

This was published 1 year ago

The first rule about the Chairman’s Lounge is ...

Col Burns of Lugarno reckons Alan Phillips (C8) should know his place, lest he end up in allsorts: “Tut-tut. One does not consume lollies in the Chairman’s Lounge. One complements the rich oaky tannins of one’s Château Lafite 1869 by savouring praline and macadamia seashells infused with truffle oil.” Brian Lucas of Bundanoon adds: “In my time as a member it was understood that those who talk don’t know and those who know don’t talk.”

“Being more of a bah humbug kind of guy at Christmas, I must disagree with Jacqueline Merz (C8) for her lamentation of murdered reindeer,” says Peter Miniutti of Ashbury. “I’ve eaten reindeer and find them delicious. I do wonder though why I haven’t received any Christmas gifts since doing so.” Granny can’t help thinking that I’m a Bah Humbug Kind of Guy would be a great title for the next big Bublé-esque Christmas anthem.

She wasn’t breaking the bad news to Hollywood headliners like noted schmoozer Richard Keyes, but on November 22, 1963 (C8), Anne Cook of Ermington was doing her level best to celebrate her 16th birthday. “My friends did stop talking about JFK long enough to eat cake and sing.”

Anne Dorey of Hornsby clearly remembers: “I was prefect of Dorm One and had to explain what assassination meant and who Kennedy was!”

“Just wondering if (C8) Barry Wooldridge of Harden is the very same Barry Wooldridge who spent two years in Bathurst, like a few other C8 contributors, trying to survive on B.T.C. cuisine?” enquires Joy Cooksey of Harrington.

The latest home excavation detection comes from Colin Taylor-Evans of Lane Cove: “When I was a kid, I dug up an Australian Prime Minister (1904-1905, also NSW Premier 1894-1899) from my grandmother’s garden. A little cast iron rotund statuette of George Reid, probably a door stopper (not an interview). Family lore has it that he was a distant relative, don’t know how he ended up in the garden, though.” Most likely those pesky Federation heavies.

“Here’s hoping your injuries received during today’s rough and tumble Black Friday sales aren’t so bad that you can’t click on a mouse on Cyber Monday,” offers Jack Dikian of Mosman.

“All this uproar from fuddy duddy Newington College old boys about girls going to their old alma mater. Has anyone actually asked the boys currently there what they think?” asks John Andersen of Malanda (Qld).

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