

This was published 3 months ago

Has Laura Tingle’s questionable claim tarnished her brand?

There are two problematic issues with Laura Tingle’s public comment about Australia being a racist country (“So Tingle has been outed as ‘partisan’? What nonsense”, June 6). First, the basis of the claim is unclear. Absent a clearly stated federal government policy, such as “white Australia”, the claim needs to be backed up with evidence, so a listener can judge its merits and make comparisons with other countries. The recent “No” vote doesn’t cut it, because that vote had a large non-racist basis, namely, the electorate not wanting to grant decisive special status to any one group. Second, Tingle has now set her listeners to judge everything she says in the future for evidence of a similarly strong but unsupported bias. She has tarnished her own brand unnecessarily and irretrievably. She must now know this. Young journalists, take note. Allen Greer, Sydney

Credit: Tom Compagnoni

Your story begs the obvious question: who’s bullying who at the ABC (“ABC boss’ fury over harassment”, June 6)? Managing director David Anderson may well believe that bullying is unacceptable. However, as your columnist Niki Savva points out, senior ABC management has a pathetic record when its own staff are attacked by the usual suspects, led as ever by Murdoch journalists (“Dutton and ABC behaving badly”, June 6). This buckling to News Corp isn’t new. As we approach a federal election we can expect the attacks on the ABC to intensify. Let’s hope that the ABC’s new chair Kim Williams, a former Murdoch employee himself, can encourage his senior managers to toughen up, show backbone and stand by respected journalists like Tingle. All the fine talk about tackling inhouse bullying will be meaningless unless ABC management clean up their own acts. Nick Franklin, Katoomba

In criticising Peter Dutton and defending fellow journalist Laura Tingle, Savva misses an important point. The “much less structured forum” where Tingle made her now admitted “regretful observations” consisted of progressive journalists Barry Cassidy, Savva, Amy Remekis and Bridget Brennan. None of these panel members challenged Tingle and all of them are Dutton critics. If Cassidy had organised a more politically balanced panel by including conservative journalists, Tingle would have been pressured into substantiating her “offhand” observations. Riley Brown, Bondi Beach

Hear, hear Alan Sunderland. Sadly mischief-makers, catastrophists and ABC haters aren’t given to reality checks. Full strength to Laura Tingle. Donna Wiemann, Balmain

It’s good to see Sunderland’s defence of Laura Tingle’s “balance” but I’d like to know why even her defenders aren’t stating one simple, controversy-ending point - it’s not mere “opinion” when what is said is a fact. Lloyd Swanton, Wentworth Falls

Sunderland’s opinion piece made me laugh all day, with the claim the ABC’s Tingle is not partisan. What a great comic. I have yet to find a piece by Tingle that is positive about the opposition, nor one critical of the government. Trust me, I have tried. Mark Latchford, Seaforth


Like Savva, I’m heartily sick of the timid response to Dutton’s divisive dog-whistling. Laura Tingle just said what every honest Aussie knows is true. We are a racist country. The Voice referendum confirmed it. The Coalition’s blatant migrant-bashing is the sour cherry on top. Impartiality be damned. I’m partial to the truth. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

Dutton’s numbers game adds up to divisive tactic

To contest Niki Savva’s very first sentence, the issue is the numbers (“Mood on immigration is tinder dry”, June 6). The Labor government has given us two years straight of half-million net migration. It’s the opposite to what was promised. Opposite to what voters want, poll after poll. Now, the government’s third budget claims migration will be halved, down to 260,000. Dutton has indicated 160,000 net migration. That’s a big difference. Excluding the COVID year of 2020–21, it’s the lowest figure anyone has floated for 20 years. In the name of long-suffering voters, is there any possibility this can be considered on its merits? Not a chance. Forget about the blossoming tent cities. Forget about failing services, static real wages, and the all-time rental crisis. Instead, Savva, like Laura Tingle, instinctively plays the racist card. Would they stoop to consider voters? No way. Stephen Saunders, O’Connor (ACT)


Savva calls out Peter Dutton’s tactics. One item was particularly noteworthy. The head of CSIRO said about Dutton’s criticism of the CSIRO report on nuclear energy, “When you stop debating the scientific merits of ideas, you are almost dog whistling that science itself is untrustworthy. And that there is some grander conspiracy that organisations like CSIRO are part of. I think that’s dangerous”.
Remind anyone of Donald Trump’s “alternative facts”? Disinformation has been given a megaphone by social media, and AI will make it worse. Luckily, our electoral system isn’t broken like the US, but the Australian Electoral Commission is concerned enough to put out a Disinformation Register. The line between spin and disinformation is a thin one and will be relevant at the next election. Gary Barnes, Mosman

Savva is correct in that Dutton has thrown caution to the wind in his desperation to distinguish his party’s policies from those of the government. While he may be able to blur the lines with immigration, it is virtually impossible for him to do so with nuclear power, where the facts are easily verifiable. The CSIRO’s reports are always peer-reviewed, and the organisation is ranked among the top research agencies in the world. The only ally that Dutton has is the Murdoch media. Peter Nash, Fairlight

As usual, Savva has produced her acid pen with which to flog Dutton and does an admirable job – except that any calmly analytical viewer of the Dutton budget reply would attest to it having been measured rather than inflammatory. You really need to know the Savva/Turnbull/Dutton history. Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield


Powerhouse will end up as a function venue

As one who has fought for the continued operation of the Powerhouse Museum at Ultimo ever since the former NSW government announced plans to move it to Parramatta, I continue to be amazed at the disingenuous statements produced by the proponents of the current scheme (“Public slams new plans for Powerhouse”, June 6). The Infrastructure NSW chief states that they would result in “more exhibition space, not less”. Yet the plans as presented clearly show that the existing exhibition spaces will be reduced to three. What’s missing from statements in support of the proposal is the word “floor”. Yes, we will get three huge cavernous spaces, displaying a few large items, but these spaces will be more appropriate for functions, which is the sub-plot of the proponents. Surely we have more than enough of those already? Elizabeth Elenius, Pyrmont

