

This was published 8 months ago

Revered then reviled, Roger Rogerson’s extraordinary life laid bare

He will be remembered as the man who epitomised corruption and all that was wrong in NSW Police.

By Neil Mercer

Neil Mercer and Roger Rogerson in Darlinghurst in December 1982.

Neil Mercer and Roger Rogerson in Darlinghurst in December 1982.Credit: Peter Morris

The last time I saw Roger Rogerson was in Long Bay jail four years ago, just before COVID struck.

For a bloke who’d been in Prince of Wales Hospital with a serious illness, he appeared in remarkably good shape. There was nothing wrong with his mind or his memory.

By then, he’d been inside for six years, convicted along with Glen McNamara, of the murder of 20-year-old drug dealer Jamie Gao.

Much of the crime was caught on CCTV. The two old detectives blamed each other for the killing.

Roger Rogerson leaving the ICAC in 1999 after getting into someone else’s pre-booked cab.

Roger Rogerson leaving the ICAC in 1999 after getting into someone else’s pre-booked cab.Credit: Jon Reid

My conversation with him that day in the “Bay” ranged from the first time we’d met, way back in 1982, to old crims and cops, our respective ailments and, briefly, the reason he was languishing behind bars.

“I was warned about McNamara,” he said cryptically. “I should’ve listened.”


Yes Roger, I thought, maybe you should have.

He didn’t elaborate.

He was appealing against his conviction, hoping that one day the High Court would set him free.

He was nothing if not resilient.

Many months later, asked to write a book about Rogerson and his relationship with criminal Neddy Smith, I contacted him again in prison and to see if he had any documents, source material.

Boxes of it, he said, under the house. Take it.


I did.

There were transcripts of some of his old cases – District Court, Supreme Court, High Court. There were old handwritten notes about his career and the criminals he’d arrested and an immaculately typed six-page 1984 application for promotion to Sergeant First Class, detailing his many attributes and citations for good police work.

He pointed out that in 1977 he’d been awarded a Diploma in Criminology from Sydney University.

Under the sub-heading “Leadership” he wrote: “I contend that I have no deficiency in this regard. I have been assessed by numerous senior officers as ‘outstanding’ in regard to leadership.”

So he had.

And diligently preserved in the old cardboard boxes were the newspaper clippings. There were hundreds of them, all about him; a contemporaneous, albeit fading, record of his life – the good, the bad and the very ugly.


They started in June 1981, when he shot heroin dealer Warren Lanfranchi dead in a Chippendale laneway on a Saturday afternoon. Minutes after killing Lanfranchi, he’d given an interview to a newspaper reporter, the story running on the front page the next day.

“Police kill gunman. High Noon shootout in lonely city lane,” said the headline.

Neil Mercer’s book is coming soon.

Neil Mercer’s book is coming soon.Credit: Allen and Unwin

“Unfortunately, it is a bit like that,” Rogerson said, alluding to the old Hollywood movie, High Noon, starring Gary Cooper. For a brief moment, he was the bloke in the white hat, keeping Sydney’s mean streets clean.

A few of the old articles were written by me, including his first on-the-record interview about the shooting, which appeared in the Herald in early December 1982. By then, he and other police had been cleared of wrongdoing, a coronial inquest finding he had shot the 23-year-old “whilst endeavouring to effect an arrest”.

Nevertheless, the controversy lingered. Now it was being raised in state parliament and there were calls for a judicial inquiry.


I thought it might be a good time to see if Rogerson finally wanted to give his side of the story.

‘I regret it, of course I do’

I called him at Darlinghurst police station, where he was now working, having been transferred from the Armed Hold-Up Squad.

I’d written some earlier stories about the case after interviewing Keith Lanfranchi, Warren’s father. He’d made it plain from the outset he believed his son was murdered in cold blood.

Warren Lanfranchi, who was shot dead in 1981. Rogerson was charged with his killing.

Warren Lanfranchi, who was shot dead in 1981. Rogerson was charged with his killing.

Roger had read what I’d written. Over the phone he told me to bugger off, there’d be no interview.

Minutes later, he was back on the blower, apologetic, explaining he’d been under a bit of pressure. He was happy to talk or, as he used to say, have a chinwag.


Sitting in an Oxford Street cafe an hour or so later, he said of the Lanfranchi shooting: “I regret it, of course I do. I believe I acted in good faith, and that if I had not shot him, he would have shot me.”

