.

Reason Party MP Fiona Patten.Credit: Justin McManus

There are 23 parties on the ballot, with new entrants including the Angry Victorians Party, Freedom Party, and the Companions and Pets Party.

While some parties, such as Legalise Cannabis Victoria, are on the left, many are from the conservative side of politics. The United Australia Party, Family First and Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party are all contesting the election.

With Labor ahead in the polls for a third term in government, Patten said Premier Daniel Andrews might face a difficult situation in the next parliament.

There was the possibility of a progressive lower house and conservative upper house with Labor in minority government, she said.

Some may choose not to negotiate with the premier at all, if he is re-elected. One party is running under the name “Restore Democracy Sack Dan Andrews” after providing proof of its 500 members to the Victorian Electoral Commission.

Ex-Labor minister Adem Somyurek is running for the DLP.

Ex-Labor minister Adem Somyurek is running for the DLP.Credit: Paul Jeffers

Former Labor MPs who have clashed with Andrews are also running, including Adem Somyurek with the DLP, and Kaushaliya Vaghela with the New Democrats.

“The crossbench certainly could outnumber the government this time,” said Patten, who won the final seat in the Northern Metropolitan region in 2018 with 15,197 votes.

“There is no doubt that the majority of the parties running in the upper house are from the right. The government may have to negotiate with some very conservative MPs, it could be a very different group.”

Victoria is the last state to use group voting tickets, which have been criticised by experts because they allow parties to dictate the preferences of votes cast above the line.

The system, which was abolished in the Senate in 2016, means that complex preference deals between minor parties can produce unusual results when the last votes are funnelled towards one candidate.

ABC election analyst Antony Green has suggested that the upper house election will be “wild” because of the number of candidates and parties involved. He has also described the voting system used in Victoria as undemocratic.

Renowned “preference whisperer” Glenn Druery is providing paid advice to some parties hoping to use the system to their advantage, although some on the conservative side have said they would try to block his efforts.

Druery, who helped get eight MPs elected in 2018, declined to comment when contacted by The Sunday Age.

Self-styled preference whisperer Glenn Druery is working with a group of minor parties to help them win upper house seats.

Self-styled preference whisperer Glenn Druery is working with a group of minor parties to help them win upper house seats.Credit: Andrew Meares

The final negotiations will take place this weekend, with each party’s ticket to be lodged with the Victorian Electoral Commission on Sunday.

“It will come as no surprise that they will preference each other tightly,” said Patten, who is not working with Druery.

“Even on small percentages, their tight preferencing can act as a whirlwind to bring one of them to the surface. You can’t do anything to stop that.”

Zareh Ghazarian, a senior lecturer in politics at Monash University, said the emergence of the minor parties signalled that there was volatility in the electorate.

He said the major parties tended to win the first three or four of each region’s five seats, with the rest up for grabs.

Derryn Hinch is running for parliament after his party won three upper house seats in 2018.

Derryn Hinch is running for parliament after his party won three upper house seats in 2018.Credit: Wayne Taylor

“People, as they demonstrated at the national election, may be more comfortable voting for non-major party candidates,” he said.

“It wouldn’t be surprising for new minor parties to win representation in the upper house, especially if they have good preference deals running.”

Heston Russell, founder of the Angry Victorians Party.

Heston Russell, founder of the Angry Victorians Party.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Heston Russell, founder of the Angry Victorians Party, said that negotiating with the other parties over preferences was like “staring at a Rubik’s Cube that changes when you look away”.

“Diversity in the parliament is something we celebrate and we need to hope to have more of it,” he said.


Lee Jones, lead candidate for Family First in the South-Eastern Metropolitan region, said the way preference deals were struck in Victoria was an “anathema” to democracy.

He said Family First was steering clear of working with the Druery bloc and was instead negotiating with like-minded parties that shared his party’s values.

“There’s going to be some candidates from the minor parties who get elected in the lower house — predicting who it is will be very hard,” he said.

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