Dud policy

Just when NSW household interest in home batteries begins to pick up and battery prices are falling, along comes the NSW government to kill off battery sales by announcing a rebate that doesn’t start for five months (“Solar woe as battery sales dive”, June 6). Household investment in rooftop solar is virtually the only thing adding generating capacity to the national grid now, so you might think the government would bend over backwards to support households and the industry. Not so. This is another kick in the teeth for those trying to support the transition to clean energy. The Minns government needs to reboot its battery support scheme now. Gavin Gilchrist, Annandale

Housing rethink

The greatest fear over the NSW government’s attempt to address the housing problem is that substandard, unsafe units will be built (“Building blitz units face woes”, June 6). However, Labor has a policy to build something in places that make sense, and standards can be monitored. It was the Liberals who decided that handing over the public housing sector to investors was a great way for government to get out of public housing. The Liberals also praised the increases in house prices and tax concessions for investors. As well, the majority of taxpayers have recently told us they would prefer a tax cut at the expense of cutting government services. Public housing is exactly that – state-owned buildings that provide for those in our community who are doing it tough and will never be able to afford their own homes. With the projected prices of $1.4 million, these new units will still be out of reach of the intended users. A rethink is needed by all of us as to how to help those who are most vulnerable in our community, and provide them with a roof over their heads. Robert Mulas, Corlette

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:


Democracy rules

Prime Minister Narendra Modi should not be surprised at the outcome of the election, although he might well lament Henry Kissinger’s observation that democracy is far too important to be left up to the people (“Modi’s third win a chance to restore India as a leading democracy”, June 6). Rick Duley, North Perth (WA)

End of an era

I came out on a P&O ship, the Strathmore, as a £14 Pom. It was well before £10 Poms started arriving, and sadly — given my size — I don’t remember anything of the adventure (“Carnival is over as P&O cruises sail off into sunset”, June 5), not even Patrick White, a fellow passenger who’d boarded at Port Said and was writing The Aunt’s Story and who (maybe) met my Liverpudlian mum and patted my head. And now, even sadder, I learn that the Carnival is over. RIP great brand. John Bevins, McMahons Point

Coffee first

In the intense competition to make the Olympics ever more ridiculous, I suppose you need a Barista de Mission to complement the Chef de Mission (”Team of Olympic baristas to keep athletes on top form“, June 6). Tony Mitchell, Hillsdale


Trust teachers

I’m reasonably sure that the teachers expressing their preference for explicit teaching in maths are not forcing their students to sit in rows reciting times tables all day long (Letters, June 6). Teachers take in various students’ learning styles and needs and can make lessons fun at the same time as instilling fundamental skills. This reminds me of the predictable regularity that the debate comes up over the use of phonics to teach English. Teachers are generally not one-dimensional in their approach to getting across important concepts in their classrooms. Margaret Grove, Concord

Student accommodation

Your op-ed accused Randwick Council of treating international students with disrespect, and called council a bunch of “privileged tossers”. It’s colourful rhetoric but ignores important facts (“Let’s not be tossers to our foreign students. Looking at you, Randwick”, June 5).

The commentary about our opposition to UNSW’s proposal to build towers up to 23 storeys with up to 1066 student rooms on Anzac Parade ignores council’s history of increasing housing supply near UNSW. Since 2020, 13 major developments have been approved along Anzac Parade, including five towers over 15 storeys. These will result in more than 3000 new student rooms – the first opening this month. With this housing in the pipeline, local residents, the councillors who represent them, and major institutions like NIDA, are right to question whether more expensive student accommodation is the right outcome for this public land.

The proposed site is small, and this bulky development would encroach on neighbouring NIDA, one of Australia’s revered cultural institutions. There is no doubt that increasing supply is a crucial part of addressing the crisis of housing affordability. But the solution isn’t reductive name-calling – it’s every level of government and the private sector working together for the public good. Philipa Veitch, Mayor of Randwick Council


Snow woe

Climate change will reveal just the one winner in the ski fields: mountain biking (“The ski season is here. Only one lift out of 78 is expected to be running”,, June 6). John Anderson, Macmasters Beach

What to do about Origin when someone is sent off early

Surely, it is time for rugby codes to respect their supporters by ensuring games are played in the best and fairest way. This means that teams are evenly matched with equal numbers of players at all times (“Suaalii’s debut over in minutes after high hit”, June 6). The State of Origin was an example of the game being ruined by one team losing a player in the eighth minute ending in a 28-point winning margin for Queensland. A way to prevent this is for the player who infringes to be sent off and a substitute player sent on. A 20-point penalty is awarded to the opposing team. NSW may have made up that margin and the long-suffering public would have seen a game, not a walkover, for their hard-earned dollars. Richard Dougan, Northbridge


It doesn’t matter whether it’s USA politics or State of Origin, the aim is the same. Try to get rid of your main opponent. The important thing is to do it without losing the advantage. The NSW coach should have used a more experienced player to wipe out the opposition’s best player. Michael Walsh, Croydon

Our national anthem is not great, but it’s the only one we have. I watched the start of Origin and wondered as the anthem was “sung” if I’d inadvertently run across the preliminary to a Las Vegas prize fight. After that, and with too many bad haircuts and in-your-face tattoos filling the screen, I went to bed. Frank McGrath, Bulli

The best thing about last night’s State Of Origin match was a lovely version of our national anthem performed by a man and his acoustic guitar. What a dirge it normally is. Nicholas Beauman, Neutral Bay

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