

This was published 7 months ago

Allan Fels’ damning report on price gouging surprises no one

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Credit: Illustration: Jim Pavlidis


We pay too much for everything

Professor Allan Fels’ damning report on prices should come as no surprise to all Australians (″⁣Qantas named and shamed in Fels’ price gouging inquiry″⁣, 8/2).
We have all experienced over-the-top price increases by many companies but especially the two main supermarkets, Coles and Woolworths, Qantas, NDIS suppliers, and electricity suppliers. Of course, there are many others.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) virtually sits there on its hands and the federal governments, both Liberal-National and Labor, seemingly do absolutely nothing on prices.
They offer cost-of-living relief that we pay for out of our taxes anyway just to make themselves feel good. That’s hopeless. That does nothing about prices, fees and charges that are levied by a multitude of companies.
We are in a seemingly never-ending loop of higher charges and inflation and companies argue it’s a result of COVID and inflation. What weak excuses.
Such companies contribute to inflation in the first place aided by the polices of the Reserve Bank, which lent money cheaply to the banks.
The banks are having a ball at all our collective expense. They played their part in the inflation spiral in the first place.
The Australian people are being ripped off, gouged, overcharged, and all the while these companies are making record profits.
Peter Allan, Blackburn

Forget the supermarkets, look at the banks
Qantas and some power companies may be ripping off consumers, but to level similar charges against the large supermarkets is scapegoating (“Qantas named and shamed in Fels’ price gouging inquiry”, 8/2).
Annual profits for Coles and Woolies, which both maintain hundreds of stores and employ tens of thousands, amount to little more than $1 billion, or $1.5 billion, each.
Huge disparities between farm gate and supermarket prices are mainly due to supply chain costs. The charge of price gouging would require a much larger bottom line.
In contrast, the four big banks amass far greater profits with the CBA posting over $10 billion and the other three giants in the range of $7 to $8 billion.
Their enthusiasm for passing on RBA rate rises to their clients is a wonder to behold. A nice little earner, indeed. John Morrissey, Hawthorn.

Thank you Allan Fels
Something us consumers have known all along. Price gouging is rife across all consumer sectors. But not one government, state or federal, from whatever persuasion has had the will to do anything about it.
Thank you Allan Fels for calling it out. A man of courage.
Gerard van de Ven, Mount Martha

Time to take a look at pharmacy prices too
The government’s inquiry into price gouging should extend to pharmacists.
Recently, on discharge from a private hospital, I was charged $21.95 for a medication from its in-house pharmacy that last year cost me $9.50 at a local one.
And today another medication was quoted to me at “just under $20″ from the pharmacy near my doctor’s, yet it cost me, guess what, $9.50 back at my local one.
And the local pharmacy I’m referring to is not part of the mega chain that advertises on TV constantly.
One thing this shows is that unless the medication is one of the standard $30 products, it sure pays to ask the pharmacist how much it will cost, unless you’re happy to get ripped off.
Alex Judd, Blackburn North


Peris is right
To compare Australia and Palestine as terra nullius is inaccurate (“Flagging it”, Letters, 8/2). Arabs and Jews have occupied the land since time immemorial subjugated in turn by groups of foreign invaders such as the Babylonians, Romans, Crusaders, Ottomans and then British administrators.
After World War II, the UN deemed that the Jews should have a small area to call their own and the Arabs had similar autonomy over a larger area, the original two-state solution that was rejected by the Arabs.
Despite and because of occupation by “foreigners”, civilisation developed in Palestine, religions were promulgated, massive cities were built, literature flourished, cultural icons were evident – none of which demonstrate the hallmarks of terra nullius.
Nova Peris was right to call out the conflation of Australian Indigenous issues and Palestinian issues, as it diminishes the cause of Indigenous people.
Mike Reece, Doncaster


No comparison
Judith Morrison (“Flagging it″⁣, Letters 8/2 ) appears to have missed the key point of Nova Peris’ concern with the use of the Indigenous flag.
There is a fundamental difference between the history of Australia and the history of Israel. When the British arrived in Australia they came as pure colonialists – they had absolutely no connection to the land which had been occupied solely by the Indigenous people for thousands of years.
When Israel was established as a Jewish state, this was based on thousands of years of strong connection and occupation of the land by Jews alongside Palestinians.
The history of the land on which Israel is located is far more complex than Australia and any attempt to conflate the two histories is inherently flawed.
John Rosenberg, South Melbourne

