

This was published 1 year ago

As Liberals and Labor promise more help, who’s getting the benefit?

By Jewel Topsfield
Read more on the cost of living.See all 18 stories.

Tyler Peck is hardly a poster boy for the Liberals - he is a 20-year-old humanities student and part-time disability and aged care worker who describes himself as a progressive voter.

He has never voted Liberal and is not about to start now. But when the Victorian Liberals announced they would cap public transport fares at $2 a day if elected, Peck took notice.

Tyler Peck says capped public transport fares would make a difference to him.

Tyler Peck says capped public transport fares would make a difference to him.Credit: Jason South

Peck lives in Preston and catches the train to university. He is a student, finances are tight, and this is a policy that would make a difference to him.

He has mixed feelings about Premier Daniel Andrews but is impressed by his economic policies and his record of building infrastructure.

“To have the Liberals outdo him on the $2 fares was interesting to me, I am kind of disappointed that hasn’t been matched,” he says. “I would hope that would be matched in the future.”

Both major parties have focused on cost of living in the first two weeks of the election campaign, as Victorians struggle with interest rate hikes, rising rents and the ballooning costs of essentials such as food, medicine, clothing and energy.

Although generally seen as a federal government issue because the Commonwealth has big levers at its disposal such as tax reform and social welfare, the cost of living has become critical in this year’s state election.

Resolve Strategic director Jim Reed, who conducts political polls for The Age, says Victorian voters have indicated cost of living is the number one priority “by a country mile”.


It was also a core issue raised when The Age surveyed thousands of Victorians as part of our Victoria’s Agenda project, where we spent months asking what the public want the election to be about.

We first met Peck at Broadmeadows library back in September as part of this project.

He identified cost of living, staff shortages in the health sector and getting the mix of development and community right in gentrifying suburbs, such as Preston, as his main election priorities.

Along with the $2 fares, the policy that pleasantly surprised Peck was Labor’s radical election pitch to revive the State Electricity Commission, which was carved up and sold off in the 1990s.

Labor has promised an initial $1 billion to set up publicly controlled renewable energy, which would produce about 30 per cent of the state’s electricity. Andrews insists this will lead to lower power prices, although he has not put a figure on this.

“Power bills is another big expense of mine,” Peck says. “I’m not a big believer in privatisation. I do believe some things such as hospitals and electricity should be in federal and state hands, rather than companies’.”

Going all out

Every evening of the election campaign, the Victorian Liberals send media an alert informing them of where the LOTO (Leader of the Opposition) will be making a policy announcement the following day and its overarching theme. “This will also be the 10th day focused on cost of living,” one alert emphasises.

The message couldn’t be any clearer.

So far the Liberals have announced $2 public transport and half-price V-Line fares, free school lunches, abolished stamp duty for first home owners on properties up to $1 million, water bill savings, $200 sports vouchers for kids, $500 dental vouchers, a fuel comparison app and 150,000 lots of new land.

“It looks like the Libs are absolutely going hell for metal on a cost of living platform,” says pollster Jim Reed. “Whether it works for them will be interesting.”

Labor is also campaigning hard on cost of living, although its policies have generally been more targeted. In recent days it has announced $100 discounts on car registration and free boating and fishing licences for veterans, cheaper V-Line fares and free car registration for apprentices (“That’s around 432 meat pies per year,” Andrews tweeted. “Smoko sorted”.). The government has also announced $5000 bonuses for graduate nurses who work in the public system and neighbourhood batteries, which will mean more homes will have access to storage, allowing them to return surplus solar-generated electricity to the grid.

Labor insists its plan to set up a state-controlled renewable energy company will push down power prices. But are the parties’ policies cutting through?

Pollster and former Victorian Labor strategist Kos Samaras warns that unless a policy is iconic it is a struggle to get voters to notice.

“Small bric-a-brac announcements don’t get any traction,” he says.

Paul Strangio, professor of politics at Monash University, says the election to some extent has become an auction for voters’ hip pockets.

“Two policies that have resonated thus far are the Liberal Party’s promise to cut public transport fares and Labor’s resurrection of the State Electricity Commission,” Strangio says.

Both policies have their critics but Strangio says they have been successful in capturing the imagination of the public.

The revival of the State Electricity Commission taps into a disenchantment with the privatisation of former public enterprises, such as Qantas, Telstra and the Commonwealth Bank, all of which occurred in the 1990s.

Andrews rarely misses an opportunity to say his energy plan would benefit Victorians rather than private energy companies, which he says have made $23 billion in profits since the privatisation of the State Electricity Commission’s assets.

“The State Electricity Commission announcement was a useful tool to remind voters who privatised the energy sector, [former Liberal premier] Jeff Kennett,” Strangio says.

Yet it is unclear when the Commission will be up and running, how the proposed partnership with industry super funds will work, and when consumers will start to see cheaper prices.

