

This was published 2 years ago


Exploding the myth that increasing supply will fix Sydney’s soaring house prices

Booming house prices and plummeting affordability are fuelling anxiety among Sydneysiders and bringing out the supply side “splainers”, who blame urban planning rules for high house prices because they prevent new housing supply.

The idea has been around a long time. It’s stuck because it makes intuitive sense – simple supply and demand. We’re all familiar with the basics of supply and demand; when the supply of a product – such as bananas – goes down, prices go up, and vice versa.

Structural issues as well as supply contribute to Australian property prices.

Structural issues as well as supply contribute to Australian property prices.Credit: Bloomberg

Of course, the housing market is different — in my household, when bananas are expensive, we switch to pears or mandarins, but we can’t as easily substitute our housing needs. Nor is there money to be made by hoarding fruit, unlike houses which have become financialised assets valued for their potential to grow wealth rather than places to live.

Industry groups, politicians, and others ignore these differences and refuse to consider structural solutions to Australia’s housing problems. It’s easier to blame planning regulation and a lack of new supply.

But it takes heroic conviction to argue a lack of supply is our housing problem when Australia’s population growth has made a reverse turn. Over the past two years net overseas migration has fallen into negative territory, yet house prices, propelled by low interest rates and government grants, have continued their stratospheric rise. Between March 2020-2021, Australia’s population growth fell from 1.5 per cent to a mere 0.1 per cent, due to a net overseas migration loss of 95,300 people. Yet by June 2021, house prices had risen by almost 17 per cent.


Would “reforming” state and local planning systems arrest this price growth? Supply “splainers” argue that new construction is the only way to cool prices, and that planning rules are the only constraint on construction. They point to zoning, height and density controls as examples of this constraint. Often, they draw on studies from the United States or the United Kingdom (where planning systems are very different and local governments are more powerful) as “evidence” of the impact of planning on Australia’s housing markets.

The problem is that none of these commentators refer to actual data on the ways in which Australian planning systems operate, or how land developers and property owners behave.

In Australia, where the states and territories have consistently overruled local concerns about new and higher density developments, record numbers of new homes have been delivered over the past five years. In Greater Sydney, housing completions have more than doubled over the past decade, rising from less than 15,000 per year in 2010-2011 to nearly 43,000 by 2018-19; almost 30,000 of which were multi-unit developments.


Further, in calling for planning reform, commentators betray their ignorance of the waves of reform that have been enacted over the past 20 years, largely in the name of housing affordability. Sydneysiders will still remember the infamous 2005 “Part 3A” Major Projects reform which granted sweeping “concept” approval for large residential developments – the industry was calling for its abolition by 2011. Research by Dr Catherine Gilbert and I found that of the 39,600 dwellings proposed under this scheme, 37,537 were approved, although by 2016, less than half of these had been delivered by developers.

Less sensational reforms in NSW have also ensued. For instance, professional experts have replaced elected decision-makers in determining developments; local land use plans must now accommodate long-range housing supply targets; and compliant housing applications are determined via codes and private certifiers.

Whatever you think about these reforms, they’ve neither held back new housing development nor demonstrably improved housing affordability. That’s because the real housing affordability pressures experienced by low-income renters and aspiring home owners will never be addressed by the private market alone regardless of whether we continue to impose expectations about the location, quality, and impact of new housing.

Lockdown has delivered a crucial reminder of the importance of housing design for health and wellbeing, while the looming impacts of climate change make it imperative to maintain and improve rules about where and how we construct new homes.


Unfettered construction may undermine quality and climate resilience, but it won’t solve affordability. At best, price growth may moderate but new controls on lending and the likelihood of future interest hikes will already cause prices to plateau. This won’t do much for aspiring owners currently unable to meet the deposit gap or qualify for a loan, nor address the needs of lower income renters. Even a sudden glut of housing supply won’t resolve affordability, marginal borrowers can’t secure loans in a collapsing market. Meanwhile, competition for lower cost rental accommodation remains intense.

We do need new housing supply as our population grows and changes, in fact, it’s critical. State and local planning systems need to continue to zone land for housing development, deliver timely decisions and ensure the infrastructure – from utilities to transport, schools, hospitals, and green space – supports new development. However, new supply alone is not enough.

To address affordability, we need to reboot the public sector involvement in housing delivery which amounted to over 10 per cent of new homes in the mid 1990s. We need Commonwealth and state governments to support non-profit and community housing schemes as well as shred equity models for aspiring first home buyers. We need to stop talking supply slogans and start talking genuine housing solutions.

Professor Nicole Gurran, Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning and director of the Henry Halloran Trust.

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