

This was published 3 years ago

The superiority of stench

"Speaking as your self-proclaimed resident vet, I can assure Jennifer Briggs that there is a distinct evolutionary advantage in smelling like carrion or faeces," says Dr Tony Hunt of Gordon. "These two readily-available sources of strong scent nicely camouflage dogs' natural odour to prevent their prey getting a whiff of them when hunting. Apparently, the prey is happy to ignore these smells and other dogs don't mind their stinking mates. It's even probable that the more rank the stench of the dog, the higher its status in the pack. The take home message is don't let your dog lie on your bed."

Sharon Hudson of Wollongbar has another use for bread tags (C8). She clips a couple of the white ones together and puts them on the cabbage or other leaves in the veggie patch when the white moths start to arrive. "Keeps them away." Mary Watson of Balgowlah Heights says: "They are indispensable in keeping the mesh net secure to the base of our pool cleaner."

"Didn't the late Glen Campbell have a hit called Gaviscon?" (C8) asks Peter Miniutti of Ashbury.

Allan Gibson of Cherrybrook "read in Monday's Herald the headline 'Five years of deficits in budget from hell', which makes me wonder if the devil is in the detail?

Fellow Cherrybrook denizen Rodney Eve asks: "Is there a pandemic of the ubiquitous fridge magnet sweeping our suburbs? In the past week I have received eight through my letterbox. The fridge door would never be big enough to contain them all. Some sit undiscovered like silent inspectors attached to the inside of my letterbox. What might have been seen as a clever marketing item a few years ago has lost its appeal. My local council advises they are non-recyclable, so they are just non-degradable landfill. Anybody got any ideas? Perhaps the marketing gurus can come up with a new and exciting means of distributing contact details of plumbers, electricians, painters, gardeners and such. There used to be something called Yellow Pages. Too simple?"

"As the person who arranged the Datacard contract for the key-punching and verification of all state drivers' records for the Department of Motor Transport in 1972, I can well assure Mike Rose (C8) that his address did not 'pre-date any computer records'." writes John Kouvelis of Neutral Bay. "I cannot take credit for its mysterious arrival at the Northern Beaches Hospital in 2018, though!"

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