

This was published 1 year ago

Balmain bugbears

One day, Michael Koziol will wake up and notice he’s “old” (“Why boring places like Balmain must be saved from themselves”, February 3). He won’t feel old. He’ll still enjoy the things he always loved. But sometimes when you age, you might welcome a bit of peace, a coffee, a walk with the dog or a takeaway with the kids in a park. Not every suburb should be defined exclusively by “nightlife” and “age”, just like not every old or young person should be defined by stereotypes. Life is profound and stimulating. Let’s embrace its complexity. Alison Stewart, Riverview

Balmain’s iconic Unity Hall Hotel

Balmain’s iconic Unity Hall Hotel Credit: Rhett Wyman

As another recent retiree to Balmain I can assure Michael Koziol that having 19 pubs immediately qualifies it as a lively source of infinite gossip and yarns. The occasional under-40-year-old who strays into the bar is not only welcomed but counselled by us elders in defined superannuation, negative gearing and rental-gouging strategies. Change is therefore generously bestowed on the young. Tim Hand, Balmain

Typically, Michael Koziol’s articles are on the money, but his comments about Balmain suggest he hasn’t been there. Balmain is alive with restaurants, pubs, music, cafés, late-trading bookshops and more. True, it lacks raucous nightclubs, testosterone, drug-fuelled and aggressive men and shrill, staggering, inebriated young women, but that only contributes to its desirability as a nighttime destination. Wayne Duncombe, Lilyfield

I have lived in Balmain for 37 years and beg to differ with his view that Balmain residents want “young people to move further afield”. I’m a Baby Boomer and would love to see it thrive once more and would be happy for more high-density, high-rise dwellings and more public transport options. We are a suburb with many public housing developments and that in itself helps to make Balmain diverse. Linda Holmes, Balmain

I lived in Balmain for nearly 30 years and when I left nearly four years ago it was not the vibrant suburb I knew. As Michael Koziol writes, back in the day, wharfies, garbos, alleged crime figures all rubbed shoulders with notable playwrights, actors, musicians and new arrivals of white-collar workers and academics.
One thing that bound the community together was music. On a Friday and Saturday night, most pubs featured jazz greats like Dick Hughes or blues bands like the Foreday Riders or the Hippos. Most recent arrivals are young families mortgaged to the hilt plus downsizers. As their newly purchased terraces are within 100m of a pub, despite the fact it had been there for more than a century, both groups have pressured council to curtail nighttime activity. The result was the slow decline of Balmain. Michael Kenneally, Manly

I’m a 60-year-old who has recently moved to the Balmain area and is loving it, but I can’t disagree with Michael Koziol. Long-term locals tell me about how lively a place it was in the ’80s and ’90s. These days the main street is deserted not long after 9 on a Saturday night. As someone who was young in the golden years of Sydney’s live music scene in the 1980s, I suggest that more live music is key to bringing more life into our “boring” suburbs. Bring back the bands and the people will come! Michael Jones, Birchgrove


Michael Koziol says the median age of people living in Potts Point increased in the past decade from 36 to 39. He might want to check those stats since a casual glance around the local cafés and restaurants in my neighbourhood clearly suggests the median age is closer to 60; more a hip replacement than hip suburb these days. Ross Duncan, Potts Point

Strata pain hurts unit owners

Congratulations on your excellent article about the looming (and existing) problems with strata systems in relation to residential housing (“Strata pain adds strain to density”, February 3). I believe the fundamental issue lies in the non-mandated capital works sinking fund. Many strata owners do not want to make financial provision for future expenditures, although such provisions simply reflect the wearing out, over time, of all capital aspects of any building. There is a way to fix this, and that is a mandated sinking fund obtained from annual levies of 2 per cent of the capital value of the complex (this assumes a 50-year complex life). Such a mandate would ensure all owners share equally in the preservation of the capital value of their individual lots. And such a levy will properly reflect the current owners’ use of the asset during their term of ownership. Chris Rivers, Port Macquarie

NSW property services commissioner John Minns is pushing for reforms to the strata laws.