I asked him about the allegations that had been swirling around – that he was involved in heroin dealing, skimming the proceeds of armed robberies and that he owned three blocks of flats. “The allegations are completely untrue,” he said.

There was no evidence to the contrary. Not then. I remember a mixture of menace and charm.


Over the decades, there were more interviews for newspapers and television. Media shy he was not, often using it to go on the front foot when allegations of corruption or wrongdoing arose.

It soon emerged he had been involved in two previous shootings, also controversial at the time.

The first was in 1976 when armed robber Phillip Western, wanted for the murder of a bank manager, was surrounded and shot dead by police at Avoca Beach, 70 kilometres north of Sydney.

Rogerson told me, and many others, he’d fired the fatal shots. I believed him. I shouldn’t have, because as I’ve discovered researching the book, he didn’t shoot at all.

He most certainly did a few other, very curious things, in the case of Phillip Western.

In 1978, Lawrence “Butchy” Byrne was caught attempting to rob the cash takings from South Sydney Junior Leagues Club. The money was being delivered on a Sunday morning to a bank in Anzac Parade, Kingsford.

The Armed Hold-Up Squad had been tipped off. Rogerson and other officers were lying in wait.

Roger Rogerson.

Roger Rogerson.Credit: Brendan Esposito

Wearing a bulletproof vest, carrying his service revolver and a Remington shotgun, Rogerson says he saw Byrne armed and about to shoot, so he fired first – four times. Other police opened fire with their .38 revolvers and shotguns. Byrne fired back but was mortally wounded.

It was about 11am on a Sunday.

In the case of Byrne, a coroner found it was either Rogerson or another officer carrying a shotgun who had killed Byrne in the line of duty. Either way, Rogerson was, over the years, happy to take the credit and the notoriety for Western, Byrne and Lanfranchi.

His reputation within the CIB was enhanced when he won the 1980 Peter Mitchell Award for the most outstanding performance by a member of the NSW Police.

It was for the arrest of two escapees from Goulburn jail who had robbed a Sydney hotel. As they made their getaway, they were chased by 21 year-old Patrick Harland. The robbers shot him dead.

Rogerson was instrumental in their capture, arresting one of them at gunpoint. Both men were convicted of murder. To the officers who worked around him, there was no questioning his courage.

His parents, his then wife and his two daughters watched him receive the award.

“I felt very proud that day,” he later wrote.

It marked the high point of his career.

He did as he pleased

After the killing of Lanfranchi, it never recovered. In truth, the rot had set in years earlier, most likely about 1976 when he was involved in the arrest of Bobby Chapman and Arthur Stanley “Neddy” Smith.

They were nabbed for trying to rob the $16,000 payroll on its way to the workers at Fielders Bakery.

According to Smith, it was then he started bribing Rogerson, and others, in return for a licence to commit crimes. Smith, by his own account, was in the late 1970s dealing large amounts of heroin.

Arthur “Neddy” Smith was jailed for life for murder.

Arthur “Neddy” Smith was jailed for life for murder.Credit: Robert Pearce

One of his dealers was Warren Lanfranchi, who, not long out of jail, also took to armed robbery. He was also wanted for the murder of a small-time drug dealer near Wollongong and the attempted murder of a motorcycle cop.

Rogerson used Smith to negotiate a meeting. It was Smith who drove Lanfranchi to Dangar Place in June 1981.

Smith gave evidence at the inquest, backing up the police version of events.

According to Smith, he was then granted the “green light” to commit any crime except murder. Like so many things involving Rogerson, the truth is an elusive commodity, and the story is a lot more complicated.

But his close personal involvement in the 1970s and ’80s with Smith, and several other very heavy criminals including hitman Chris Flannery was always going to be problematic.

His dealings with them were never supervised; he did as he pleased.

As one detective who knew him said: “He always thought he could stay one step ahead of Ned. It couldn’t last.”

Never far from the headlines

In June 1984, undercover detective Michael Drury was shot through the window of his home. Shockingly wounded and close to death, Drury implicated Rogerson in an attempt to bribe him over a drug deal.

While many in the NSW Police hierarchy didn’t want to believe it – one or two very senior officers had been Rogerson’s mentors – others backed Drury, who had no reason to lie.

Rogerson was suspended from duty at the end of November 1984. He never returned.

He was subsequently charged with the attempted bribery of Drury and later, with conspiring to murder him.

