

This was published 3 months ago

This man’s castle is his home, and an airport is ruining the serenity

By Julie Power

Galliano Callegari gestures towards the murals he has created in his western Sydney home.

Galliano Callegari gestures towards the murals he has created in his western Sydney home.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Italian migrant Galliano Callegari took decades to write a love story to his adopted home in stone.

The Venetian gothic palace that Callegari built for his family in Kemps Creek near the new western Sydney airport is surrounded by a 300-metre-long stone fence with a distinctly Disneyland vibe.

It took six years for Callegari to build the castle’s stone fence by hand. It is topped with turrets that are twice as tall as the 80-year-old concreter who built them. And the gate topped with metal pikes and decorated with mosaics that he designed is these days nearly too heavy for him to close.

Galliano Callegari in front of his home in Kemps Creek.

Galliano Callegari in front of his home in Kemps Creek.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Now the fence is slated for demolition because of plans by Penrith Council to widen the road next to his home within the 850-hectare Mamre Road Precinct to accommodate the increased traffic. The precinct is expected to provide 17,000 jobs when fully developed.

“If [they] don’t preserve my fence, my house will be crippled,” Callegari said. “It has taken me my life to build this place.”

Callegari and his adult children are fighting to stop the fence’s demolition. They say it could also cause the destruction of the bridge over the two lakes that serve as a moat at the front of the property.


“It’s a bit like The Castle, with the airport,” said his son Carlo, referring to the 1997 movie where the Kerrigan family fought to save their home from compulsory acquisition for a new airport.

For decades, the Callegaris’ home was surrounded by market gardens and cow pastures. Now the area near the Venetian villa has been rezoned as industrial, trucks rumble down the roads and construction has upset brown snakes which have had to be shooed from his home.

Written in sweat, hand-picked rocks and recycled materials, Callegari’s mosaics are an ode to ambition and Australia.

“It was my ambition to create my own Venetian villa. I love it,” he said of the four-storey home on the two-hectare site.

Born in 1944, Callegari migrated to Australia from Italy in 1964 with no English and no money.

The mosaics tell his life story and sum up his philosophy, hopes and fears.


A red button with a thumb looming in the middle of one mosaic represents the threat of nuclear war. An artwork near the front door depicts the monotony of peasant life in the poor and small agricultural village Musano, 60 kilometres from Venice, where he grew up.


“They got up to farm, they go to church, and that was all the life they had. Work, work, church, hotel,” Callegari said.

Instead of a life growing wheat and corn, he had wanted to see the world and take chances elsewhere.

Carlo said his father had wanted to build a palace among the gum trees.

“Dad often said, ‘Italy might be my motherland but Australia is always my homeland.’ He’s a proud Australian and wanted to integrate as many Australian raw materials and reclaimed architectural pieces as possible.”

The mosaics feature Australian animals, including kangaroos, and boomerangs.


Working on building sites in Sydney from the 1960s onwards, Callegari rescued building materials that had been dumped in skips.

Carlo said his mother Daniella was the unsung hero who raised four children while Callegari worked three jobs to raise the money for the build.

Galliano Callegari below one of the murals he has created.

Galliano Callegari below one of the murals he has created. Credit: Kate Geraghty

As children, Carlo and his older sister Teresanna would earn 10 cents a brick removing mortar. “Occasionally we would come across convict-made bricks with the heart/diamond/square symbols. Dad told us that these were precious and so he would carefully clean those himself,” he said.

Industrial asset management company Westlink ESR, Callegari’s new neighbour, is doing initial road works. It has undertaken that this will not damage his fence.

Penrith Council will undertake stage two of the works. A council spokesperson said existing rural roads, including those near the Callegari home, will be widened to facilitate the development of the precinct which will involve land acquisition along the current road corridor.

The home’s fence is located where the road will be widened, and it would be affected by future road works, he said.


Penrith council also refused an application by Callegari to add his home to the heritage list. The fortress/medieval-style residential site, from the 1980s and ’90s, was not considered suitable.

Sandy Weir, who has been documenting suburban architecture in her book and Instagram account Other People’s Homes, said migrant architecture like Callegari’s home should be celebrated, yet it was often overlooked.

She called Callegari “the ultimate recycler”.

“This family home is part church, part train station, part hospital, part school, part stone quarry,” she said.

The attention paid to details in the concreting, paving, carvings and gardens was mind-blowing and heartwarming. She said it was a tribute to hard work, determination and artistry.

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