

This was published 4 years ago

Phone detection cameras risk 'overwhelming' courts

By Michaela Whitbourn

A high-tech camera program cracking down on drivers' dangerous mobile phone use may result in as many as 2.4 million NSW motorists being hit with infringement notices each year.

The increase in fines could result in an "overwhelming" volume of Local Court challenges to penalties, a report has said.

The Berejiklian government conducted a three-month pilot this year of the mobile phone detection cameras, which captured thousands of drivers illegally using their phones at the site of two fixed cameras, the M4 motorway at Prospect and Anzac Parade at Moore Park, and a range of other major arterial roads in Sydney.

The government wants to crack down on motorists illegally using a mobile phone.

The government wants to crack down on motorists illegally using a mobile phone.Credit: Darrian Traynor

Of the 8.5 million drivers photographed, more than 100,000 or 1.2 per cent were detected using their phones illegally.  At the site of the fixed cameras, 95,000 drivers were nabbed, representing a non-compliance rate of 1.8 per cent.


Last year, NSW Police issued about 37,500 penalty notices for mobile phone use offences.

On Tuesday, a NSW upper house committee tabled a report examining a bill that would enable the rollout of mobile phone detection cameras.

It was "fully" supportive of the scheme in general terms and noted mobile phone use while driving was associated with "a four-fold increase in the risk of a crash".

There were at least 158 crashes between 2012 and 2018 involving a driver or rider using a mobile phone, resulting in 12 deaths and 212 injuries, and experts believe the contribution of mobile phone use to crashes is under-reported.


The government's transport agency, Transport for NSW, estimated 135 million vehicle checks would be undertaken using the camera program each year.

About 3 per cent of police infringement notices for mobile phone-related offences are challenged in the Local Court, the committee heard.

"If, as occurred in the pilot program, 1.8 per cent of these checks identified an offence then the number of infringement notices issued in the first year would be 2,430,000," the report said.

"Even if just 3 per cent of these were challenged in the Local Court ... this would see some 72,900 cases filed."

The report said "even if these numbers are not able to be relied upon with certainty ... this program runs the risk of overwhelming the Local Court".


Greens MP David Shoebridge, the deputy chair of the committee, told the Herald "everyone can see why this program is needed".

"What is missing from the government is any plan to stop the Local Court melting down from the case load," he said.

But Bernard Carlon, executive director of Transport for NSW's centre for road safety, told the committee  $88 million had been budgeted over the forward estimates to cover the cost of the rollout across all agencies.

"That does include additional resources for the court system?" Labor MP John Graham asked.

"Yes," Mr Carlon replied.

The Department of Communities and Justice told the committee deterring court action was one of the reasons behind a controversial proposal to reverse the onus of proof, so drivers photographed holding an object would be presumed to be holding a mobile phone.

The driver would then have to provide evidence satisfying the court "on the balance of probabilities" that it was not a phone.

The committee, chaired by the Shooters and Fishers' Robert Borsak and comprising three government MPs, two Labor MPs, and the Greens' Mr Shoebridge, recommended the upper house consider the bill including "any amendments" to the provision reversing the onus.

The report said the Local Court may be overwhelmed by work "regardless of whether or not a reverse onus is in place".

The Attorney-General was contacted for comment.

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