Renewable energy expert Tristan Edis, director at Green Energy Markets, agrees the Victorian government needs to be proactive given the major risks around ageing coal generators abruptly breaking down or closing, and the exorbitant cost of gas.

However he points out that the private sector has new renewable energy and battery projects ready to go right now and could bring on supply faster to lower prices.

“There is little to no benefit from government owning the projects, but plenty of risks. The Victorian Government should follow NSW’s lead and establish a transparent and competitive process for underwriting and connecting new supply to progressively replace the coal by 2035.”

Edis believes a government process which works with the private sector could deliver reductions in power prices two years faster than via a State Electricity Commission.

Meanwhile, Professor Jago Dodson, the director of urban research at RMIT, argues the Liberals’ $2-a- day public transport fare policy risked worsening social equality because it would benefit more affluent people, who live in inner and middle suburbs better serviced by public transport.

He says the further a worker is located from the CBD, the more likely they are to be forced to rely on cars and travel to dispersed workplaces.

The policy has been costed at $1.3 billion over four years by the independent Parliamentary Budget Office, according to Opposition Leader Matthew Guy.

But this advice has not been made public and the state’s transport department estimates it would be double this.

Dodson believes the money would be better spent expanding the public transport network with frequent, fast and well-connected services.

There is an obvious tension between the Liberals’ rallying cry to “put an end to Daniel Andrews’ era of spiralling debt” and some of their own high-spending promises.

“The Coalition is effectively running a double narrative - they can spend to curb cost of living, and yet they’re concerned about Labor’s budget largesse, and especially about how Victoria’s net debt compares to other states,” says Strangio.

However, the Victorian Liberals can make catchy and expensive election pitches in the knowledge it is unlikely they will have to implement them.

“The broader picture is that, according to the polling, whatever the Coalition is doing, Labor is most likely to win this election.”

A Liberal Party campaign insider said the party had needed a couple of policies that grabbed the public’s attention.

”We pitched the $2 fares as having three impacts - cost of living obviously, reducing emissions and revitalising the CBD,” he says.

“There’s recognition we need to do more in the west because that’s a growth corridor - we can’t just be an inner east, inner south-east, outer eastern suburban party with a few country seats. The Liberals have got to appeal to all of metro Melbourne and get back in the game of regional Victoria.”

The bottom line

The Victorian Council of Social Service wants to see cost of living policies targeted at people on low incomes. “People who are doing well don’t need assistance with energy bills, they don’t need assistance with public transport,” says CEO Emma King.

“If the pie is only so big, we’ve got to make sure that money is going to people who need it the most.”

With electricity alone, there are about 17,000 households in Victoria that owe more than $2000 in bills and have no prospect of paying them, King says.

The Victorian Council of Social Service is calling on parties top provide a one-off “utility debt demolition” payment of up to $2000 to help eligible low-income households to clear their utility debt.

“I think, gee, if I look at some of the money that’s being dedicated at the moment, why can’t we just get those bills paid off?” King says.

Leanne Petrides is not yet convinced that cost of living policy proposals will make much difference to people’s lives.

Leanne Petrides is not yet convinced that cost of living policy proposals will make much difference to people’s lives.Credit: Scott McNaughton

Leanne Petrides is the executive officer at Community Information and Support Cranbourne, a centre for people in financial distress.

The Age first met her in September at a Cranbourne Chamber of Commerce networking event.

We interviewed her as part of The Age’s Victoria’s Agenda project and she stressed that everyone was talking about the cost of living.

So far, Petrides has been impressed by the Liberals’ policy of free school lunches. “If kids go to school hungry they can’t think, they can’t learn, they’re more likely to act up,” Petrides says. “Free school lunches are absolutely going to have an impact on family budgets.”

But Petrides says the $2 fares will not benefit many of the people who come to the centre for assistance. Some are shift workers, she says, who have to travel across Melbourne, and public transport in Cranbourne is infrequent and unreliable. “The bus routes are not always direct and even the Cranbourne train station, which is the end of the line, is not necessarily central for a lot of people.”

Petrides likes the idea of state-owned utility companies and some of the choice and control that comes with that.

“But many of the people who come to us for assistance are looking for support to put food on the table tonight and to make sure they don’t get thrown out of their house next week,” she says.

“They would be either unaware or uncertain that that’s going to make any difference for them, because what is the bottom-line number on their bill? And unless that goes down, or at least doesn’t go up, then it really doesn’t matter who owns it.”

Petrides is still listening carefully to what the parties are offering. “I’m not really swayed or convinced,” she says.

“I come from a position of privilege but I’m putting myself in the shoes of the people who come to us for help, and I still don’t really see that they’re going to come out in December and go ‘Wow, things are going to be so much better’.”

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