NSW property services commissioner John Minns is pushing for reforms to the strata laws.Credit: Edwina Pickles

In 2015 I bought a strata apartment. Being in a small block (eight apartments) means the requirement that all owners share the cost of building repairs is greatly more onerous than in a large building where costs would be more widely spread. Encouraging reluctant or absentee owners to participate in a committee to oversee the building’s administration and ensure adequate funds can prove an insurmountable barrier. Finding an effective paid strata manager can present a whole other problem area. The whole system needs reform. Ideally, this should include a way of ensuring strata owners understand their rights and responsibilities. Gillian Appleton, Paddington

One of the major problems with strata properties is where the builder subsequently goes bust and the strata body corporate has to chase the developer to rectify defects to common property. This can take years, the defects are not fixed and building insurance becomes more difficult to obtain on an annual basis. Unit holders beware: costs then falls directly on their shoulders. Michael Blissenden, Dural

I am sorry for the owners, but this is what you get from more than 40 years of neo-liberal small government, under-regulation and sheer market-driven greed. Time and time again our governments have failed to protect our society from the worst aspects of an unbridled free market economy. When billions of dollars are at stake we need our governments to legislate/regulate to ensure that markets act in the best interests of the consumer and not the super profits of companies and avarice of investors and developers. Until this happens the markets will continue to fail individuals and our society will suffer the consequences. Tony Heathwood, Kiama Downs


Where is long-term housing plan?

Talking of another 18,000 dwellings at four north shore railway stations does make you wonder about long-term planning (“North Shore Confronts Housing Plan”, February 2). Having ruined the liveability forever of numerous suburbs throughout Sydney for a short-term “crisis”, what happens then? With immigration down from 518,000 last year to 250,000 or less from next year, the crisis will be largely resolved. Then do we return to normal construction rates and say “why on earth did we do that”? Mr Minns, where are the supply and demand estimates for the next 20 years so there can be some honest discussion and planning? Peter Mayman, Avalon

David Knox is concerned about heritage properties in the Ku-ring-gai municipality.

David Knox is concerned about heritage properties in the Ku-ring-gai municipality.Credit: Michael Koziol

The reforms were announced quietly (via ministerial media release) a week before Christmas, there appears to have been minimal (if any) advertising and the consultation process closes in just three weeks (“Sydneysiders back need for new builds in older suburbs”, February 3). Apart from a miniscule 1035 survey respondents, most Sydney residents are being denied essential information and the right to have a say on the future of their city. Peter Mahoney, Oatley

Boys’ own idiocy

“Daring” is a childish behaviour that seems to manifest most commonly among teenage boys (“Swastikas, schoolboys and social media: teachers face growing problem”, February 3). Perhaps this and other pseudo-machoisms is the reason so many boys schools want to transition to co-ed. While boys will be boys, we are fortunate that one day most girls will be women.
Meredith Williams, Baulkham Hills


Age against machine

The present discussion regarding age and competence is an interesting one regarding Joe Biden’s bid for re-election (“Biden must Swiftly shift focus from age”, February 3). Having lived in Rome for more than a decade, I noticed that age is less of an issue there; many people continue to work into their 70s and 80s. Look at Italy’s long-serving and oldest president, Giorgio Napolitano, who retired at 95 in 2015. He continued because apart from being an icon, there was no-one deemed competent enough to replace him until the incumbent, Sergio Mattarella (now 82) was chosen. Let’s not even start on that other close neighbour in Vatican City.

Are expertise and wisdom the sole domain of the young? Surely, competence rather than age should be the criterion lest we be accused of ageism. Diane Dennis, Epping

Joe, as a fellow octogenarian, I can vouch for the uncanny ability to go in seconds from awake and ostensibly alert to dozing off with a half-full mug precariously balanced on one’s lap. No amount of jogging onto the spot where a press conference is set makes up for an image of a slack-jawed old man nodding off. Joan Brown, Orange

Donations no guarantee

Concern about federal political donations generates more heat than light; an assumption that contributors exercise undue influence on the party they support is not easily validated (“Rage against the money machine”, February 3). Access to the PM, ministers and MPs has always been a selective process and prominent individuals will have access whether or not they provide financial support.

