

This was published 4 months ago

‘A sound bite out of context’: Tingle’s racism claim backed by facts

Hard to believe people are still up in arms about Laura Tingle’s comments at the Sydney Writer’s Festival (Letters, June 6). In the context of everything else that was contributed by other panellists, Tingle’s comments did not seem a radical departure from many people’s everyday experience. A sound bite out of context can be made to do all kinds of crazy work. Misinformation rules unless context is heard and understood. I may be a raging woke lefty as some letter writers have characterised Writers Festival attendees, but I don’t recognise myself as such. Mary Anne Kennan, Burwood

Matt Golding

Matt GoldingCredit:

Those who deny the existence of racism in Australia are either ignorant or wilfully blind. Racism is interwoven into the fabric of this nation. For First Nations people it started with dispossession, historically verified massacres, the White Australian Policy, the Stolen Generations, destruction of sacred sites through to the disparities in social well-being indicators such as health, education, employment and so on. Since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody handed down its report in 1991 there have been more than 540 deaths, with nobody convicted. Every year there are public instances of racism in sport.About 40 per cent of youths in detention are First Nations people, despite being about 5 per cent of the population.We shake our heads, but little action is taken.

There are two other factors that are not often considered. One is that the instances of First Nations people who aren’t “famous” and suffer racism don’t make the media. The First Nations person followed by security in the supermarket, is constantly harassed by the police, endures “jokes” in the workplace, is rejected for rentals and so on. These are everyday occurrences for many. The other factor is that racism reported to organisations (individual instances, academically rigorous research) is often either buried under racially based mediation “processes” or hidden from public view. Many organisations, public and private, maintain an image rather than admit to truth.

Racism is a cancer that impacts the health and well-being of those who suffer it. It negatively impacts First Nations people, Asian Australians, Jewish people, people of the Islamic faith … people who don’t “look like us”. Those of us like me, who are white, are able to dismiss racism because we haven’t seen it. A male friend of mine uses the analogy that he hasn’t experienced childbirth, but he knows there is significant pain involved with it. Graham Fazio, Cootamundra

Your correspondent claims to have failed to find any evidence of Tingle being critical of the government. He clearly didn’t try too hard. This is from her piece regarding gas exploration in the budget for ABC online on May 11: “It was perhaps the most egregious and dishonest bit of parochial toadying we have seen from this government, done at the cost of undoing a lot of political work persuading voters that it was more serious about both climate change and an energy transition than the Coalition.” If that’s not criticism. I’d not like to be on the receiving end should she really dip her nib in vitriol. Tim Parker, Balmain

I wholeheartedly agree with Tingle’s claim that Australia is a racist country. It is claimed that because she is an employee the ABC she should have no commentary on social issues of importance.
This is hyperbolic. Unless people with the reputation of Laura Tingle speak out on these matters some Australians, in my view they in the minority, will continue to espouse views that damage our nation’s reputation as one of tolerance to all. After almost 20 years of involvement with Aboriginal health matters, I believe Australia is a racist country. Not all of us, but a large number share racist views. Reg Richardson, Mosman


Tingle’s critics fail to acknowledge that she was speaking on a Sunday at a Writers Festival event, which people (including me) attended as paying customers. She was not on the ABC or representing it. She was commenting as an individual, on her own time. Others are of course welcome to disagree with them, but attempting to “cancel” or “deplatform” her is hypocrisy from anyone claiming to support free speech. Al Svirskis, Mount Druitt


All I want from my ABC news and political correspondent is honest, reliable and impartial news, without hype, bias or pizazz, where the host, reporter or interviewer chooses not to upstage the story. The ABC viewer and listener is by nature more learned and informed than your typical Married at First Sight fan, capable of forming their own opinions and judgments from facts presented. The national broadcaster should not be a platform used by journalists who see themselves as cultural warriors rallying against a fascist News corp machine. It is a huge overstep, amplifies tension and division in the community and reduces everything to us and them and is for the most part preaching to the converted. The ABC should be better than that. ABC employees are public servants and should act accordingly or else join a commercial network. Simon Pitts, Riverview

We must protect our agriculture for future generations

Shame on Woolworths for cancelling orders by 60 per cent for Australian fruit grown and processed in the fruit bowl of the Goulburn Valley in Victoria, in favour of fruit imported from South Africa, and, of all places, China where there are fewer restrictions on chemicals and pollutants than Australia (“Fruit switch a blow to growers”, June 7). Fruit is not a commodity which can be turned on and off, it is a long-term investment. Do we want to see bulldozing of excellent fruit or. in the worst case, trees into the ground. Surely, a tariff on overseas produce which is in plentiful in Australia should be mandatory. We must protect all our agriculture for the future generations, not for short-term profits for greedy supermarkets. Christina Foo, North Wahroonga

Your story about tinned fruit on our supermarket shelves should be read as a warning. We know about the water quality used to grow fruit in Australia. We also know that that more than half the groundwater in China for instance is polluted. Why do we allow Australian consumers to be exposed to such unknown - real and admittedly potential - danger? Meanwhile, we should all read the labels before we serve food to our families, especially our children. Glenda Gartrell, Newtown

