This was published 4 years ago
No nation can conquer pandemic on its own
As British Prime Minister Boris Johnson lies ill in a hospital intensive care unit, perhaps his mind has gone back to his hero, Winston Churchill, who in the nation's darkest hour turned to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, "the greatest American friend that Britain ever found". How different times are today, when it seems to be every nation for itself.
The British government has already spoken of the need for a "reckoning" with the People's Republic of China over its handling of the Wuhan outbreak once the COVID-19 crisis is over. "We have to be tough about calling out baseless propaganda, advocating free societies and refusing to be dependent on the technology of a totalitarian system," wrote Mr Johnson's fellow Conservative MP William Hague.
Beijing's approach to health statistics resembles its approach to economic ones, where its growth numbers are widely understood to be official fictions. The same Communist Party that still cannot speak the truth on the human toll of such catastrophes as the Great Leap Forward, Tiananmen Square or the Sichuan earthquake can hardly be expected to show transparency over its mishandling of a virus that may have killed as many as 40,000 people in Wuhan alone.
It is surely right that China be held to account for its decisions and actions and that the World Health Organisation's role in the early stages of this crisis – when it praised China's response despite clear evidence that Beijing was hiding the extent and gravity of the problem – is scrutinised. This will include renewed focus on wet markets in China and how they foster diseases such as COVID-19 and SARS.
However, proper investigations that ensure greater preparedness for the next global health emergency require resources and a commitment to co-operation. US President Donald Trump's threat to defund the WHO is misguided and, sadly, of a piece with his ideas that the US is somehow being swindled by NATO, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Paris agreement on emissions and the World Trade Organisation.
At a time when, as federal Liberal MP Dave Sharma put it, "if we did not have [the WHO], we would have to invent it", Mr Trump has dedicated his energies to bickering and blame-shifting, putting him at odds with international allies and even the governors of his own United States. It might well be said that the WHO's conduct in this crisis has left it open to attack - but the President seems less interested in reform of a rules-based order than he is in wrecking all rules and letting the devil take the hindmost.
The strength of such rules depends upon the willingness of other major powers to adhere to them, yet the reaction of Saudi Arabia to UN criticism of its war on Yemen and the US to investigation of its troops' actions in Afghanistan gives us little cause for hope. If we want a better China, we need to see a better America and European Union that live up to their founding visions and show leadership in eradicating this virus wherever it is found.
It will fall to Australia and other countries outside the US-China rivalry to make the case against pulling down the shutters and retreating into our national boltholes. We should remind Beijing and Washington of how they worked together to fight SARS, the global financial crisis and Ebola despite their differences.
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The problems created by the coronavirus may require us to physically self-isolate, but they cannot be defeated in national isolation or by peddling North Korea-style myths of self-reliance. We certainly need to revisit the terms of our relationship with and dependence upon Beijing. But we must not forget the role global trade and exchange has played in lifting mankind out of poverty and the ill health that defined previous eras. From the South Pacific to South-east Asia, Africa to Latin America and New York to Wuhan, only together can we overcome this challenge.