

This was published 7 months ago

Nationals’ heads in sand over call to limit renewable energy


Credit: Illustration: Andrew Dyson

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Renewable energy

Nationals leaders are out of touch and running out of time

David Littleproud’s ongoing campaign is a certainly a triumph of politics over climate science (“Stop the regional renewables rollout: Nationals”, 7/2). Where do you start, to counter their dangerous spin?
Farmland cannot cope with more wind and solar? Ongoing land clearing for grazing opens up many times the area of solar and wind. Millions of dollars and thousands of jobs are brought to regional areas by renewables.
Nuclear power? Coalition governments (of which the Nationals are part) held inquiries into nuclear in 2006, 2016 and 2019, and found no need.
The 8000 members of Farmers for Climate Action want clean renewable energy. In addition, the peak industry body (National Farmers’ Federation) supports net zero.
The Nationals must look beyond fake news and spin, from vested interests, sections of the media and the ever-reliable internet.
So many evidence-free assertions are repeated in the wider anti-renewable crowd, with limited push-back. A classic example is the unchallenged assertion that “research” had shown that one-third of prime agricultural land would be needed for net zero.
Is David Littleproud scared of becoming irrelevant? The Liberals forced the Nationals to support net zero at the last Commonwealth election, and were defeated anyway. No wonder the Liberals are worried now.
John Hughes, Mentone

Nationals must stop dodging questions
The climate deniers have pulled their heads from the sand (“Stop the regional renewables rollout: Nationals”. 7/2). The Nationals when in power continually attacked the Labor opposition over costings re their climate change suggestions.
They now need to justify their divisive stance on a problem that is devastating the very environment that their constituents rely on. They dodged these questions for a decade whilst in Government and continue to avoid them in opposition.
What are their carbon reduction targets (particularly if they walk away from Paris commitments)?; how much solar capacity can be built on commercial buildings and at what cost?; provide the costings, the safety solutions and the production lead times to justify the call for nuclear. Or rebury your heads and let Labor get on with what must be done.
Peter Thomson, Brunswick

Wind and solar farms are not “filthy”
Has there ever been a more ignorant and irresponsible policy as the Nationals call for halting renewable energy projects ?
And would we make Barnaby Joyce happy if he could look out his window and see nuclear reactors rather than than those “filthy” wind and solar farms?
Ralph Frank, Malvern East

A better deal for farmers
The Nationals are calling for a halt to the development of renewable energy projects in regional Australia (“Stop the regional renewables rollout:Nationals”, News, 7/2).
Nationals leader David Littleproud and former leader Barnaby Joyce have both slammed renewables as having hit “a saturation point in regional Australia” and were “filth that’s all over our countryside”.
If they are truly concerned about the health and welfare of regional Australians, you’d reckon they would be pleased that regional Australia was supporting the push to reach our Paris Agreement climate targets.
We rely on regional Australia to provides us with our fruits, vegetables and diary needs, for which we pay very handsomely in our supermarkets. Renewables bring down the cost of our energy.
How about the Nationals push for a better deal for their farmers rather than wasting their energy on condemning renewables in their neck of the woods.
Nick Toovey, Beaumaris


Price gouging
For the last 12 months every politician has ended every sentence with “cost of living pressures”. After all the talk, the ace of trumps has been played into the arena; Alan Fels’ report into price gouging has laid bare what we have all suspected for years. The report outlines price gouging orchestrated at the highest levels across a range of industries with supermarkets front and centre. If the government doesn’t embrace this report, then any talk about “cost of living pressures” can only be regarded as ear gouging.
Don Relf, Mentone


No duopoly
I am fortunate to live close to Bentleigh where apart from ″⁣Colesworth″⁣ and Aldi, there are three greengrocers, three butchers, two delicatessens plus about six bakeries.
In response to Ross Gittins’s excellent article “Closed shop needs checking out”, Ross Gittins, 7/2, I encourage readers to support such businesses where available and use supermarkets just for groceries. There will be the added bonus of gaining personalised service from the staff of small businesses.
Rod Watson, East Brighton