Weekend work
I have no hesitation in replying to work contact after hours or at weekends. I realise these communications only occur under unforeseen circumstances, and infrequently .
If you are proud to be part of a dynamic, supportive, professional workplace, as a team player you would accept these out-of-hours calls, as I do, with good grace.
Julie Frazer, Melbourne

Don’t answer
The winner in the employee’s right to switch off from work out of hours is mental health. The corollary between good boundaries and wellbeing is well established.
Joan Segrave, Healesville

Where’s the plan B?
The US is currently walking away from Ukraine. Donald Trump, who might call for a US withdrawal from NATO to appease Vladimir Putin, could be re-elected later this year as president. I hope our Defence Minister, Richard Marles, and his cohort are not basing our deterrence solely on the ANZUS Treaty. Plan B please, Richard.
Trevor Jennings, Leopold

Intransigent Nats
Your correspondents’ letters and the opinion piece by Tim Buckley and Annmarie Jonson (8/2) rightly expose the incomprehensible intransigence of David Littleproud and his National Party in ignoring the grave consequences of climate change and the need to make a speedy transition to renewable energy.
If Littleproud and his colleagues had lived in the time of Copernicus, they would have been the sceptics raging against Copernicus’ theory that the sun, not the earth, was the centre of the universe.
Graeme Lechte, Brunswick West

Heed the warnings
Tim Buckley and Annemarie Jonson’s insights into Australia’s climate challenge is essential reading (“Climate wars 2.0: Coalition’s bid to wreck the joint”, 8/2). Investing in zero-emission technologies at speed while avoiding “digging our massive coal and gas hole deeper” is precisely the answer. Coalition: take heed.
Amy Hiller, Kew

Male lens the problem
Katy Hall’s epiphany that her high level of pain tolerance pertaining to a fractured wrist after a fall was not a “figment of her imagination”, but rather her socialised programming of grinning and bearing it due to ″⁣medical gaslighting″⁣ is apt (″⁣Women have been gaslit for so long they no longer believe their own pain”, 7/2). Indeed, similar to other forms of gaslighting that women regularly experience (such as contact with police and the criminal justice system in the context of reporting domestic violence or sexual abuse), the default starting point in assessing women’s circumstances is through a male lens. That is the underlying problem.
“The unlearning of unconscious biases that medical professionals must embark on” can only occur if women’s chronic pain is taught to medical students as a distinct area of medicine from the outset of their training.
Jelena Rosic, Mornington

If pain persists
Pain is a symptom that tells us that there is something wrong (Comment, 8/2). Women do have more causes of pain due to their monthly hormonal cycles and childbearing. It is up to the medical professional to investigate the cause of pain and it’s irresponsible to ignore it.
However, everyone has a different tolerance of pain because humans have a hormone called endorphin. (Athletes can break the pain barrier because of their elevated endorphin levels.)
Anxiety can intensify the pain intolerance. Diagnosing the cause of pain is often a process of elimination and hence the need for diagnostic tests.
Maria Liew, Woodend

Chalmers’ model
Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers should be wary of modelling himself too closely on Paul Keating (Comment, 8/2).When Keating was treasurer in 1989, home loan interest rates reached 17 per cent. He then led Australia into the recession ″⁣we had to have″⁣ in the early 1990s when unemployment hit 11 per cent.
As prime minister, Keating only avoided defeat in the 1993 election due to an inept opposition campaign and lost to John Howard in a landslide in 1996. Most Australians were well and truly over Paul Keating by then.
Rod Wise, Surrey Hills

