

This was published 2 years ago


Swimming with sharks: We do it, time after time, and Simon Nellist would not have wanted them culled

The conditions were perfect on Wednesday – quiet, sunny, water temperature around 25 degrees, clear skies, cool breeze. I padded down to my local bay with my friend Darren where we swam over, and marvelled at, six little squid swimming in formation, some funky looking fish … and a shark. It was a dusky whaler, and we followed it for a while as it crossed the weeds sprouting at the edge of the sea walls.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit: The Sydney Morning Herald

There used to be dozens of dusky whalers in the bay. They would enter as juveniles and exit as adolescents. Grey nurses are regularly spotted, considered harmless, and wobbegongs and Port Jackson sharks are as common as groper. (Two years ago a man swam into a grey nurse during a pre-dawn swim; he suffered some superficial injuries and was teased relentlessly by fellow squad members for doing so.)

It is the sharks’ home; but we co-exist, happily.

Great whites are there, too, but usually further out to sea.

So when, a few hours later, I heard a man had been killed by a great white across the heads at Little Bay, like the many thousands of other ocean swimmers in this city, my stomach clenched.

Simon Nellist was a much-loved diving instructor, shortly to be married, now mourned.


We all take, and accept, risk by swimming in the open ocean. It’s rational to do so – we all know sharks are there, but they leave us alone. The last fatal attack in Sydney was in 1963, and millions have bathed in our harbour and swum off our shores since then. It’s been pointed out repeatedly that it’s more dangerous to drive to the beach than swim at the beach.

On the same day as the attack, more than two dozen people died from COVID-19. Roughly every week, a woman dies at the hands of a current or former partner.


Author James Woodford spent months studying the world’s most fearsome predator for his book Great White, diving with shark scientists off Port Lincoln in South Australia. There, great whites live among the reefs and islands. Woodford describes them as all muscle and teeth.

He argues they only ever attack humans by mistake.

Initially, Woodford says, there was speculation on Wednesday that the Sydney swimmer had been spearfishing, but this has not been confirmed. If he had been, it would have meant “he was probably placing himself in a higher-odds bracket because, without knowing whether he had a catch bag or was towing his catch, injured fish and blood are known to attract sharks. But almost certainly this would have been a case of mistaken identity as great whites do not specifically target humans. If they did, our beaches would be unswimmable.”

But it is now thought Nellist was swimming in preparation for an ocean race. Either way, says Woodford: “It would still have been a mistake by the shark. The fact that these kind of events are so rare, even in a city world-famous for its beach culture, shows that this was a terrible and infinitesimally rare accident.”

If you go into shark-infested waters, such as the Neptune Islands in South Australia, where they breed and live, “you will almost certainly get taken by a shark”, Woodford says. “They are aggressive in that environment,” he adds, and they would expect you to be marine life.

“But in a place like Sydney you would not get attacked because you are a human but in spite of the fact that you are human.”


There are some ways to mitigate risks though – “if you go ocean swimming a long way out, you are increasing the risk that a mistake will be made by a shark”. More caution is needed swimming at dusk and dawn, when it is murky, and where you see big schools of fish – often marked by seagulls swimming overhead.

But the man who is arguably the most responsible for calming anxieties about sharks in this city is Jason Iggledon, the creator of the Drone Shark App, which, as its name suggests, displays aerial footage of sharks and other sea creatures from above Sydney’s eastern beaches, Bondi, Bronte and Tamarama. What it shows is that every day there are countless interactions between sharks and humans that we never hear about. We see hammerheads, grey nurses, bronze whalers and Alex the seal cruise past swimmers and surfers without blinking.

Locals are still trying to fathom what happened to Simon Nellist, but Iggleden’s guess is that he was “extremely unlucky, a one-in-a-billion chance”, probably swimming in the middle of a school of fish. On Friday, two days after the attack, he noticed an unusually large school of about 500 big tuna lapping Bondi, which he suspected might have contained a clue.

An Instagrammer in California, Scott Fairchild, has a similar account and has documented many great whites swimming past, under and around surfers without touching them.


It is evidence like this that has led scores of people to contact Iggleden to tell him how much his work has reassured them, reminding them to not panic when swimming. He told me: “I would never go in the water with sharks until I started filming them, and I saw them just swimming past people every day. Now I jump at the chance to swim with grey nurses.”

In four years of filming he has not seen one aggressive move by a shark – though he has only seen four great whites, and he usually alerts the lifeguards to tell people to get out of the water. “I’m not going to chance that.”

Nor would he chance spearfishing because he says the sharks smell the blood of the fish you catch, so they frequently encounter larger predators who want their catch and can attack: “When I think of spearfishers I think, gee, they’ve got big nuts.”

Nellist was described by one of his friends as the “nicest, kindest human”. It’s a horrific incident and doubtless the rapid, unthinking circulation of a video of his last moments would have made it even harder for his family to process.


What does seem certain is that the former Royal Air Force serviceman would not have wanted culling of sharks as a response to his death. He knew and understood the sea, and had previously opposed oft-used methods to catch sharks, writing on Facebook several months ago: “’Shark nets and drumlines protect no one and kill all kinds of marine life each year.”

All we can do is be careful, be rational about risk and resile from knee-jerk fear when news stories recall gory Jaws images. This is a man who respected the sea and all who roamed within it; surely we should do the same.

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