Bullock gets it
With billionaire singing phenomenon Taylor Swift about to burst onto the iconic MCG, it’s no surprise that journalist Shane Wright asked new Reserve Bank governor Michele Bullock about her impact on our economy.
As he says in his article, ″⁣RBA’s lead singer gives herself room to move″⁣ 7/2, Bullock came across as a switched-on pragmatist as she cleverly ″⁣managed to relate inflation to the generation of Swifties, and their parents, about the trade-offs involved in bringing inflation under control″⁣.
Kevin Burke, Sandringham

Brutalist battle
David Neustein’s review of a new book on brutalist architecture in Sydney (″⁣The brutal facts about Sydney’s architecture style,″⁣ 6/2 ) reminds me of a local battle in 2006 to save the Harold Holt pool building in Malvern which was then undergoing a renovations plan.
The building, which was one of the best examples of brutalist architecture in Australia, was eventually preserved after a lengthy battle by community activists and others. Many similar styled buildings in Sydney have not been as lucky.
Garry Meller, Bentleigh

Wong’s task
Thank you Justin Bassi for your suggestion of collective action to counter blackmail from Beijing regarding Yang Hengjun, (″⁣Wong’s task: making China fear her response″⁣, 7/2).) It’s outrageous that this Australian citizen has been handed a suspended death sentence and faces life in prison. Collaboration with other countries that would pose reputational and economic sanctions for hostage blackmail might be effective. Appeasing China is futile. Mary Keating, Flemington

Peris’ opinion
I have great respect for Nova Peris’ accomplishments as an athlete, a politician, and most of all as an Indigenous woman and a leader.
She has every right to raise her concerns about the use of the Aboriginal flag at protests. However, I take strong exception to her comments that it has become trendy to support Palestine and that some activists were gleaning their information from TikTok (“Peris in push to reclaim flag from protests”, 7/2).
I find Peris both condescending and without evidence to support her assertions. I can assure her that I and many older people like me who hold strong views about Israel’s destruction of Gaza and the killing of so many of its children do not need to be spoken to as if we are ill-informed teenagers. She is entitled to her opinion and respect, but so are people who don’t agree with her.
Mary Ryan, Black Rock

Flagging it
″⁣Peris in push to reclaim flag from protests″⁣(7/2/) seems disingenuous and not to understand the settler colonisation of both Australia and Palestine. European colonisers sought to supplant and dominate the indigenous populations. Both Palestine and Australia were seen as ″⁣terra nullius″⁣ - lands without a people. The history of both speaks to many similarities such as oppression, stolen land, wars, death and displacement. Thus the flags side by side are history of colonisation and resistance.
Judith Morrison, Nunawading

No namaste?
The City of Port Phillip sounds like any other commercial landlord (″⁣No namaste? Council fees a stretch″⁣, 7/2). If you become popular, it wants its slice of the pie too.
Craig Tucker, Newport

Yoga for all
It seems again that money means more to those in power than the health and wellbeing of its citizens. (″⁣No namaste? Council fees a stretch″⁣, 7/2).
You would think that Port Phillip city council would applaud this venture, which obviously helps many with their mental and physical health. Not everyone is able to find the funds to pay for such classes.
Yoga classes allow many to enjoy social interactions and exercise. It seems incredible that the council would want to dismantle such a positive outcome for many.
Jane Taylor, Newport

Two-state solution
Correspondents supporting either Israel or Palestine (Letters, 7/2) are like barrackers for Aussie rules football teams – they only seem to see the good of their side, and the bad of the opponents.
Sure, it is wrong for extremist Palestinians to deny the right of Israel to exist and it would be great if Palestinian spokespeople could publicly state their acceptance of the fact that the state of Israel will always exist within what was formerly Palestine.
But equally, it would be great if Zionists would accept that Palestinians lived in the land now occupied by Israel for many thousands of years, just as Jewish communities did.
And if they also accepted that the Palestinians have a right to a sovereign state created with an equitable division of the shared historical land.
Neither side has an absolute right to exclusive occupation of Palestine. Neither side is without fault.
A peaceful solution will only come when both sides take the scales from their eyes and put aside their tribal mentality.
Daniel Cole, St Albans