Undercover detective Michael Drury was shot through the window of his home after implicating Roger Rogerson in an attempt to bribe him over a drug deal. Rogerson was later found not guilty.

Undercover detective Michael Drury was shot through the window of his home after implicating Roger Rogerson in an attempt to bribe him over a drug deal. Rogerson was later found not guilty.Credit: James Brickwood

In 1985, represented by Chester Porter, QC, he was found not guilty of the attempted bribery.

Many years later, Porter recalled his first impressions: “I was impressed by his frankness and his ability. My clerk remarked upon his polite and friendly manner. Not only was he a very capable and brave police officer, he was a kind man. An elderly neighbour gave evidence that Rogerson painted his house for him, a not insignificant act of kindness and generosity.”

He was found not guilty of the charge of conspiring to murder his fellow police officer.

It was a resounding victory, but many NSW Police believed Drury had been telling the truth. To this day they believe Rogerson did the unthinkable – he tried to murder a fellow cop.

Over the ensuing years, he was never far from the headlines.

He was a suspect in the murders of Chris Flannery and Lanfranchi associate and sex worker Lyn Woodward, both potential thorns in his side. Both disappeared without trace.

He was found to have $110,000 in bank accounts in false names. A bank teller who counted the cash remembered it being cold, like it had been in the fridge.


Rogerson said it was all above board, insisting much of the money had come from the sale of a Bentley motor vehicle he’d been restoring. It was bullshit.

Charged with perverting the course of justice over the $110,000, he was convicted, but it was overturned by the NSW Court of Criminal Appeal. It went to the High Court which ruled against Rogerson.

He was filthy.

He did three years in Berrima prison where, as he told me in a 1993 letter, he had lots of friends.

“There are about 16 ex-coppers here, including former deputy commissioner Bill Allen, who is almost 71 years of age and a nice old bloke, so I have plenty of mates to talk to.”

He was investigated in the early 1990s by the Independent Commission Against Corruption, where Smith had “rolled over” and given evidence about widespread bribery involving Rogerson and others.

None of the allegations stuck, mainly because Smith had lied so many times before. Uncorroborated, his word was next to worthless.

‘He wasn’t a psychopath’

The Police Integrity Commission investigated him over his alleged bribery of a Liverpool Council employee.


Rogerson denied knowing anything about it, only to be caught out on a listening device discussing how the bloke was known as Mr 10 per cent. He was bang to rights for perjury, although it took until 2005 for the case to reach the court. He pleaded guilty.

Jailing him for 2½ years, with a non-parole period of 12 months, Judge Peter Berman, SC, said: “There is much in Mr Rogerson’s life about which he is entitled to be proud. There are many aspects of the offender’s character which are admirable and he was able to call a great deal of evidence which demonstrated the offender’s kindness towards others. He helped friends, family and strangers.

“He acted bravely at times when serving as a police officer.”

It doesn’t fit with the popular view of Rogerson: a psychopath, a serial killer with a badge, an evil monster, a man who was utterly corrupt and always was.

“No, he wasn’t a psychopath,” said Dr Michael Kennedy, a former NSW detective who worked with him.

Now an associate professor at the University of New England, he described Rogerson as “an extremely complicated man, but in some ways extremely honourable. He kept his word. That’s why crims liked him.

“I didn’t like him. But he was a product of his environment. He was encouraged to do many of the things he did by the hierarchy.”

When he was arrested in 2014 for the murder of Jamie Gao, just about everyone who knew him well was astonished, partly by the fact that a man well into his 70s was running around with drugs, and partly because of the ham-fisted nature of the crime, most of it caught on CCTV.

Killed: Sydney student Jamie Gao.

Killed: Sydney student Jamie Gao.Credit: Facebook

I rang one of his former colleagues who had spoken to him recently.

Has he got dementia, has he lost it, I asked.

“Sharp as a tack,” came the crisp reply.

Those who knew him, or thought they did, most often describe him as complex, charming, corrupt, charismatic, manipulative, a chameleon, an enigma.

Many, including a few old crims, will have pithier descriptions. Warren Lanfranchi’s brother, Darrell, said on Sunday, “I hope he lingers on for as long as possible, in as much pain as possible.

“When he dies they will have to send several demons to pick him up. They’ve been waiting for a long time.”

Talented, once revered and now reviled, he had an extraordinary life.

In the annals of Australian policing and crime, he will be remembered as the man who epitomised corruption and all that was wrong in NSW Police.

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