Matt Golding

Matt GoldingCredit:


Both major supermarkets have been importing canned fruit from South Africa and China for years, sometimes sold as own brands. I will always buy the Australian product, as I would rather pay a little more, or buy a smaller can now, than have to pay more taxes down the track to support unemployed Australian cannery workers. And I’m the person who turns the can around to check the country of origin. Helen Howes, Collaroy

What are Australian farmers meant to do with all the pears and peaches SPC no longer wants? Sell them to China so they can be reimported by Woolworths at a cheaper price? When we grow plenty shouldn’t the government regulate this is used first before cheaper imports from overseas? Katriona Herborn, Blackheath

Sorry overdue

It’s about bloody time (“Tears of joy as apology accepted”, June 7). Genevieve Milton, Dulwich Hill

Reporters buzz off

I don’t know if Peter Costello “shoved” reporter Liam Mendes or not (“Costello ‘assaults reporter’”, June 7). But maybe all the pushy reporters out there could take a lesson from the incident and not act like annoying insects by shoving cameras and microphones under people’s noses in public while demanding instant answers to loaded questions just to get a news grab. It happens so often and is counterproductive, provocative and downright rude. A lot more courtesy and a bit more attention to your surroundings might just get a better response and avoid injury and indignity all round. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Costello looks like he thought he was playing for NSW in the State of Origin match. Michael McFadyen, Kareela

Matt Golding

Matt GoldingCredit:

Has Costello taken lessons from the Tony Abbott shirtfront playbook? Brian Kidd, Mt. Waverley (Vic)

Nothing personal

Roby D’Ottavi admits to being a collector of petty grievances (“I’m a collector of petty grievances. Now I’m giving them away”,, June 7). He is not alone. Half the world seems to be driven by grievances, whether actual or perceived. And in the hands of politicians, including world leaders, the spite and need for revenge can escalate dangerously. D’Ottavi’s new partner is helping him not take things so personally. I wonder if she could help with Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Alan Russell, Unley (SA)

Irresponsible behaviour will lead to another pandemic

It’s no surprise that a “cocktail” of respiratory infections is “surging rapidly across NSW”, smashing our Emergency Departments (“Flu-monia: The cocktail of coughs putting NSW hospitals on high alert”, June 7). Viruses and bacteria are rapidly victorious off the back of human behaviour, and now, an apparent collective failure to have learned sustained lessons from something as serious as a pandemic.

Just yesterday at the local shops were several children freely coughing and sneezing into the air, with parents unconcerned and most on their phones. Then there was the adult so close up on the escalator coughing and sneezing, so hopefully my mask reduced the odds of being thoughtlessly infected, despite the odd stares this habit attracts these days


When recently updating both flu and COVID vaccines the pharmacist advised that uptake is slow this year. Relevant experts warn another pandemic is not impossible, but possibly waiting to piggyback off ignorant human behaviour, and dismissal of personal responsibility for basic infection control. To quote Einstein, “the only mistake in life is the lesson not learned”. Robyn Dalziell, Kellyville

Deadly ads

UN chief Antonio Guterres rightly calls on the world to ban fossil fuel ads (“UN push for ban on fossil fuel ads”, June 7). According to Harvard University, worldwide, fossil fuels cause one in five deaths. And fossil fuel corporations have known the terrible detrimental impacts of their products since the 1950s, yet their deceptive “greenwashing” advertising and sponsorships continue. Cooking with gas at home is as harmful to our lungs as passive smoking. We don’t allow cigarette advertisements, so why permit gas companies to advertise? With healthy, clean energy sources available, it’s high time we strip the social licence from polluting coal, oil, and gas production. Pleasingly, 16 Australian councils, including the City of Sydney, already restrict fossil fuel advertising and sponsorships. To demonstrate leadership on both climate and health, and support our young people’s futures, all governments should follow suit. Amy Hiller, Kew (VIC)

Real global warming.

Real global warming.Credit: Matt Golding

Australian energy producers, which represent the oil and gas industry, are going to say “fossil fuels would be needed throughout the transition to net-zero emissions by 2050″, while their plans show no signs of even reducing their output any time soon. The fact is we have alternatives and need to cut all emissions as soon as possible, given the now accelerating climate change. When will we get a federal government with the fortitude to act on the collective wisdom of the United Nations? One that will stop feeding the fossil fuel industry, which is quite clearly still making a motza at humanity’s expense. Tom Hunt, Oak Flats

Melt the guns

Talk of peace, remembrance and “lest we forget” is meaningless as long as the world continues to manufacture guns, bombs, fighting drones and the machinery and hardware of war, and as long as gross inequality rages (“‘Never forget’: D-Day invasion remembered under shadow of new war in Europe”, June 7). Poverty and injustice are huge drivers of discontent and conflict, yet just a very small percentage of US military spending could end starvation on Earth. We must not be merely speakers and dreamers of peace; we must be makers and doers of peace. But this will never happen while leaders of countries go into peace talks holding weapons of mass destruction behind their backs. Meredith Williams, Baulkham Hills


