

This was published 6 years ago


Kondo confession: I have 113 coat-hangers in a 75cm wardrobe

By Rita Glennon

With Marie Kondo back in the news, it’s high time I came out of the closet – and quite frankly, there’s no room left in there anyway.

My name is Rita, and I’m a clothes-aholic. In the Herald last year I defended holding on to a stack of clothes because most of them “sparked joy” and some (though two sizes too small) might one day fit me again, meanwhile motivating me to lose weight.

Coat-hanger congestion.

Coat-hanger congestion.

But amid the Kondo clutter combat commotion, I came across a rule regarding how many coat-hangers a wardrobe should contain – 40 – and counted mine: 113. May I add that they hung in a space that is 75 centimetres wide? You do the maths. Yep, it was tighter in there than a mozzie’s arse.

And these accommodated only that part of my spring-summer collection that fit me now and suited my life as a mother of two kids: one who spews and one who wipes her hands on the nearest cloth (usually the one I’m wearing).


Delayed gratification where clothing is concerned has not been a forte since my first paid job at 13. And as my income has increased, so has my pursuit of sartorial elegance. Less a gourmand than a glamour wannabe, I can eschew smashed avocado and schnapps down town, but if a new shade of lilac on the market suits me, I want it: in skirts, shirts and jumpers.

As for the article I wrote, advocating crates that stack at the back of the garage so nothing need be thrown out? Let’s call it what it was: denial. As some readers who left comments online suggested, I had become a hoarder.

The problem is: while most of my clothes pass Kondo’s “spark joy” test, making them keepers, my addiction has affected the rest of my life – or to rephrase the first of those famous 12 steps, my wardrobe has become unmanageable.

So, can Kondo and her ilk help? Well, yes. I have already cut the hangers in my closet to 62. However, I’m not about to overwhelm charity bins with the raiments that remain. As many a Buddhist nun will tell you, we in the West possess enough to clothe us for several lifetimes.


Instead, I’ve decided to keep the Bunkers and buy nothing more until my threads are in tatters, either from over-laundering or (the horror) an attack of moths and silverfish.

And if you should see me five years from now looking oh, so 2018 – or 2008, or 1998 – judge me for what I am: a reformed clothes-aholic, saved by Marie mania.

Rita Glennon is a Sydney Morning Herald journalist.

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