It is absurd to suggest that all donations over $1000 be disclosed. A more sensible approach is for much larger amounts to be subject to disclosure. Fears about rich people buying election results are discounted by Clive Palmer’s dismal electoral record. Rather than a blanket assumption that political donors contribute only to gain some distinct advantage, it is far preferable that our political parties act with integrity and make it known that they will form policies and act based on a wide range of views and not based on donations. Ross Butler, Rodd Point

Rage against the money machine.

Rage against the money machine. Credit: John Shakespeare

It is enlightening to read Peter Hartcher’s article about so many wealthy people whose expectation is to influence elections. So much negativism, so little intention to improve national well-being except for the rich. So much effort to maintain disadvantage and inequality. The Voice, for example, was a disappointing reality check. It would be interesting to know just how much influence political advertising has on the electorate because eventually the answer is up to us. One person, one vote. Can we discriminate? Do we?
Nola Tucker, Kiama

If a political donation from a listed corporate entity affects political decision-making, it is blatant corruption. If the donation doesn’t buy influence, it is not in the interests of the shareholders and illegal under the Corporations Act. Simple. Richard Lake, Maleny (QLD)

Egan a blessing

Michael Egan was one half of a political marriage that dominated government in NSW for more than 10 years. Premier Bob Carr: passionately focused on his fitness and health, always on time, just back from the gym offering raw broccoli and carrots while sipping hot water and lemon in his office. Egan: often a little late having stubbed out his last cigarette, a little unkempt, ready to interrogate some proposal from a minister requiring funds. Both men took their jobs extremely seriously. Late nights for Michael as Leader of the House in Legislative Council; early mornings for the Premier monitoring the body politic by flitting between all the radio stations.

It was only when I left in 2004 to work in Tony Blair’s policy directorate that I realised how blessed the NSW government was by this relationship. Blair and his Chancellor Gordon Brown barely spoke, and when they did Brown donned a permanent scowl. Certain policy agendas were “Tony’s” or “Gordon’s”: as an advisor, crossing into Gordon’s territory was more than unwise.

Michael was a hardworking, clear-thinking administrator who managed both the NSW budget and ministerial relationships in a positive and open fashion. A true public servant, he was always willing to hear the case. Vale Michael Egan, I am glad to have known you: sometimes too intense, occasionally rude, often hysterically funny and with a twinkle in your eye cast across a room full of ego. It said more than words ever could. Nick Rowley, Birchgrove

Michael Egan and Bob Carr

Michael Egan and Bob CarrCredit: Unknown

Ross Gittins

The Herald’s longest-serving journalist, economics editor Ross Gittins, is celebrating his 50th anniversary with this masthead on February 7. His ability to make dry, hard-to-understand economics and economic policy relevant to the lay reader has made him one of the Herald’s most popular columnists and a much-revered journalist and colleague. On February 7, the Herald’s letters pages will be dedicated to a selection of your letters about Ross. Please send them to the usual email address, with Gittins in the subject line, and help us mark this momentous achievement.

French kisses

Kerri Sackville’s observations on her fellow diners made me recall some travels my wife and I made in the company of a dear lady friend in France (“RSL dining has a daily special: a slice of humanity”, February 3). We did, of course, have two rooms, though if we could have afforded it my wife would have had her own as well, or certainly one with two bathrooms! Towards the end of our stay, the hotel manageress, spoke to me and rather slyly said: “Ah bien, Monsieur, now which of the two ladies are you with?” I should have said “both” of course! I would have risen in her estimation, no question. But I am English and not French! Peter Thornton, Killara

Noel the first

Regarding the next governor-general being an Indigenous person, I entirely support the notion (The Herald’s View, February 2). However, I think it should be someone apolitical. I would suggest Noel Pearson; an indefatigable Indigenous advocate and proud Australian. Andy Latta, Arncliffe

Dust Up

Despite circumstances changing, it seems that Godfreys thought the dust would settle and things would pick up again (Letters, February 1). Instead, reality hit the company with both barrels, and now the rug has been pulled out from under them. Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

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