

This was published 6 years ago

A shattered community fights back after death of much-loved mum Samantha Fraser

By Simone Fox Koob
White ribbons adorn much of Cowes after the death of much-loved mum Samantha Fraser.

White ribbons adorn much of Cowes after the death of much-loved mum Samantha Fraser.Credit: Daniel Pocket

On the scenic drive into the main street of Cowes, a small coastal hamlet on Victoria's idyllic Phillip Island, swathes of white fabric have started to appear on the aged trunks of the old golden cypress trees that line the street.

Ribbons also dot the letter boxes of suburban houses, are pinned to locals' clothes and can be seen on the counters of the local newsagency, hairdresser and supermarket.

It's been 10 days since the body of much-loved mother Samantha Fraser was found in the garage of her home, and the dots of white reflect a town in mourning.

Cowes is also a small community determined for justice. On Thursday, they got a step closer.

Hours after police appealed for fresh information about Ms Fraser's death, her ex-partner Adrian Basham was arrested in the state's east and charged with her murder.

A tribute to Samantha Fraser outside the Cowes cultural centre

A tribute to Samantha Fraser outside the Cowes cultural centreCredit: Simone Fox Koob

Hundreds of kilometres away, the news of Mr Basham's arrest filtered quickly throughout Cowes.

For most who knew Ms Fraser, which was many within the tight-knit community, it was not a surprise. Some said it was never a question of whether someone would be charged - rather of the question of when.


"Today was a combination of, 'Good they've got someone', but it's also meant people aren't fearful anymore," her friend Alice Bradley said. "It was a relief after a lot of anxiety. Hopefully justice will now be done."

Another friend, Patrice, said that she felt a sense of relief when hearing the news that an arrest had been so swift.

"I think for women in general it didn't matter if you knew her or not, it was about your freedom to walk in your community and know there was not a danger," she said.

"I can't imagine how her parents are feeling right now."

Samantha Fraser.

Samantha Fraser.

The community have rallied around Ms Fraser's parents, Trevor and Janine, and her three young children who attended the local primary school.

Messages of support for the Fraser family have piled up at a makeshift memorial in the centre of town, where dozens of bouquets of flowers lie surrounded by candles and ribbons.

A white tape strung between two poles is emblazoned with the words: "End violence against women."

"I always thought there would be more time to talk, to get to know you better," one note reads. "Our community stand as one in your honour. We will surround [your children] with love."

"You raised the most beautiful children and we will look after them," another says.

In a town of 4000 people, there were many who had a connection to Ms Fraser, who was active in the local school community and also worked casually as a psychologist at the local medical clinic.

As news spread during the week and authorities appealed for CCTV and dashcam footage, police said locals were incredibly cooperative in providing information that furthered the investigation.

One local said they felt police had gone "above and beyond" to catch the killer and left "no stone unturned". It is understood the death has also shaken local police, as some of the officers who attended the scene on July 23 knew Ms Fraser personally.

The house in Cowes where Samantha Fraser lived.

The house in Cowes where Samantha Fraser lived.Credit: Eddie Jim

On Thursday evening after Mr Basham's arrest, the town was quiet and still. At the home Ms Fraser had bought with Mr Basham in 2012 – where she had most recently been living with her children and parents – bunches of flowers sat outside the garage. Overgrown bushes obscure the view of the modern home, which appears secure and private.

And though Mr Basham has been charged, friends and locals say there is more to do.

A community vigil is planned for Saturday, which will see even more white ribbons pop up across Cowes.

Ms Bradley says they will then push to ensure there is change on the small island to increase support for women in similar situations.

"People are so angry this has happened and it's happened here," she said.

"This is just not right, it shouldn't be happening, something needs to be done, and I suppose the fund-raising and white ribbon thing has been a focus for their anger and it's something they feel they can do. It's given them a voice to say we are not going to tolerate this anymore."

Ms Bradley, who works in healthcare, is determined to improve the "totally inadequate" family violence resources in Cowes. She has been in talks with some politicians to create a women's refuge on the island.

Another friend of Ms Fraser's, Patrice, said that the last few weeks had emphasised how important it was to recognise family violence could occur anywhere.

"This community has been torn apart by the fact [Sam] was in trouble and didn't know what to do," she said.

"We are not waiting until another family is torn apart by this trauma."

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