

This was published 4 years ago


Free speech for doctors in China. Now

As the disruption from the pandemic ripples through society and the global economy, it's only natural to discuss what to expect when it finally subsides.

That's the time when the coronavirus outbreak stabilises, infections and deaths fall, and we can slowly go back to normal.

Ophthalmologist Li Wenliang was warned off by police for "spreading rumours" by trying to warn of the disease.

Ophthalmologist Li Wenliang was warned off by police for "spreading rumours" by trying to warn of the disease.

It will, of course, be a new normal. Expectations and outcomes around government, business and society will all shift.

Not just at home but abroad.

For that reason, the issue of free speech in China must move up the chain of priorities for democracies such as Australia.


The current lack of free speech for doctors in China is now a global health issue.

Doctors in China knew they had discovered a worrying virus, and they moved to alert authorities and the world but were stopped by the Chinese Communist Party.

We now live with the aftermath of the failure of the People's Republic of China's political system.


If arguing for the free expression of doctors within China seems surprising, it's only because the CCP has been so successful at setting the terms of discussion about the nation, both at home and abroad.


An ophthalmologist at a hospital in Wuhan named Li Wenliang was one of eight people warned by police in January for "spreading rumours" about the emergence of the coronavirus. The next month, the 34-year-old died of the COVID-19 setting off outrage and mourning by the public, which itself was censored on the nation's social media networks.

The Party is doing what it has done from its inception: used information not to inform but to condition a public. It continues.

You can see the trend in the language the WHO has used to praise China’s system in the aftermath of the outbreak.

"The US hoped bringing Beijing into international organisations would change it for the better, but the opposite is happening," a recent Bloomberg editorial noted.

WHO officials' willingness to toe the CCP line, prompted Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso to ask rhetorically if the organisation should be renamed the “Chinese Health Organization.”

As the virus spread, the CCP's vast international communications network now aims to shape the global views of the outbreak.

The majority of this effort isn't the negative disinformation around the events on the ground in Wuhan, but positive images that portray the CCP as a benevolent organisation.

China has the scale and the party has the will to make this story stick. This is how propaganda works. It has consequences for our political system as well.

As ANU national security adviser Katherine Mansted wrote: "Foreign manipulation of public opinion undermines the rights of Australian citizens to determine their own political future."

Australia's media, government, business and the public are going to have to think big about this topic.

No longer can we simply claim this is an internal matter for China of no interest to us.

In the years leading up to coronavirus, we have learnt how Beijing’s long game of interference in democracies aims to divide us internally, while capturing a cadre of local elites who will advocate – sometimes for pay - the CCP’s position on core issues.

The reality of the CCP’s coronavirus response, nowhere to be seen in photos of medical aid delivery planes on tarmacs, is that China's ruling party is trying to bend the will of the world to suit Beijing.

Rather than fact-check CCP propaganda, Australia needs to set out the value of free, rational speech for the world to hear.

So far Australia has been able to react rapidly to the outbreak because our medical profession doesn't fear repercussions for speaking up.

Under the law, no one should fear expressing themselves. For this reason, the concern remains that current laws give too much power to government and not enough to genuine whistleblowers and journalists.

To prepare Australia for the challenges in the 21st century, we as a society must stand firmly behind free expression.

Not only is free speech right and natural for doctors within Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, it's a right for doctors within mainland China, too.

If the medical professionals there don’t have it, the world remains at risk.

Whether China’s government would agree to this expanded right for its doctors may not matter as much as the position, firmly held by Australia, to support the non-coercive, free exchange of information in the world.

This new reality is being acknowledging elsewhere already.

"During the current, unprecedented coronavirus outbreak, our health depends not just on the openness of our own society but the honesty of others,” said Britain's Foreign Affairs Committee chair Tom Tugendhat.

“Media freedom anywhere affects our health everywhere," he said.

Unambiguous support for China's doctors' right to free expression helps Australians better understand the origin of the outbreak, too.

Not only is free expression a core value at home, it's a value that Australia needs to stand for in the world.

We should reaffirm support for the value now, and let it guide our thinking about who we are at home and who we need to be in the world after the pandemic.

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