

This was published 1 year ago

Guns on the roof!

In scoping out the existence of the pistol range (C8) at the Sydney Harbour Bridge, a number of readers revealed that they attended another, on top of the Bank of NSW (Westpac) building in Martin Place, as part of their clerical duties. “Yes,” says Terry Wooldridge of Mona Vale, who was 17 at the time, “back in those days, young people were taught how to use a gun.” Paul Keir of Strathfield adds: “We got to keep our targets to show the girls in the office.”

The Australian Navy had a presence on board the USS Missouri (C8) when the surrender was signed in September 1945. Russell Hill from Hobart remembers that his grandfather, Rear Admiral George Moore, was there to witness it: “The uniform worn by the RAN personnel was very white and they were the only ones to wear shorts with long socks.” Looking at Russell’s enclosed image, Granny can’t help thinking George and his gang look like the most comfortable bevy on board. It’s also worth noting that Herald scribe Jack Percival was the only Australian war correspondent on the Missouri that day.

“I’ve been reading about Amaki sauce (C8). It triggered memories of things I had forgotten for over 70 years,” says Gwen Fergus of Barrack Heights. “I can’t for the life of me remember what the bottle looked like, but I know we had ‘the Amaki’ on the table every night with dinner. I can still hear my brother saying ‘Where’s the Amaki?’ back when families still sat together at a properly set table for dinner. Thank you for bringing back a long forgotten part of my life.”

“Wow,” says Malua Bay’s Terry McGee. “Elizabeth Green remembers Gloria in sub-Arctic Canada (C8). I never got past Gloria in excelsis Deo.”

Don Bain of Port Macquarie advises sticking to the oranges. “Watching Tour de France Femme cyclists religiously hydrating over the several hours of each stage, I wondered whether other readers, in their junior sporting days, were warned against drinking water at half-time, lest they get the dreaded ‘stitch’?”

Beware those shorthanders (C8) warns Caron Pearce of Kyeemagh: “Back in the day when we used to gather to play Pictionary, some of us wondered why a certain pair of friends kept getting the answer so quickly. Turns out they were the only two who knew shorthand and could incorporate the squiggles into their drawings. Outrageous!”

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