Driving lessons
As the driver of a 1966 classic car with a manual gearbox, I find I need to concentrate fully while driving. I don’t need things that go “ping” when I change lanes, get too close to the car in front, or exceed what is probably an outdated speed limit to be reminded about what I am doing (“Car safety standards in slow lane”, 9/2).
The pings can be more distracting than the “disasters” they are warning about, and you can’t turn them off, or if you do, you void your warranty or make your car unroadworthy.
I believe that cars should be more difficult to drive, which would encourage concentration, rather than becoming more automated.
As part of the licence test, there should be a question about the coefficient of friction and the four (or two) hand-sized patches of rubber that translate the commands from the driver’s seat to the road. Cars today are becoming like guns with a “point and shoot” capability. Unfortunately, there is far too often a lot of collateral damage.
Julian Robertson, Mount Eliza

Briars beware
At least six environmental groups have condemned the touring event at The Briars in Mount Martha (“Harry Potter and the chamber of secret votes spells trouble for Forbidden Forest walk”, 6/2).
This is another takeover of a public park for commercial interests.
In 1994 work commenced on the Formula 1 racetrack in the Albert Park reserve, including cutting down over 1000 trees, adding over50,000 square metres of asphalt and construction of a pit building.
The economic and environmental costs continue 30 years on. Briars beware even when they bear gifts.
Geoff Gowers, Merricks North

Hostile Dutton
The hostility shown by Peter Dutton to Sarah Ferguson and ABC TV’s 7.30 on Wednesday during what appeared to be a rather gentle interview by the host, makes one wonder as to the ability of Dutton to handle any sort of pressure.
It creates further doubt as to the suitability of Dutton to lead the Liberal Party, let alone the country.
Malcolm Turnbull has forever branded him as a “thug” – he may as well have it tattooed on his forehead.
Barry James, Lilydale

Allan’s warning
Thanks to Premier Jacinta Allan for alerting us to the danger posed by people holding up pieces of cardboard with writing on them. (“Greens MPs ordered to apologise”, 8/2).
Paulette Smythe, Caulfield East

Vandal-proof statues
For councils dealing with the damage to our historical statues, why not replace them with holograms? That would allow the historical figures to be portrayed in multiple and more lively ways, and I would imagine that it’s hard to vandalise a hologram.
Geoffrey Stewart, Romsey

Housing solution
There is an additional, maybe counterintuitive, way to boost home ownership other than restricting negative gearing: dramatically improve renters’ protection from eviction.
In Germany, where I am struggling to sell an inherited apartment, it is very hard to evict a tenant, with few valid reasons available and a process that takes a long time.
The laws ensure a rented place is a safe home, not an easily traded commodity, and not an attractive option for negatively geared owners.
Ralph Böhmer, St Kilda West



Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

Dutton’s demeanour
Peter Dutton’s petulant performance on 7.30 Wednesday demonstrated that the so-called “thug” has a glass jaw.
Paul Harkins, Mornington

Congratulations, Sarah Ferguson, for standing up to Dutton’s bullying (7.30 7/2). His obsession with left-wing bias in the ABC makes it very difficult to have a rational discussion with him.
John Walsh, Watsonia

Peter Dutton makes claims about the ″⁣damage″⁣ done to the Australian economy even though Labor has only been in power since 2022 compared with the Coalition’s rule from 2013 to 2022. Why didn’t they do something when in power to improve the economy?
David Robertson, Wheatsheaf

Nationals interests
The National Party is a necessary part of Australian politics. It’s the only party that makes the Liberal Party looks sensible.
Adrian Tabor, Point Lonsdale

The National Party dropped the name ″⁣Country Party″⁣ because the interests of farmers were no longer paramount.
Malcolm McDonald, Burwood

Please, can someone save us from the Liberal Coalition fossil fools.
Edward Combes, Wheelers Hill

The neolithic Nationals, one briquette short of a bonfire.
Greg Curtin, Nunawading

You can’t run cattle in a coal mine, Barnaby.
Neil Champion, Moonee Ponds

Try as I do to understand divergent points of view, I’m struggling to feel sympathy for private schools (“More fee hike warnings from private schools”, 8/2). They might just have to pull their heads in a little.
Fiona White, Alfredton

Thank god for Matt Golding’s brilliant cartoon “His master’s voice...t.g.i.f.” (″⁣Right of employees to switch off bosses after hours locked in″⁣, 8/2) – a panacea for the doom and gloom.
Dawn Evans, Barwon Grange

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