Empty words

According to your writer, there is no “evidence” that the headline-seeking Greens “have incited violence” (“Greens’ falsehoods play with fire”, June 7). It depends on what you mean by evidence. If Adam Bandt’s inflammatory “we are with you” to those marching, calling and blockading does not directly incite the disturbing violence against the offices of ALP MPs, it surely condones it. Now he has the gall to threaten to sue Labor with taxpayers footing the bill for his “falsehoods” – that is, lies. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne

It’s clear that the war in Gaza is of less importance to some Australians than their unseemly scramble to occupy the moral high ground. Performative outrage by sloganeering activists, triumphant vandals and pontificating parliamentarians smacks of domestic self-interest and will do little to end suffering in Israel and Gaza. Colin Stokes, Camperdown

Nothing learnt

Regarding teaching concepts, most seniors can automatically recall the times tables drummed into them at school from an early age (Letters, June 7). This method proved very successful and should be mandatory in today’s curriculum. Another questionable aspect of today’s teaching is to avoid correcting spelling and grammar, as this is thought to stifle creativity. This is leaving many children struggling with literacy so that when they’ve reached higher education they can’t write sensibly. Wendy Crew, Lane Cove North

Flawed democracy

I agree with Barry O’Farrell that India is a vibrant democracy and the people have spoken (“When the world’s most populous nation speaks, we win too”, June 7). However, I would have taken O’Farrell’s article more seriously if he hadn’t glossed over Narendra Modi’s deplorable political track record by referring to it as a “type of traditional political tactics”. It’s these political tactics that have reduced Modi’s brand image and his political clout to one dependent on a coalition to survive. How often must we hear about a country’s business potential while ignoring its human rights violations, which ultimately undermine the very democracy O’Farrell and others hope for? Manbir Singh Kohli, Pemulwuy

I have read all the commentaries about the Indian election. O’Farrell, having lived in India as an ambassador, understands Indian politics better and reads it objectively. One of the biggest achievements of these elections that is lost in commentaries is how peaceful, orderly and smartly the polling was managed by the electoral commissioner, who was under the pump by the opposition parties’ apparent bias in siding with the Modi government. Except for Modi’s last government, all Indian governments for a long time were a coalition of some kind. These coalition governments generally are effective and provide balanced policies. Hopefully, India will continue to progress because, as O’Farrell says, we in Australia win too. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Doubtful origin


Given the recent performances I believe it’s time NSW resigned from State of Origin (Letters, June 7). Queensland are just too good. They may find more worthy opposition playing New Zealand, or Tonga or Samoa. At least then I would not get the same sinking feeling I have had repeatedly over the past 44 years. Pankaj Rao, Merewether

There have been a few letters concerning the national anthem sung at the State of Origin. It certainly was an individual interpretation, but there was really only one person who could sing the national anthem at any event, and that was our Julie Anthony AM OBE. Ken Pares, Forster

King’s gift

Excuse me, but this is Australia (Letters, June 6). We like our holidays. We are happy to have a day off work to celebrate the birthday of a king we don’t care about, on a day that isn’t his birthday. Denise Lake, Ashbury

Scan plan

Medical research is certainly impressive and life-saving, but having finally graduated from having to face the discomfort of regular mammograms, I do not look forward to the possibility of now being subjected to a regular MRI scan (“New test offers early dementia detection”, June 7). Heather Johnson, West Pennant Hills


It didn’t take much to reignite the debate on the letters pages about ABC journalist Laura Tingle’s description of Australia as a racist nation. Columnist Niki Savva mentioned her fellow Sydney Writers’ Festival panellist in her op-ed about the “tinder dry environment” in which immigration is discussed. Letters flooded in, many supporting Tingle, others accusing her of not only damaging the ABC, but also her own brand.


The week began with correspondents responding to Peter Hartcher’s incisive article about Donald Trump, in which he explained the former president was still likely to win the presidential election even after having been found guilty in a hush money trial. “America no longer offers a dream to ordinary working people,” wrote Hartcher. Mike Kenneally of Manly agreed: “The same can be said for Australia. Labor has deserted its traditional base; ‘ordinary working people’ have borne the brunt of higher interest rates and the general cost of living.”

Mal Kirkpatrick of Coombabah (Qld) was one of many who enjoyed the letters about education editor Lucy Carroll’s story on schools returning to explicit teaching. “I always start my day with the letters page, as well as Granny, and I am inspired by the considered and eloquent comments by the writers who come from both sides of the political fence. Lately, comments regarding the swing back to more traditional teaching methods have revealed that many of the contributors are ex-chalkies. As a retired English teacher, it fills my heart with joy, and in some way makes up for the loss of staff room debates that filled much of my time at the chalk-face – or is that iPad-face now?“
Pat Stringa, letters editor

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