Let Captain Cook lie
Perhaps the toppled Captain Cook monument might be allowed to lie in its original place in the Catani Gardens, hacked off at the ankles as it now is, as an innovative means of encouraging reflection on the various issues that the controversy about it embody?
Accompanied by a sensitively written panel, carefully avoiding taking sides, it might be far more effective than either a reinstated monument, or no monument, in inviting passers-by to consider questions of how we should assess our history, and how disagreements and protests are to be managed, in these turbulent and confusing times.
Michael Liffman, Middle Park

Viktor Orban, why?
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has finally given up his opposition to the EU providing financial support to Ukraine following the Russian criminal invasion.
Why has he been effectively supporting Russian dictator and UN-indicted war criminal Vladmir Putin all this time?
He seems to have forgotten that the communist Soviet Union invaded his country Hungary in 1956 because it was, allegedly, wanting more freedom than what was allowed under the oppressive communist system.
Ukraine just wants this KGB thug Putin out of its country totally.
Coke Tomyn, Camberwell

Food consumption down
The Reserve Bank Governor has acknowledged that, with rising interest rates and inflationary pressures, ″⁣many households have had to make difficult adjustments in response to challenging conditions″⁣ (″⁣Bullock says that RBA could go up or down″⁣, 7/2). A key reason for the severe impact of increased interest rates on many households is the fact that they have had to take out very large mortgages, because house prices have been turbocharged by investors who have had the incentives of negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions.
The ″⁣difficult adjustment″⁣ for many households has been reducing food consumption or making do with poorer quality food.
In its latest annual Hunger Report, Foodbank Australia reports that 3.7 million households (36 per cent) experienced food insecurity, and 77 per cent of those households were suffering this hardship for the first time. Foodbank identified increased rents and mortgage repayments as the principal causes.
In a country as rich as Australia, no one should experience hunger. Poor policies and lack of policy coordination are big contributors to income and wealth inequality, and governments and the Reserve Bank must become more aware of all of the effects of their economic policies.
Andrew Trembath, Blackburn

Butterfly is no moth
Here is a possible answer to Alan Inchley’s letter (7/2)) regarding the Cabbage White Butterfly. This butterfly prefers to lay its eggs on plants in the brassica family such as cabbages, cauliflower, broccoli etc and occasionally lays its eggs on the common garden nasturtium.
It is not a moth as moths have feathered antennae and butterflies have a tiny knob at the end of the antennae.
This European butterfly is thought to have arrived in Australia in 1937.
With the price of vegetables on the rise, perhaps more people are growing their own, hence the prevalence of Cabbage White Butterflies.
Cecily Falkingham, Donvale



Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

Even with a giant blackboard with climate change written in large letters, Barnaby Joyce will continue to deny its existence.
Alan Inchley, Frankston

Carefully located renewables are the world’s salvation against us becoming extinct. Barnaby Joyce and the Nationals must rethink and join the rest of us (“Stop the regional renewable rollouts: Nationals”, 7/2).
Barbara Fraser, Burwood

Federal politics
If you can’t trust the word of a prime minister, what politician can you trust?
Michael Gamble, Belmont

Has Peter Dutton broken his promise on tax cuts by supporting Labor’s changed policy?
Brent Baigent, Richmond

The Coalition waving through the amended stage 3 tax cuts could well be their nemesis down the track.
Francis Bainbridge, Fitzroy North

Some Liberal supporters are angry with ABC bias towards the Liberal Party with the screening of Nemesis, so it’s pleasing to see that The Killing Season is available on iview to help keep the balance.
Anne Maki, Alphington

A great article from John Silvester (“Was an old drug lord jailed fairly?“, 7/2), but “undersized flathead” at Bonnie Doon? Where’s your evidence of that John? (I’m off to Sorrento to catch some undersized redfin.)
David Allen, Bayswater Nth

Why do the letter writers supporting Israel fail to mention the illegal settlements in the West Bank?
Peter Berenyi, Howes Creek

I understand Michele Bullock (“Bullock says RBA could go up or down”, 7/2). It is not a forecast for an unexpected non-commitment – thus, we are not committed to expectations or forecasts.
Luise Mock, Tawonga South

Can we add idling motors while owners check their mobile phones in covered car parks to the list please? (“Time for idling to stop”, Letters 7/2).
Ewa Haire, Moonee Ponds

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