

This was published 4 years ago

The war within the war over coronavirus

By Chris Zappone

Five weeks into the outbreak of coronavirus in Wuhan, the World Health Organisation’s director general paid a visit to Beijing to understand the situation in China.

At the conclusion of Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ January 29 meeting with Xi Jinping in the Great Hall of the People, the Chinese government issued a statement.

Back when it was a domestic story. Medical workers discuss patients' treatment near a Communist Party flag at the "Wuhan Living Room" temporary hospital in Wuhan in early February.

Back when it was a domestic story. Medical workers discuss patients' treatment near a Communist Party flag at the "Wuhan Living Room" temporary hospital in Wuhan in early February. Credit: AP

"Hailing the high speed and massive scale of China's moves […] rarely seen in the world, Tedros said it showed China's efficiency and the advantages of China's system,” the statement said. "The experience of China is worth learning for other countries…”

The endorsement of “China’s system” was incongruous: the Chinese Communist Party initially sought to hide the outbreak in Wuhan and punish the doctors who tried to raise the alarm.

By the time China’s government admitted the outbreak was happening, it had gone global. Now governments worldwide are on a “war” footing to contain the pandemic that has infected half a million people worldwide, killed more than 23,000 and threatens to destroy economies from the inside.

But the statement from China hinted at another war: the fast-moving battle by governments to control the narrative around coronavirus.

President Xi Jinping with WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Beijing on January 28.

President Xi Jinping with WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in Beijing on January 28. Credit: Getty

China wants to be seen as capable, advanced and in possession of the political system most suitable to handle the emergency, say China experts.

President Donald Trump does not want to be seen as responsible for the virus as it further grips the US, where there are 75,000 cases and over 1000 deaths so far, outpacing China in the number of infections. The Trump White House is adamant that any lasting blame should fall squarely on Beijing.


This battle for perceptions within the war against the virus exposes the anxiety of the great competition between China and the US in our time. A decisive winner could help convince the world of their political system’s superiority in the years to come.

For a White House consumed with messaging and public perception (and no stranger to disinformation itself), the idea that a pathogen with origins in China could tank the US economy and sap confidence is not something that would go uncontested.

While trying to ensure blame for the crisis flowed away from Washington and towards Beijing, Trump insisted coronavirus was the “Chinese virus”, whipping up anger against Asians and Americans who have Asian backgrounds.

A meeting of G7 foreign ministers on Wednesday ended without a joint statement after US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo pushed unsuccessfully to get member nations to agree to call coronavirus “Wuhan virus”.

The Trump administration is now reportedly considering forcing Chinese journalists it suspects of spying to leave the US.

Beijing has dialled up the volume and variety of messaging on coronavirus through diplomatic channels, state media and social media for weeks, to deflect blame for the outbreak and to try to position itself in the world’s eyes as the competent, generous problem-solver.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the Group of Seven members were all aware of China's "disinformation campaign" regarding the coronavirus outbreak.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the Group of Seven members were all aware of China's "disinformation campaign" regarding the coronavirus outbreak.Credit: AP

"The Chinese Communist Party is waging a propaganda campaign to desperately try to shift responsibility for the global COVID-19 pandemic to the United States," said a US Embassy spokesperson. "This campaign began when we started to call out the risk that was created not only for the Chinese people, but for people all across the world."

Images of Chinese aid have circulated widely on China’s Western-facing media and social networks. State media has leaned heavily into the idea that COVID-19 didn’t necessarily begin in China, and that democracies were incapable of meeting the challenge from it.

Spokeswomen from the US and China have even engaged in a Twitter battle about it.

When Italy, where COVID-19 cases soared to 80,000 with 8100 deaths, received 30 tonnes of Red Cross medical aid from China, it was highly publicised by the Chinese and Italian media.

But as The Diplomat notes, “the Chinese Red Cross reciprocated for the help received from the Italian Red Cross only one month earlier, when Italy sent 18 tonnes of supplies to Wuhan”.

China even promoted a faked video of an Italian suburb playing the Chinese national anthem.

Surprisingly, there has been more fakery of the viral kind: Chinese state spokesman Zhao Lijian tweeted a story from a Canadian-based disinformation site that claims COVID-19 originated in the US.

The US-China contest over global public perceptions looks set to harden further.

Earlier this week, the White House reportedly launched a communications plan across multiple federal agencies to push back on China's messages.

“Thanks to the … cover-up, Chinese and international experts missed a critical window to contain the outbreak within China and stop its global spread,” one internal presentation read, according to the Daily Beast. “Saving lives is more important than saving face.”

The propaganda war is simply another dimension to the US-China competition. The Trump White House’s unrelenting response matches the speed with which China converted what had been an internal crisis into an opportunity to criticise democracy in general and the US specifically.

Asked if the People's Republic of China was trying to shift the coronavirus story to reflect the weaknesses of other countries, China's Australian embassy said: "The virus is a common scourge facing all. With our future linked together, countries can only overcome the challenge by standing in solidarity."

The reality is a bit more divisive.

It’s not clear if China is acting from growing confidence or growing fear. It’s also not clear how systematic this effort is: Zhao Lijian’s conspiracy tweets were disavowed by China’s ambassador to the US.

China's embassy told The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald that its government departments worked "in co-ordination" on the global coronavirus response but "media outlets worked on their own".

What's clear is that the Communist Party of China has faced unprecedented criticism domestically for both its initial inaction and then cover-up around coronavirus despite its media controls, said China Media Project editor David Bandurski.

“There is certainly an element of desperation for China over the question of the epidemic and its origins,” he said. “So the leadership is keen to ensure that international opinion does not turn against China, further impacting the party’s perceived legitimacy.”

Adam Ni, director of the China Policy Centre, said it’s noteworthy that “China is stepping up its external propaganda efforts”.

“Beijing may actually believe that it has a superior system compared to liberal democracies, and the current crisis may reinforce that perception among those in China and beyond,” said Ni.

That means “highlighting the supposed superiority of China's political and governance system” while focusing “heavily on the shortcoming of the international response to the virus, especially in Europe and the US”.

The twin goals explain why the China’s state messaging promotes images that celebrate its aid to Italy, while posting interviews, like CGTN did to its 14 million followers on Twitter, suggesting COVID-19 was in Italy in October, weeks before it was reported in China.

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s Fergus Ryan said that the worse “the West does at preventing the spread of the virus, the easier it will be for China to promote an image of itself as a responsible and humanitarian global power”.

Yet the more China tries to hide its role about the initial coronavirus outbreak, “the more damage it will do to its image in the world”.

Bandurski said that part of the issue of the moment is how much communications have changed.

“The post-truth malaise is about more than just the Trump White House,” he said. “We now have a global media ecosystem that thrives on falsehoods, innuendo and could-be truths.”

Whoever understands that environment and its opportunities best will have the upper hand in this information confrontation. The US, as in many areas of competition with China - space, cyber, technology policy, supply chains - appears to have been caught flat-footed by Beijing's shift in strategy.

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Should China succeed in the global propaganda war around coronavirus, as it appears to be attempting, the CCP will have achieved a revision of history in real-time on the screens of social media users everywhere.

But this would be ironic, because as Bandurski says: “we cannot, or should not, forget the fact that the Chinese Communist Party's obsession with perception over truth was actually how the saga of this global pandemic began.”

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