

This was published 2 years ago

‘A game-changer’: NSW to introduce an extra year of education

By Jordan Baker

NSW will introduce an extra year of education in the biggest reform of schooling in a generation, offering five days per week of pre-kindergarten to every four-year-old by 2030 in a budget pledge worth $5.8 billion over 10 years.

The government will work with the early childhood sector to create the tens of thousands of places needed, which could include adding new facilities to schools as well as expanding existing community pre-schools and long daycare centres.

The NSW and Victorian governments are introducing universal pre-kindergarten.

The NSW and Victorian governments are introducing universal pre-kindergarten.Credit: iStock

Premier Dominic Perrottet said the decision to introduce a universal, pre-kindergarten year of play-based learning reflected the importance of early education to children’s future. “This is incredible reform that will change lives,” he said.

NSW and Victoria are acting in tandem on the policy, in another joint move from the two states. “We begin today by planting the seeds, knowing the benefits won’t be known for years to come. But knowing they’ll be shared by everyone,” Perrottet and Victorian Premier Dan Andrews said in a joint statement.

Research shows the first five years of a child’s life are critical for their development and strongly predict not only how they will perform in school, but also their long-term health and their involvement with the justice system. Around 200,000 children under five in NSW do not access any type of formal early learning.

NSW Education Minister Sarah Mitchell said ensuring children have five days a week of play-based learning in the year before school would help the crucial transition to kindergarten. “It will be a game-changer,” she told the Herald.

Mitchell said pre-kindergarten would not be compulsory, though the government might reconsider that if take-up was low. When the reform has been introduced elsewhere, such as Toronto in Canada, the take-up has been around 95 per cent.

A pilot would begin next year. At first, families would have to pay, but eventually it would be free.

There are around 100,000 children in each year cohort in NSW. “We’re going to take a little bit of time to develop how it works, and we want to work closely with the sector,” said Ms Mitchell.


Those discussions would include how and where to begin. “It will be a combination of [having facilities on] school sites where we can [and] supporting existing services,” Mitchell said. “It’s pretty major reform, so it is going to take us a few years to roll it all out.”

For Education Minister Sarah Mitchell, the reforms are the culmination of years of work.

For Education Minister Sarah Mitchell, the reforms are the culmination of years of work.Credit: Brook Mitchell

The government will also look at how to offer before- and after-hours care to children attending pre-schools that keep shorter hours.

The extra pre-school year will also help identify health and development issues that might have made learning difficult for students when they began school, said Mitchell, for whom this policy is the culmination of years of work in the early childhood and education portfolios.

“A lot of the conversations that I have … particularly with our primary teachers, is even though more kids are going to early childhood education, there’s still a lot that walk into the door on the first day of kindergarten where that transition hasn’t been strong,” she said.

“The earlier you get in and help address some of these issues, the more likely you are to be able to correct anything that can be treated.”


Research has also shown the high cost of childcare has been forcing many parents to send children to school before they were ready.

Early Learning and Care Council of Australia chief executive Elizabeth Death said the policy was a “game-changer in Australia”, especially as at least one in five children was beginning school developmentally vulnerable.

“We know that children who start behind often stay behind and we know that learning starts at birth, so extending the universal education system to include the early years makes perfect sense,” she said.

However, the reform was directly dependent on recruiting and retaining early childhood educators and teachers. “We need urgent discussions with governments at all levels to support the uplift of wages and conditions for teachers and educators,” she said.

NSW Early Childhood Learning Sarah Mitchell, Treasurer Matt Kean and Minister for Education and Premier Dominic Perrottet,.

NSW Early Childhood Learning Sarah Mitchell, Treasurer Matt Kean and Minister for Education and Premier Dominic Perrottet,.Credit: Steven Siewert

Ben Edwards, associate professor of child and youth development and longitudinal studies from Australian National University, said the announcement was “huge”.

“Parents will absolutely love it,” he said. “It’s not without challenges. The biggest challenges will be bricks and mortar, which could be worked out by working with the school system. That leads to a stronger connection to kids being socialised into schools.

“My concern would be maintaining high-quality care with qualified preschool teachers.”

The government is also spending $376.5 million over four years on giving children a full suite of developmental checks. It has also pledged more than $280 million to train early childhood teachers and carers.


Mitchell said the reform was a culmination of years of work.

“What will happen in this budget is really the culmination of having good women in parliament at the right time in the right portfolios supported by good men who see the benefit of this,” she said.

Previously, the NSW government directed most its early childhood education funding to preschools.

Preschools – which generally offer school hours – have been free or low-cost for three- and four-year-olds to attend for 15 hours per week for the past few years.

The vast majority of funding for students in long daycare has come from the Commonwealth. Around two-thirds of children do their pre-school program in long daycare.


The NSW government is also spending $5 billion over 10 years to allow private childcare operators to be paid to expand or build new centres.

It is the first time NSW has intervened in long daycare, which until now has been run by the federal government through fee subsidies.

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