By Rita Glennon
Like Japan's decluttering queen, Marie Kondo, I believe there is a life-changing magic to tidying up. I believe, to quote another of her book titles, that the objects we live with should "spark joy". But as I try to shed the 12 kilograms I have acquired over the past seven years, I also believe in 80-litre crates called Bunkers that stack neatly in the garage.
A home dotted by only a few beloved objects may have the tranquillity of a Shinto shrine. But aspirations bloom from boxes stashed in the depths of the wardrobe: boxes of size 10 clothes that I long to wear again if I can but overhaul my laissez faire approach to cream on top (and on the side).
It was during a mission to weed out old personal effects during the silly season, while the clutches of the working year were loose and summer's lazy days invited a drift into nostalgia, that I recovered the neatly stored clothes. I loved them when I bought them and I love them now. And I've decided to pack them in the Bunkers and let them fuel my hopes to lose weight. They have become the equivalent of a personal trainer: "You can do it! Come to us!"
But it's not just hope that old possessions spark. After first meeting my now husband I threw out my Tarot cards and books for fear he would think me a quack. Yet, how delighted was I to find in a wardrobe one pack of cards and a couple of Tarot books. Shuffle, shuffle; it was all coming back. Those years of study had not only been stored in the recesses of my brain, but also in the recesses of my wardrobe.
If we're not careful, throwing things away can turn into an evisceration. In times to come, we may go searching for lost parts of ourselves. And rather than opening a time capsule, or Bunker, we will find ourselves scouring eBay for that part of our identity we discard.
In the consumer culture of the West, our war on waste needs to begin before we acquire. Our homes might better be regarded as museums than shrines; we, the curators of our lives and loves. Buy only the best pieces. And like any gallery or museum, have a storage solution for all we don't wish to see on current display (a double garage helps).
Sometimes we have to accept we will never lose those last 12 kilograms and someone else would benefit from our good threads; that the paraphernalia of bad habits are best jettisoned.
But the hand that is slow to throw is the same hand that will one day grasp our past from some dingy nook or crate and find that it sparks hope as well as joy, and even weaves a little bit of magic.
Rita Glennon is a Herald journalist.